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5 hours later…
No way
No fricking way
They got morbius on the DVD
Now I can watch the part where he says "it's morbin time" and morbs all over the joker from portal 2
I bet they'll sell a morbillion of those dvds
Because it surely was one of the movies ever made
It got 785% on rotten tomatoes and sold a trillion tickets on launch
Oh hey I saw Morbius DVDs at the Walmart near me too
It's morbing all over the world
In a morbillion years we'll all be morbii
3 hours later…
Shout-out to my 3rd grade PE teacher who taught us all that "there are good calories and bad calories", the classic "blood is blue until it touches air", and "one time I found a coupon lying on the ground and it made me so happy because someone must have left it there as a surprise"
2 hours later…
@NoHaxJustRadvylf u wot m8
Yeah I don't think she understood the concept of "people dropping things on the ground by mistake"
But she seemed genuinely happy so I guess it's better nobody ruined it for her

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