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00:00 - 09:0009:00 - 00:00

@cairdcoinheringaahing thanks
which plagiarism checker do you guys prefer?
2026 words and aiming for free...
which plagiarism checker do you guys prefer?
i find plagiarism checking tedious tbh
like i get it but like
Why would you use plagiarism checker in the first place?
they either get too strict
or too not-strict
or too expensive
i just spent 5 hours shooting down the 146grammarly premium suggestions...
@Bubbler to play around..........
whatever happened to hoop and stick
15 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
1 hour later…
Folks just say you're all 18 or older. Problem solved.
(do not do this)
On SE it's very simple. You can be as young as 16 in the EU, or as young as 13 in the US.
Otherwise your account gets nuked.
But fundamentally, there's nothing stopping you from just lying. Mods only have to escalate things if they know you're underage. Also don't do anything stupid.
We're talking about the age requirement for being a mod, not just for having an account
Oh, the 18 year limit?
Yeah still a silly limit.
I just clicked "I am at least 18" on my application. Not saying I'm younger, but it's not like they checked.
Of course, you shouldn't run for mod if you're immature, regardless of age.
"i am above the age of 18", the second biggest lie on the internet after "i have read and agreed to the terms and conditions"
You gotta wonder how many people visiting porn sites are underage.
Gotta be over 10%.
That's only illegal in some places, right?
Well it's illegal for the site to "allow" underaged users.
unrestricted internet access got me like
I don't think it's illegal (in the US at least) for said underage user to visit such sites.
I managed the server for a few sites, including one that contained naughties, and access logs actually showed a drop when it added an 18+ disclaimer. I've always since wondered why in the world anyone would actually have obeyed that.
@des54321 My birthday is January 1st, 1900 is the third.
@forest it's not as if they are going to check and verify 100 applicants a day one by one...
No one verifies anything, ever.
There's no custodian of records for website users.
That would be horrific.
I think there actually have been a few underage mods on SE that were found out.
I wonder how many simply haven't been found out. Probably not many, since they'd likely give themselves away by virtue of immaturity (childish immaturity at least).
@forest can u list some example
@NobodyNeedsNames Uh, not sure if it's considered private information.
You might be able to find out if you look on MSE (Meta Stack Exchange).
um... like, why
how what
if i'm 13, but i make my mom a diamond mod...
@forest what search
search what
Are you in the US? You can't be 13 unless you're in the US (or at least not in the EU or something).
i'm not in EU but not in US either
OK well, if you have an account on my site I gotta escalate. Just sayin'
if i encounter some legal fuckers then i'm going to make the owner of my account my deceased great great grand father...
Protip: Just like, don't be 13.
@forest where is your site + idu escalate's definition in this sentence
It's easy. You don't even have to do anything. Time will do it for you.
@forest you mean lie or just a joke
@NobodyNeedsNames Cryptography and escalation means to tell staff that you're a kid.
um ok
can you move this
@forest Age and maturity really aren't linked that well. SE's had some great mods who were under 18 (before it was against the rules of course), and also plenty of not-so-great ones well above that age.
Move what?
100 13-year-olds moved to escalation
@RadvylfPrograms Very true. I'm a shit mod and I'm not a kid.
@RadvylfPrograms I'm much more mature here than I am IRL
@RadvylfPrograms very true
@emanresuA lol
@emanresuA That's another good point, it's easy to be more mature here
@RadvylfPrograms yes indeed
@forest good example...
Mods just click a button "escalate to CM team". Nothing to be moved.
I was quite verily cringey when I was 13/14, but only mildly so on CGCC
@forest I mean, move message
I was making it funny
This is SE-related, so it's on-topic here
So if y'all wanna be escalated to CM, just sign up to Crypto.SE. :P
Because I'm pretty sure not one of you on here is not a kid. No offense.
@RadvylfPrograms ok
@forest why, does crypto have a different limit
what happens escalation
@NobodyNeedsNames No, same limit, but I'm a mod on Crypto.SE and I'm required by the moderator agreement to tell staff of anyone I know of on my site who is under 16. Escalation just means I tell staff that you're underage and they'll check if you live in the EU, and if so then they'll ban you if you're under 16. But if you don't live in the EU, you can be as young as 13.
oh ok
and they verify that...?
how do i know the age requirements
@NobodyNeedsNames I think they only verify your IP address to see if you live in the EU or not.
It's not like they go to your home and demand a birth certificate.
oh ok
ok, now plz escalate me... :-)
Nobody Needs Names, Locations Suck
Otherwise I don't even see the option to escalate.
Oh, OK.
Guess I do have to escalate now.
curiosity is the similarity of all human beings --NumberBasher
@forest :-)
i see nothing...
do you have to fill a form or something similar
I gotta fill out a form. I can't remember where it is. Looking for it.
And let's hope my vpn isn't linked to EU or something... :-)
I am going to move this to OTTNB since it's no longer directly relevant to CGCC and it's covering up some on-topic stuff like a bounty advertisement
@forest oh ok, can you send me it or tell me what it's like...
