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Kid named home improvements
7 hours later…
hey I just had an awful idea
what if I were to use this script and GPT-2 to make an AI-powreed YouTube spam comment generator?
hey lyxal I need some help
birds in shopping center (real)
the DBA.SE people are questioning my status as the One True Ginger
they have demanded one billion gingercoin
what do I do
let me handle this
as you wish
well handled
appreciate the help
no worries
just so long as you aren't birds in coles, I'm happy to help
now I need to go show them Trequel and watch them yell at me for daring to desecrate their sacred God-Language
Funny thing is that I kinda have legitimate interest in that chatroom now
because I'm doing a uni course on database management
@thejonymyster this isn't discord nerd
we no emoji like that here
@lyxal Whatever :epic_rotating_skull:
imagine using discord, couldn't be me
Discord is nice
As long as you don't get scammed
discord is like controversy central
9 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
speaking of discord though
that's a server I joined lately which is just general chat about transport and technology and stuff
it has a minecraft server too
speaking of minecraft though
you heard of the Create mod?
I've seen video thumbnails of it
it's cool
I found a server with a custom modpack that includes it as well as ComputerCraft, IE, and some other stuff
been playing on it for a while
lemme find the discord link
why would you play minecraft with internet explorer?
@Ginger is it the one with gears
yeah ive heard of it
@lyxal immersive engineering
dont see how it could be merged with CC
it's just kinda in there
im boiling some eggs rn, it boils for like 2 seconds then stops for a second. its so weird
y'all ever just think of something you wanted to do and then forget 3 seconds later?
Because I just did and now I haven't a clue what I wanted to do 3 seconds ago
@lyxal seggan's eggs rn
dang. Never thought I'd see the day I can vibe with eggs
@lyxal was it steal the cup that is on my desk?
@Ginger well no, because that's to happen in 6 seconds
I remember now!
wait the cup is gone how tf did you do that
@Ginger a true gamer never reveals his secrets
that doesn't sound very [open-source] of you
well if I told you how I heisted your cup, all of mine would be stolen
how do you know I haven't already taken them
cant wait for you to move 20 cups to the bakery (by stealing them)
this is off-topic, not garbage
19 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
what is it with DBA.SE, TNB and baking things???
wait how do I move messages?
pin me please
click room
and then move messages
ctrl+click to select multiple individual messages
shift+click to select multiple
also that's not a pin
If you think abuot it, "RO" is short for "Room Owner" Which means we all just got "Owned"
that's a star :P
8 messages moved from Room where mousetail is RO
HAHAHAHAHAHA unlimited power
bro you didn't pin it
let's try that again
I have just as much power
haha I got this pinned in OTTNB
^ pin that
and then move it
9 messages moved from Room where mousetail is RO
okay then
just had to clear the starboard of the pins :p
I tried
it worked btw
the messages that were pinned were pinned here
oh no
they stole them and made them into a snack
53 mins ago, by lyxal
user image
53 mins ago, by lyxal
user image
I feel like no one took the implication of birds in a shopping centre seriously
like seriously how do birds get into store?
why birds do get store into?
yknow I saw a pigeon in a train station in england and asked myself the same question
no photo exists but I saw it with my own eyes
this is different
this store is inside another mall
they got recursive stores in australia???
That's where the birds were
and that mall isn't open air
they had to go through the doors to the mall
and then inside Coles
that's like 2 layers of shop
how tf did that many birds get into coles
it's even more upsetting considering I don't like birds
@lyxal Birds are the best though, what's not to like.
in The Nineteenth Byte, Mar 2 at 6:02, by lyxal
@lyxal they make loud noise, poop on car and stand around looking stupid
in The Nineteenth Byte, Apr 23 at 14:23, by lyxal
Standing there arrogantly, mocking you and reminding you of the terrible things they do like poop on car, steal chip and make excessively loud noise
in The Nineteenth Byte, Apr 23 at 14:26, by lyxal
Jan 5 at 12:52, by lyxal
I swear birds have gotten away with corrupting the justice system - they get away with things like property damage, aggravated assault, theft, jaywalking and being a public nuisance yet they never get arrested nor do they get sentenced/fined in court.
