@emanresuA That's actually a really interesting question...
Of course my initial instict is "no, that'd be wack" but it's hard to qualify why I feel that way and if that's actually correct or not
I guess it stems from the idea that, at least in the society/culture I'm used to, and I'm guessing most others, everyone has a right to their own life and aren't necessarily expected (e.g., legally) to act to save others' lives at their own risk
I think you don't really feel that instinct as much in the actual trolley problem since you aren't killing them, the train is, and you're just deciding which group dies
That's just a subjective matter of perspective though, equally as much as "I'm not killing you my knife is"
and there's also this sense of oh you have these people who have all been endangered by this circumstance versus the setup of oh this one guy is the guy you have the option of harvesting for organs
My friend: Makes a small mistake in geometry class My brain for the next six years any time I try to do something serious: "E U C L I D ' S P R O S T A T E"