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@Rosie looks like I can't spam my users in a public chat room either. What gives? How can I spam these users with the news of the potential approaching election?
7 hours later…
@mickmackusa I'm sorry I'm in a lot of meetings this week so there will be a lag in my responding. Can you link me to the public room you were messaging them in so I can see if something is off in the permissions?
This is the room.
I started a new public room since the private one didn't work.
People in JSE don't look at meta, so it is not worth posting an announcement there.
Ahh thank you. I'm going to check with the other CMs to see if they can spot the issue.
The permissions look correct on my end
It doesn't look like you've enabled explicit read or write access for those folks.
Before they can read the chat, you'll need to give them read access.
(Write access if you want them to be able to write here, too)
@mickmackusa one of our developers looked into this and the reason your superpings weren't going through is because superpings don't work in multiline messages. If you try again and just use a space after each chat user you superping vs a new line it should hopefully work
(fingers crossed)
9 hours later…
@@394116 sharky @@510591 pe7er @@511431 irata @@44967 lodder @@101759 neilrobertson @@328355 jamesgarrett @@98842 eoin @@113904 ffrewin @@514004 anibalsanchez @@404925 itoctopus @@88645 tryharder @@[email protected] patrickjackson @@[email protected] robbiejackson @@[email protected] dennisheiden @@115761 webtiki @@124986 gdp @@115570 dmitryrekun @@120893 jonboy @@123091 richardb @@383814 zollie @@161107 webchun @@36367 codinghands @@125570 farahmand
@@119326 saibbyweb @@128315 rustyjoomla @@238575 yellowwebmonkey @@155586 joomler @@223808 terrycarter @
Trying again to superping reasonable candidates for the potential approaching moderator election. If you can't see the previous comments, let me know and I'll copy my text again.

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