Jaywalking is good though
in The Nineteenth Byte, Mar 2 at 5:58, by lyxal
Do y'all ever just consider birds and question why we needed birds? Like really, why do birds have to be a thing? Why couldn't we just have no birds? That'd arguably be better for society. But no, we just have to have birds in our lives.
protest against the car centered infrastructure
in The Nineteenth Byte, Jan 5 at 12:53, by lyxal
but really though you'll be driving along a road and birds will just be standing there dangerously just standing there
in The Nineteenth Byte, Jan 5 at 5:23, by lyxal
23 hours ago, by lyxal

āŒ Are stupid
āŒ Can't run Doom
āŒ Exist in nature
āŒ Not Turing complete
āŒ Poop on cars


āœ… Very smart
āœ… Millions of games available including Doom
āœ… Used in the comfort of home
āœ… Can run brainfrick
āœ… Do not poop on cars
@lyxal you just continue driving and they fly off
in The Nineteenth Byte, Oct 27, 2021 at 22:40, by lyxal
Can't eat birds, can eat bees
correction: you can eat birds
@lyxal You can eat birds though
in The Nineteenth Byte, Mar 20, 2021 at 23:13, by Lyxal
@Wezl exhibit a) birds have no concept of code golf. exhibit b) birds cannot rickroll other people. Exhibit c) birds disrupt people with loud noise intentionally. Must I go on?
neither do bees
@lyxal You can probably teach a parrot to rickroll
you don't see r/weeatbirds do you
you only see r/weeatbees
chickens are birds, so you've eaten bird meat
assuming you've ever had chicken
in The Nineteenth Byte, Jan 5 at 12:56, by lyxal
and of course, they never pay taxes
in The Nineteenth Byte, Jan 5 at 12:59, by lyxal
heck, some of them probably run international drug empires right under the noses of everyone.
@lyxal time to make a Shitting Computer
in The Nineteenth Byte, Jan 5 at 12:54, by lyxal
if a human ever did that, it'd be on the front page of the daily mail
Corvids are very smart, I'm sure you could tech them to code golf
in The Nineteenth Byte, Oct 27, 2021 at 22:43, by lyxal
Like can you just pick up a live bird and eat it? No.
(cc @mousetail)
in The Nineteenth Byte, Oct 27, 2021 at 22:42, by lyxal
@user can you eat bird raw? No. Can you eat bee raw? Yes.
@lyxal Nothing is stopping you
how the hell you gonna get the bird in your mouth
Rip of it's head
too much work
Then suck out the insides
you can just eat the bee whole
can't do that with bird
Ok but how are bees good for code golf?
bees don't need to be
bees are snacks
neither do birds
snacks don't need to golf
also you don't normally eat bees
non-snacks need to golf
@Steffan the people at r/weeatbees beg to differ
You need to remove wings from bees before you eat them
Which also takes effort
ok why would you eat a bee
Also they can sting you
@mousetail no you don't
you just let the bee in your mouth and eat
@Steffan bees yummu
@lyxal You need to remove wings from all insects before you eat them or they can get stuck in your trought
It's kinda important
@mousetail tell that to Doug Ford (Premier of Ontario, Canada)
so you're saying you've never eaten birds
@mousetail he swallowed a whole bee on live tv during a press conference
@Steffan I'm saying people don't eat birds like they eat bees
otherwise there'd be a subreddit for it
What about hummingbirds?
look, y'all ain't gonna change the fact I don't like birds
they just aren't pleasurable objects to me
the only birds I like are penguins and Berdly from Deltarune
every other bird is a nuisance
I think birds are like code golf. They do everything to be as light as possible. Just like code golfers skip variable declarations, imports, spacing, type hints etc. for the sake of previty birds skip solid bones, a bladder, fingers etc. to be as light as possible
Basically, they are the same
except code golf is fun
In code golf this means warnings, for birds this means shitting everywhere. It's the same thing
birds are not fun
Birds enjoy being birds
that's the most important
how do you know
birds might have depression/self loathing
I'm sure some do
then not all birds enjoy being birds
But I'm sure Vyxal has some depression/self loathing too
organisation don't have feelings
bird do
How can you enjoy existing if you have no feelings?
