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ap scores have been out for a while, what yall get on ur ap tests if u took one?
1 hour later…
But also 100%
And 420.69%
yes, seems very accurate, considering that ap tests are scored on a 1 to 5 scale
and also u didnt specify which ap tests u took :P
well i got a 4 on calculus BC :|
well i can still take it again next year, so its not too bad
but i was hoping to get a 5 this year and get it out of the way
also 3 on chem
i blame it on the practice tests, they were easier than the actual test
wait did you not practice on old actual tests
@UnrelatedString i dont think the full tests are available, tho i did take a look at the old free response q's
could have sworn there were like one or two years of multiple choice when i was doing them
but it might even vary by subject
eh couldnt find them
had to rely on practice tests from ap books for multiple choice
which turned out to be easier than the actual exam cuz i felt like i didnt know half the shit on the test
well, at least i got one 5 this year
on ap chinese :D
@AidenChow I didn't :p
@AidenChow that’s great!
especially since (no offense) you seem to be a kid
4 should get you credit in most colleges
@user ummmmm, idk, 13 yrs old = kid?
Yeah that’s really impressive
@AidenChow I'm an uni student in Australia, why would I even need to be taking APs lol?
AP is for getting into college, yes?
when i was 13 i could barely add two digit numbers
what on earth
@lyxal for fun? :P
I could easily do that when Iw as like 8 or 9
@lyxal well it’s more for getting ollege credit while in school (much cheaper and saves time)
@user I was a scratch animator at 13 :P 13 is also the age I first touched JS
I first touched JS at like 7 or 8 :P
@user well see that's the thing - I'm not in school :p
But yeah you could totally try to woo colleges with good AP scores
dang yall flexing ur programming skills, idek any js and im already 13
@lyxal well you’re also not American so it’d be useless for you
The first thing I touched was PHP
@AidenChow I'm not flexing I didn't know what I was doing with js
@AidenChow kid
All I did was touch it
you are a kid
do not spoil your innocence
the only "programming language" im proficient at is a fricking graphing calculator :\
avoid js
JS is the best language
[] == 0
whic is awesome
@AidenChow I didn't really start knowing what I was doing until I was 15
@Steffan how does []==0 ????
that literally makes no sense
(In all seriousness, it’s definitely not too late to pick up programming)
@AidenChow well first stringify [], which is ""
stringify? u mean convert to a string?
wait a sec
ok that is weird
@Steffan weird i thought js truthiness was more cursed than that
it is about that bad
Wait nvm if it stringifies that’s adequately cursed
Then it converts "" to an integer: 0
and 0 == 0
This is php level stupidity
i love it
Wait why doesn't [] stringify as "[]"?
It separates by commas
@lyxal LOL yeah thats what im thinking
@Steffan this is some weird ass flatprinting shit
@lyxal it’s like “”.join([]) afaict
Me spitting technical advanced docs at y'all JS noobs
and like why does it convert to string then integer???? thats cursed
I’m going to have nightmares :p
so ['hello',2,[3,['a']]] stringifies to hello,2,3,a
@AidenChow it's just terrible
@Steffan oh wait that makes sense
@Steffan ah yes just flatten completely
When comparing an array with a primitive, it stringifies the array, and if they're still different types, it converts to the same type
@Steffan damn that actually kinda maybe seems useful
But which kind of idiot decided to not print lists with brackets?
So '' == 0 because the rules say don't stringify the number, but numberify the string
@AidenChow it has been useful in golfing
@AidenChow it seems like it’d just be confusing lol
@Steffan yea expected
@user looks at jelly
@user ikr
Oh golf
Yeah cursedness is great here
ut not put side of chcc
all these golfing langs here are like waaaay too confusing for me, they look like gibberish
Og god u’m haing s zeizur
Dave ne
U good bro
It literally actually does join(',') under the hood
@user yikes
I vanot typ
@Steffan yo what
thats like not ok
@user One key at a time
I believe in you
Te js us sptedig
So you can do ({ join: () => 'my string' }).toString() and it will literally return my string
@Steffan cant read js at all but looks terrible
@user the js is spreading?
Coercion is terrible. The golden rule is to never ever use == unless you're golfing
Always use ===
=== takes coercion and throws it in the garbage
so... ppl use this lang to make websites??
@lyxal ye
So [1, 2, 3] !== "1,2,3" even if [1,2,3] == "1,2,3"
@user that badly?
But the thing is, if they're the same type, it won't coerce. So [1,2,3] != [1,2,3]
@AidenChow it’s actually not terrible as long as you stick to the good parts
@AidenChow looks in static folder so it would seem
@Steffan wait what?
Where good parts == small subset of typescript
@AidenChow Arrays and objects use memory references
im so confused, they look exactly the same
@Steffan reference equality?
@Steffan this just seems paradoxical
@user Exactly
It checks by the memory reference
Just like Python's is
@AidenChow no it compares whether it’s the exact same object
Like two identical twins != each other even if they have the same properties
bruh ok
why they do dat
thats just stupid
Only with non-primitives
@lyxal y
Arrays and objects
@AidenChow ephishunsee
Object.is does really really strict comparison
You were doing so well too
It does kinda make sense ig?
@Steffan that still sounds stupid
So Object.is(-0, 0) is false
Even though -0 === 0
@AidenChow Python works the same way if you use is
bruh -0, never seen that in my life
is it like -epsilon, mathematically
-0 is a different memory reference than 0 for some reaosn.
@lyxal spïक़rÿæā‘ग़
@user da fuq
@Steffan no
इट्स आ double
JS uses IEEE 754 which can have -0
फ़किंग keyboard
@Steffan exactly
इट्स नोट आ मेनोर्य reference
It’s not q ´mort reference
Only Object.is and a few other things use sameValue though, so usually 0 === -0
@Steffan what is boldface F?
It’s just how doubles zork
*It’s not q menoty reference i ´eqn
F means float?
I think so
Floats can have -0 and 0 by IEEE 754
but like... why do they even distinguish between -0 and +0, that is so weird
that should definitely be fixed or smth
Not qll platforms hqve signed wero
Only Object.is says -0 and 0 are different. You'll never run into problems.
But yeah it’s annoying
I guess I need to show you the good sides of JS or you'll never touch it in fear :P
Possibly because it ´akes equality checking easier?
how would u even encounter -0 through arithmetic
like -1 * 0?
just a sec
@Steffan we’re kinda forced to touch it
Q: Are +0 and -0 the same?