@RadvylfPrograms good, go on
move it like
100 13yr olds moved to escalation
Not sure if I can tell you what it says. I can ask.
But it's really just a simple template.
i was thinking the same thing
103 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
OK let's bring this to off-topic room.
but, here's two tips
one, name it to 103 13 year old kids
second, where do we continue the conversation?
7 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
@NobodyNeedsNames Eh, just to make it easy for my report... How old are you? I think I need a link to the comment where you say you're underage but I can't find it in the scroll log.
OK, report sent.
and i see nothing at all...
You won't. Staff will check the report and verify if you live in the EU or not.
And if you do, your account will get nuked from orbit. If you don't, then they won't do anything.
so it will be as if nothing happened?
Is the report just like
which message?
@forest .
I'm asking in TL (the mod-only chat room) if I'm allowed to tell you what the template says.
It's a report to the community team and to other mods on my site.
oh ok
i assume i can't get in to TL
Not unless you're a mod.
where do i report chat bugs?
But it's really a simple message. Like "This message is to inform that user <link> is underage". Like that.
Lol there are a million chat bugs. Chat is kinda... not maintained.
codegolf meta? or something?
meta.stackexchange.com but it's probably been reported already TBH
It would be MSE at Meta Stack Exchange, but it's probably already known.
chat bugs are... usually not fixed
I stared it
but, it isn't shown
when i click the star again it turns yellow
and then tells me It is too late to undo this operation
and then turns grey again...?
That's not a bug. That's intentional.
@forest .
No idea.
Same is true with votes on the site. Once you make a vote, you can only retract it for a short time.
where does it say intenetioinrieoiernkalnlkak;smkslamlmlkmallma;ld i suck at spelling
@forest but it tells me it is grey
it doesn't show the yellow star
Grey, not black?
I only see it as grey or yellow.
But... maybe you starred, then retracted, now you can't star again.
unless i lost my memory
and spammed the stars on both of these
@forest and why would that be
Oh wait! It's because it was moved. That's why.
is that a bug...
If it's moved, then for some reason it doesn't remember that you starred it (so it shows as black), but if you try to re-star it, it realizes that you already starred it. And maybe it's a bug.
i was thinking of the same thing,
@forest i'm pretty sure it's not intentional...
but i'm not 100% sure
Yeah it's a bug.
But there are a million bugs in chat anyway.
what i am 100% sure is that it's been reported for 3 times at least. And if I post this on meta it will eventually be closed as a dupe.
@forest for instance
let's make a list of chat bugs
1. all of it
Yeah that's pretty much accurate.
is there a list or something... :::---)))
Look on MSE.
um, what should i search?
Probably chat and bug.
Or [chat] and [bug].
hmm, why does lambda (um ok, hyper-neutrino) popping into this chat...
Because he's a mod here. :P
1,108 questions
Well, that was fun.
@hyper-neutrino How do you set rooms to be private like that? Never knew that was possible.
I guess that's the same feature that's used for mod-specific chat rooms on each site?
you just go to room > control access and then set the access to private
and yes, this is how the mod chats work on each site
how do i enable dark mode?
Is @Ginger here
and personally @forest I think I entered that devil command wrong, or is it supposed to be "rm -rf /" (nothing after the slash)
next time I will seriously check what that command means
@NobodyNeedsNames Given that you already tried fork bomb and that failed, I'm fairly sure it's not a real system. :P
Same with rm and unlink on sample files doing nothing.
maybe test it in your command prompt :?c
Wouldn't do anything on my system. I use rlimits for that.
@thejonymyster i don't think it works on mac
I think rm -rf / doesn't work
to me rm -rf /* is nearly the same as ls, it also tells me "Permission denied" though wink
Are you actually running that on your system?
It'll delete your files if you do.
yes, but it tells me permission denied
@forest all of them forcedly
All files you have permission for.
Anyway, I gotta go. later
i think sudo rm -rf /* will work but NO WAY I AM GOING TO TRY THAT
at least my computer did not crash
@forest does rm -rf / work
because that's what i entered
not rm -rf /*****
i mean rm -rf /*
28 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
rm -rf /
or only
   rm -rf /*
1 hour later…
You need to do --no-preserve-root if you actually want it to do anything.
But it'll erase everything if you do that.
And actually, on some older systems with UEFI, it had the potential to brick the system...
Oh for when Nobody ran rm -rf? I don't think it actually did anything.
I tried removing /etc/issue (which is an unnecessary file) to see if rm even worked and it didn't.
@hyper-neutrino What is the bot for?
no clue TBH
... you know
now that I think about this
the bot might actually be running on RTO in which case (in theory) you can't actually do any damage really
@hyper-neutrino Yep. It didn't even have network.
i'll wait for ginger/radvylf to respond and if that is the case then i apologize for making a big deal out of it lol
I checked with ifconfig -a. Only the lo interface, so it's not a "real" system.
1. what's rto
2. what's a superping
2. I think I entered the command wrong
but I'm not sure
does rm -rf / without the * work?