birds have feelings
the concept of an organisation doesn't
Yes exactly, that makes them better than things that don't
I would say that my computer is better than birds
and computer doesn't have feelings
If you don't have feelings you can't imagine what it would be like to have feelings
while if you do you can imagine what it's like without
thus feelings are inherently better
ah, but you forgot one small thing
facts don't care about your feelings
Ah yes, and my feelings don't care about your facts
you're still not changing my mind about birds
those fricks have feelings of "haha frick you I'mma make loud noise, ruin garden and mock"
and I don't vibe with that
@lyxal Lol you immediatly needed to flex your opinion on weekgolf
(this is /hj btw)
(just in case you think it's /srs)
thoughts on moving OLIMAR to this room? it's not getting much use in TFR
That's code execution right?
but nobody uses it right now
You'd have to see what the others would say, but I'd be for it being here
Online Interpreter MetA-Runner
it's a bot that runs code
RTO but chat basically
Sounds useful
It does have potential to be useful. I only say ask the other ROs first so that it's a fully agreed upon decision
CC @RadvylfPrograms @emanresuA
oh dear
@emanresuA what do you think of letting OLIMAR in here
1 hour later…
@Ginger I'd be fine with it being here, as long as it only ever talks when prompted to, I don't think our bot policy needs to be as restrictive here.
But yeah, there should definitely be some discussion among ROs (and normal users) first
And this still won't be anything like the sandbox I don't think. Bot testing definitely doesn't sound like something we'll want in here, and approval will probably still be required
I don't think OLIMAR really belongs in this room though
Ideally most code-related discussion would take place in TNB, and having OLIMAR in here encourages either TNB-on-topic discussion in the wrong room, or people just taking up space in this room with bot traffic
People using OLIMAR for anything other than a visual aid in a current disucssion is purely clutter, and OTTNB isn't really the place for that
@Ginger No you cannot
The current SD specification sets a maximum of 2 TB
Oh wait
Apparently UC ups that to 128
I'd still lean toward that being a scam
Especially since, as of 2018, the highest commercially available capacity was 512 GB
I've seen 1 TB and maybe 2 TB ones for sale for close to $1k, but there's absolutely no way 128 TB is for sale, and if it is, with that crazy of a density, if it's under a million dollars it's a scam
And that'd be for a normal SD card
Quick reminder: OTTNB is not a sandbox room. Moving garbage or spam to this room, or taking advantage of exploits to put pinned messages in this room, is just as disallowed as it is anywhere else.
2 hours later…
I agree with radvylf
2 hours later…
Hmm, I have a 10 on an assignment. It was one where you're supposed to attach a picture of a paper you did in person, and another person in my group did, so I didn't. What do you think the odds are that it was a typo and supposed to be a 100, vs. an actual 10 since I was supposed to attach my own copy :p
@RadvylfPrograms well, olimar does only speak when spoken to
I guess I can modify it to only ever output single-line responses
to reduce clutter
Yeah, but if people just pop into OTTNB to check if a line of code works
That's 100% clutter
People don't go to this room to see other people debug their code
the real issue is that OLIMAR doesn't get used at all where it is
and as lyxal said it can be useful
but we can't have it in TNB bc bot rules
and in TFR it's not going to get noticed
@Ginger I wouldn't call that an issue necessarily, people just don't know about it and/or don't need it
And both of those can be solved without moving it to a room where it doesn't really make sense
well how do you suggest I solve them? I don't like seeing my bot wasting away
IMO keeping it in its own room is perfectly sensible
You could advertise it a bit in TNB if you want, but it could also be that people just don't find it convenient or useful
well how do I advertise without causing clutter
It's not clutter if it's useful to people
by that argument the bot would be fine in TNB because anything it says would be useful to someone (I hope)
perhaps ratelimiting could be implemented to prevent spam
But it's only useful to that someone
It's not useful to anyone else in the room
It's clutter
time to write up an advertisement I guess :p
presenting the OPTIMAL GPT-2-generated ad for OLIMAR:

We can see the ad hereā€¦but the bot is not a chatbot, it is a machine learning bot called OLIMAR

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