RandomblueReading through the ECMAScript 5.1 specification, +0 and -0 are distinguished. Why then does +0 === -0 evaluate to true?

A: Are +0 and -0 the same?

FoxcodeI just came across an example where +0 and -0 behave very differently indeed: Math.atan2(0, 0); //returns 0 Math.atan2(0, -0); //returns Pi Be careful: even when using Math.round on a negative number like -0.0001, it will actually be -0 and can screw up some subsequent calculations as shown a...

You should never get -0 from arithmetic.
1/-0 is -Infinity, but 1/0 is Infinity
@Steffan me when -0*1==-0
That's the only known way to differntiate them other than Object.is, and atan2
but can -0 just pop up as some output in ur code, without u actually writing it
thats whack
1 hour later…
@user LOL
10 hours later…
@AidenChow It's a really neat feature IMO
It's the only elegant way to make 1 / 0 not error (or NaN)
3 hours later…
I enabled the Windows feature that shows the current weather in the taskbar, because I thought it would be nice to see at a glance what it's like outside. But now I'm having second thoughts:
@NoHaxJustRadvylf I'm still trying to decide which I think is better: having -0, or not having -Infinity. Both options are kinda cursed in different ways.
-Infinity is definitely distinct from +Infinity, though
Although having +/-Infinity and NaN is kinda weird, I guess
Division by 0 should be an error in most contexts
Any time Infinity shows up in floating point math, it's a reasonable answer when you stick a lim in front of whatever you're calculating
And that's a really useful shorthand in plenty of cases
Plus, having things like tan not error is super useful
and even when it is logically an error it can be helpful for it to exist as a value
@DLosc Ikr, often for me it shows, like "rain stopping in 15 minutes" but it hasn't rained the whole day or yesterday
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
Me when match statement:
@Steffan Obviously, you live in a simulation :P

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