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@RadvylfPrograms i feel like reinstalling gimp would be the easier part of that :P
Why did you uninstall GIMP?
It's a fine image editor.
probably a new machine where it wasn't installed to begin with
still painless to get back
@UnrelatedString Yep
@forest Wasn't me, it was the rain
I also uninstalled some Minecraft worlds I cared about, months worth of un-backed-up work on various small projects, and about $700
in The Nineteenth Byte, 14 mins ago, by thejonymyster
right lol
left lol
Took me a couple reads to realize this wasn't referring to the federal prison in Huntsville which is like all it's known for 💀
Reddit's kinda annoying because I'm only there for one subreddit, and occasionally I'll end up on the main page or searching the whole site and take half a second to realize it
@RadvylfPrograms that's a nice looking ad
Advertising a place to live doesn't sound particularly effective tho lol
Welp there's been weirder advertised on reddit
Like I've sat through a 30s YT ad before that basically said "move to canada"
Who tf gave it silver?
Like why would you waste your free award on an ad?
Probably one of the 20 people that live in Huntsville
20 days old
lol wait that's the Huntsville in Alabama
"Hmm yeah I should move to Alabama" is definitely something I've thought mhm yeah
1 hour later…
I feel like nothing irritates me more than the number of different volume controls you can have for a single piece of sound playing on your computer
different things that can control how loud the music im listening to with my computer is:
* my computer's actual volume control
* the volume slider on the youtube player
* the volume control of my bluetooth headphones, which i can only control with the buttons on them, and which has no actual display of its setting
7 hours later…
it's nice for when you've got multiple things going at once... except for almost everything's default volume being maximum
3 hours later…
wtf is wrong?
(grammarly's fucking premium suggestions
it should be "would" I think
because you're talking about the future tense within the context of the past tense (I forget what that's called)
@hyper-neutrino future perfect/imperfect
@hyper-neutrino thanks
but why would that be a premium suggestion?
does anyone know how to get Grammarly premium for free?
I'm guessing there's no legal way, otherwise they wouldn't have a premium
and... GOOD: We found 75 additional writing issues
in this text available only for Premium users.
[links the pirate chat]
i'm not too certain there's an illegal way either
@NobodyNeedsNames yes: make your own
make you a grammarly
it's an online service so I don't think you can even pirate it can you? I guess maybe you could borrow it from a friend that has it
for great grammar?
Honetly, grammerly isn't that great
perfectly legal way :P
12 secs ago, by caird coinheringaahing
Honetly, grammerly isn't that great
my way currently is to tickle the yellow bars until it goes off
It's good for catching blatant errors, but it doesn't handle nuanced text/expression well
@lyxal you might need Grammarly.
grammarly seems alright for a computer grammar checker but those can only be so good anyway, and sometimes some technically incorrect things sound more natural than if I were to make them technically correct
@cairdcoinheringaahing you clearly don't use it then :p
it's good for scanning to make sure you haven't missed anything too major, like caird said, blatant stuff :P
Hone(s)tly, (G)ramm(a)rly isn't that great(. )
I've used it a bit, but it kept telling me that I should rephrase a bunch of stuff that I knew was fine as is
Grammarly will tell you there's 4 errors
Poetic licence allows so many funky constructions, and English is so lexically and syntactically ambiguous, that no computer grammar checker can probably ever be 100% right
i would expect the misspelling of "grammarly" to be one error
@cairdcoinheringaahing it does tell you this and that is better, but whocares...
Jun 9 at 16:57, by pxeger
@mathcat The grammar of English is practically undecidable
10 brownie points for the first person to prove this ^
@pxeger proof: I am Seggan and Seggan, I am have the same meaning
We've got so much left
@pxeger The proof is trivial, and is left as an exercise to the reader ez :P
@pxeger grammar is undecidable
@cairdcoinheringaahing actually, since proofs are in general undecidable, arguably that message constitutes an example of an undecidable sentence
@pxeger One way is to declare everything as Grammarly correct
I once had a text that scores -8 in readability by Grammarly
@pxeger The incompleteness theorem says nothing about whether a given statement can be proved or not
It says that some statements cannot be proven
@pxeger Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo. Buffalo?
@PyGamer0 It should actually be Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
@pxeger Yes, but it doesn't say anything about any given sentence, it only discusses the formal systems themselves
Anyone Any Idea Why?
But if you want to know whether "The proof is trivial, and is left as an exercise to the reader" is correct or not, then, depending on what the proof is of, the sentence's correctness may be undecideable
(of course, being "factually" correct is not the same as grammatically "correct", but it was only a joke lol)
Did I ever tell y'all the time I broke a computer at my school :P
No, what happened?
Did you break a computer?
@pxeger Ah, but I know that the sentence's correctness is decidable, because the proof is trivial and is left as an exercise for the reader :P
At your school?
@PyGamer0 no, what was the time?
as the legend goes: "the computer never turned on again, unless you reinstalled windows" :P
@thejonymyster 3 years ago
glances at the clock; can i get that in 12 hour time
@PyGamer0 how why what which i've got so many questions
i dont remember how i broke it but i am pretty sure i opened cmd and typed debug and did things
News just in: AD and BC have been renamed to AM and PM for consistency with time
@PyGamer0 rookie mistake... dont do that
The prophet formerly known as Christ will now be called Meridiem
the prophet formerly known as christ would be a great name for a christian prince cover band
we should have a test case challenge about checking times in timezones :P
looks pretty similar to a crucifix actually
jesus and his fucked up right arm
and toroidal head
i guess the top part didnt matter actually
Jesus' head is topologically equivalent to a coffee mug
@thejonymyster why?
Jesus has four more holes than most humans
Jesus has a genus of 5 :P
@PyGamer0 because then you will the time you broke a computer at your school :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing the topology of the human is debatable though: youtube.com/watch?v=egEraZP9yXQ
@cairdcoinheringaahing without the handle?
i dont think mythology is plural? or at least its uncountable
Many mythologies
@NobodyNeedsNames "Many mythologies and fables" is correct
oh right, there can be more than one mythology
i was trying to think of the unit for individual items of mythology
This was why it happened in the first place
Or even, you can remove them, phrasing it as "[...] different mythologies and fables. Many credit the [...]"
oh yea agree
just a quick question: is this conversation worth moving to off-topic once concluded?
yea its interspersed with a different off topic convo
just dont lose my regex :P
just remove grammarly..
@NobodyNeedsNames I'd word this as follows:
> The information of cultural values in the average Greek society lives on through different mythologies and fables. Many credit the same values, morals and themes such as [example 1] and [example 2]. The importance of not being [...]
Pretty sure "upon" doesn't belong in that first sentence
104 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
8 hours later…
TIL the third most common language in Texas is Vietnamese
That is far from what I would have guessed lol

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