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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

:) how nice
oh no the coffee is full
Can we not overflow it? There's nowhere for it to go
Also it's tea - look up
minor blunder
ok someone is kinda overwriting a few things
@allxy someone overflew it i'm afraid to say
whoever overflew the tea i'm coming to clean up your mess
Wait why?
I'm not going to overwrite anything
if you drew the mountain you kinda did already
because what the fuck is pɔfɔs
Nice use for all those blues
yeah that's a really nice way to use the blues for shading
Especially given how limited the palette is
i tried making cube with shading and failed miserably
ok we GOTTA clean up the tea mess
it's spreading to the fractals
nah it's cool now
you're right
You gotta draw a broom first :P
Wait no you don't use brooms for that
Draw a sponge
why would we have a menger sponge there if not to soak up stray liquids :P
lmao didn't know that was what it was called
Whoever decided to make LOSER contrast better with the tea, good call
the great tea-ening
i feel like we should leave the wings light gray
why are you making the grey darker contrast
it won't go well
I was trying to make it look like it was getting soaked by tea in the GIF but yeah, it doesn't look great
I'll put it back
could switch it to one of the blue grays
Nah it's too late anyway
I'm going to enjoy watching the tea overflow in the timelapse tho
it'll b e beautiful
we should still call it "The Great Tea-ening"
Do you want to make it look like the green thingy is slurping up the tea?
that thing looks quite capable of slurping up most of it
Like, the level slowly goes down and the green thingy grows fatter, then the tea level goes back up, then the green thingy drinks it again
he has become not underweight
wrong color dummy
smh people not putting the corners on your nether portals
no one builds the corners of a nether portal
let alone only 2
yeah that's more realistic
Oh dear, the green monster is turning the tea into him
Someone needs to fight back with more tea
oh goodness
if there was more space above the teapot id add a Portal-style portal teleporting the tea so it falls back into the teapot
could turn the golf hole into one
When the joking is purple
the only thing that can stop the tea is the pride flags
What I really love is those details that bring everything together
we mustn't get rid of the color sample
Fine, but I'll move it
I want a moon there
could certainly afford to make it a bit narrower
and yeah if we're moving it outright it would fit nicely between radvylf and the tea
not much else that space lends itself to
@UnrelatedString Actually yeah, let's do that
I'll clean up the existing one
@UnrelatedString May as well make it 3 wide :P
true lmao
pure cohas
also yeah 3 wide reflects the original and less white on the canvas
oh we making it 4 wide?
if it means we move the tea then i'm in
we also gotta stop the tea overflow to prevent the moster from growing
quick, execute plan portal gun
that's a portal not a cup silly
well, guess the portal strategy didn't work due to stupidity
@user Technically, a Menger sponge is the 3D version. The 2D version is a Sierpinski carpet
oh no it's going to get stained
@BowlingPizzaBall I mean, you can still try executing it
i already tried
that blue thing is the portal
the orange one is near the teapot
des suggested it so i performed it
The next level of the Sierpinski carpet is done!
Thank you to whoever filled in everything
@user I figured if you were going to overwrite my plan for filling my fractal, I'd fill your fractal instead ;)
Oh sorry, I didn't know you were filling in the triangular one
It was filled with brown tea that didn't contrast very well, so I figured it wasn't a big deal if I overwrote it
@allxy Is it possible to make a timelapse GIF thing of a specific timeframe?