I think the only way to "crash" it is to send very many requests, but I don't want to do that... wither
We should make a room for this actually
@forest .
@hyper-neutrino .
Without the / it only works if you add --no-preserve-root.
i mean
I entered
rm -rf /
what will that do
26 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
what's a superping
and what's rto
A mod-only way to ping someone even if they're not in the site.
And rto.run.
@forest so like, once they are on a StackExchange website/meta/chat they get notified
how does it look like...
a superping does a few things
I dunno what it looks like. Never got superpinged myself.
you can ping someone who hasn't visited the chat room before or hasn't been in the room for too long
you can actually ping someone who doesn't even have a chat account; superpinging someone by their main profile will force create a chat profile for them IIRC
it immediately goes to their inbox instead of waiting for 15 minutes like usual
And yes @hyper-neutrino I can confirm it was RTO.
oh, ok
@forest how
@NobodyNeedsNames Same uname, same /etc/issue, same files in /etc on rto.run.
Likewise it had the same process list.
okay i opened the room again
What's the room again?
@hyper-neutrino The firing range? I was wondering why it ceased to exist lol
yes, i forgot it was an RTO interface and not really prone to damage
@emanresuA Hyper thought Nobody and I were messing with Ginger's computer.
Didn't realize that it was running a fresh container for each command.
(Hence the reason rm /etc/issue worked but did not persist across commands)
Only way to break it would be to exploit the container itself (probably user namespaces).
Like, remember when I did "ps auxf"? And it only showed like 3 processes?
That's how you can tell that it's in a container.
thing is nobody mentioned it so it just didn't occur to me
That, and the fact that it's root but you can't actually remove things.
@hyper-neutrino It makes sense. Better safe than sorry.
At the beginning I genuinely thought it was just a badly-written bot too.
@hyper-neutrino I didn't mention it
@forest me too
@forest why is it based on rto and not to?
What do you mean?
which sentence
@forest .
Anyway if you want to actually pwn that system you're gonna need to get into the kernel.
Containers are infamously insecure, but it's not as easy as running a couple commands.
which sentence wdym
bad type
why is it based on rto and not tio?
Oh you said TO not TIO.
But idk what TIO is. Try It Online?
even better, both of them
cuz we like brainfuck and mariolang
@forest .
What's the ping for.
@NobodyNeedsNames The escalation has been noted. In the next few hours you'll see if you get to stay on SE.
I'm curious why you wanted to have your account escalated though. Just to make me do the work? :P
to know stuff
but alas, I can still login via Apple
And I'll declare it my mom's account ;;--))
I mean, it's not like you'll get banned unless CMs think you're in the EU.
It's just that SE has to comply with various privacy laws.
@forest do you think they will notify me/you
I honestly have no idea.
They probably won't notify you unless they deem you to be in the EU, in which case you'll be notified because your account will be deleted. I think they check based on what IP you're using, but I'm not 100% sure.
I may or may not be notified. If I am notified, they'll probably juts say "we've handled it".
@forest so you didn't do that before?
i was kind of wondering if you have to swear to an oath (except i'm >18yrs old)
Yeah I've never done it before.
The site I'm mod on doesn't attract children. It's far too technical.
@NobodyNeedsNames An oath for what? To become a mod?
Hello @Dalmarus
@forest yah
@forest really?
There's a mod agreement you have to sign. It's kinda like an oath, I guess.
@NobodyNeedsNames Yes. It's a lot of math.
You're the first kid who signed up to the site as far as I'm aware.
Speaking of which, you can probably ask Dalmarus about how the system works. I think he's the judge of this (he's staff). He'll probably be the one nuking your account if it's determined that you're in the EU. I'm not privy to the details.
But presumably, if you're not in the EU, then they'll just make a note on your account that you're underage but not in violation of European privacy laws. Not sure how it works (first time I've done this).
@forest hahaha
@forest ok
why isn't there any ciphers that's like well known...
@forest hmm, good job, me
There are plenty of good ciphers that are well-known.
AES is the most popular (of the block ciphers).
You speak like you're a parent, you know?
Here's a great introduction: moserware.com/2009/09/stick-figure-guide-to-advanced.html (that's AES explained with stick figures, it's both entertaining and enlightening, and explains both the simple concepts using pictures as well as the math for those who want to know)
I am a parent. I've got a daughter your age.
@forest good site on the first look
but seriously, the ROT13 stage should have a translation itself
After further consideration decided to print it out
o/ gotta go
You said you gotta go. I said later.
Short for "see you later" lol
oh ok
(ps i'm bad at internet slangs and abbr s)
I don't think that's just internet slang tbh. :P
Might be American.
the crib page is...
Fun fact if you're reading the AES stick figure page: The cipher called Lucifer was named such because the program they used was called DEMONSTRATION (it was a demo cipher), but old-fashioned filesystems limited the length of the filename to 8 characters (5 in the name plus 3 for the extension), so it became DEMON.EXE. Thus the name "Lucifer" was born.
00:00 - 09:0009:00 - 00:00

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