I'd like to get just the tea overflowing
you could just download the gif and use something like ezgif
you can download it all then clip it
@user It did turn out pretty nice, how the edge lined up with the edge of the Ukrainian flag
@BowlingPizzaBall Guess I'll just have to do that :|
@DLosc I'm also happy it didn't go over into Loss or Vyxal, although the poor winged thingy was severly damaged :(
The winged thingy had a lot more effort put into it than Loss or Vyxal, actually
i'm actually struggling to figure out what the yellow orange thing going on is
oh no it's overflowing into the heavy punch
the yellow orange thing is definitely getting out of hand
is it a fire or something?
stared at it long enough and yeah probably
sure is spreading like one
whatever it is it does not look good
the three color part that burned jo king looks alright but the weird yellow loop is fucking hideous
whoever keeps burning down everything, PLEASE stop
that heart's been on fire for like half a day and has no right to actually succumb to the flames only now
oh fuck it's a team
i think it's the same guys who did dongby
we're getting straight-up griefed now
they seem to be writing text in the blue sky now
are they writing "ecommerce" or something
not sure i buy the "we come in peace"
the use of different colors is interesting, these might be bots
it's definitely multiple agents of some sort
they certainly don't considering they made the heart succumb to the flames
does someone want to try working to restore the original outline of the heart?
that would be a good idea
i won't, i can't really shade
oh god there's probably more
nice O RLY?
oh they're saying sorry
oh look theyre apologizing
bots have emotions (real)
I really wonder what there will be room to be sorry for
"sorry for the mess" they say, creating another mess with their apology
ok they're def not bots because they avoided the code golf medal
> lol
Doesn't sound like a very sincere apology :P
don't tell me they're drawing "raycon" those earbuds suck
Random Isaac Asimov reference
...if anyone wants to clean up the puke this is the original art
i am too tired for this shit lmao
ugh jesus i feel like this is the sort of stuff we should be using admin tools to stop
the user count just dropped in half, maybe they left
minor feature request: being able to change color while on cooldown
it's kind of fun to budget palette swaps for speed but yeah
now they're just placing random ass green pixels everywhere
who the hell are these people and how did they even get here
i think the dongby gang were someone's classmates in something
and it's probably them again
IP blacklist when
was the QR code already messed up or was that them tooo
i think the qr code got colored at some point during or after the fire
so yeah
Everything looks pretty much the same?
What exactly happened here?
check the timeplase
Doing that now, it's very long
yeah make a speed option for the page
...we should probably add an option to generate it as an mp4 or something
though it's not like that's hard to do yourself
lol yeah
and the speed
actually yeah i'll do that rq for you
@UnrelatedString Me no smart :(
@UnrelatedString No it's fine, I'm going to watch the whole thing again anyway
there should be more options for the timelapses now, the full timelapse is like a 30mb gif already
Yeah, you should be able to give it a start and end time (UTC or whatever)
oh yeah mp4 generation option would also be nice for making it smaller to download lol
also man windows photo viewer is not really cutting it for actually looking at the gifs anymore
can vlc load gifs?
good question
it can, but it's just the first frame
vlc loads the first frame of the gif as a 10-second video?
wow i expected better
smh vlc get your game on
mpv does work
yeah vlc you can only load just about every other type of video and audio file on the planet
common mpv w
so yeah it's around 2:50 that shit goes down
hold on, installing mpv
and here's a video for convenience anyways
code golfers trying to take the "try not to turn the letter a into amongus" challenge for 2.79 nanoseconds
yeah the heatmap is mostly concentrated on ONE pixel
i think it's best to ditch the idea
heatmap is cool so long as it isn't completely thrown off like that
i have no idea how that happened tho
someone probably just spam clicked the same color there a bunch
huh where the hell even is that pixel
by coordinates it's 85,120
i have no idea why someone would even do that kind of thing
what is WRONG with them
could have been a bot
This is the account I have on my phone
Also I keep rickrolling myself due to mobile data connection issues
wasn't it originally allxy on phone emanresu on pc or did you just do almost everything on your phone this whole time
It’s complicated
That was an...interesting watch
Good on you guys for restoring everything
@BowlingPizzaBall You should probably clamp the values
Oh wait you're not emanresu
@emanresuA Can you do a math.max(100, numClicks) for pixels in the heatmap so one pixel can't throw off everything?
:( screen time limit o/
:( o/
@UnrelatedString yes
Somebody did
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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