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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

I have achieved big vyxal
wait the timer was adjusted?
damn just saw this room and reloaded
could've been saving so much time lol
I was tryna spell "reload for 2.5s" but it got ruined
Because you need to relyxal the page
Lyxal me once, shame on you. Relyxal me, shame on me.
Achievement get: Support Ukraine
Vyxal's cool but I'd rather not put it on top of Ukraine
all I ask for is 2 pixels
just enough to make the connection somewhat obvious
CMC: Scan the qr code in the bottom right
It's not a rickroll, I promise
Also, RTO is being moved to make way for another qr code
just make the entire board a qr code /s
Is it you who's doing league of legends
i also did the osu logo
just looked up pixel arts for them kek
Uh... look at the osu logo again
yeah i noticed lol
More space is being taken up than I thought... I could expand it but it'd become kinda user-unfriendly due to pixel size
So I'd probably want to implement a good zoom system
yeah until there's zooming a larger board will become unusable
you could expand it horizontally i guess
I'll try do zooming
Q: HTML5 Canvas: Zooming

jack mooreIs there any easy way how to zoom in and back out in canvas (JavaScript)? Basically I have a 400x400px canvas and I'd like to be able to zoom in with 'mousedown' (2x) and go back with 'mouseup'. Spent last two days googling, but no luck so far. :(

I kinda like it being limited to 128×128
Because it forces us to overwrite eachothers' stuff, which adds to the general chaos of it
If a giant amogus isn't used for days, it can be replaced with something more modern
unfortunately we don't have a way to get a timelapse do we
I don't think so, unless someone's left their tab open the whole time
You might
The server logs all actions to the console
Ooh does it?
You check :p
Ooh yeah I have a full list, but I don't think there's timestamps
Which aren't super important anyway
What's the six digit number next to pixel drawn?
They're in the format x y color message
Where message is the undecoded message
(so irrelevant)
color is an index in the list defined in front/main.js
Unfortunately the scrollback buffer is full so I don't have all of the data
Just the last 1080 pixels drawn or so
Oh. Probably smart but :(
you could reboot it piping into a file ig although that might very quickly take up too much space
Nah, I've got terabytes free and nothing to do with it
We just wouldn't have a record from the beginning
We probably should've made a storage method first.
Y'all should scan the top-right qr code
I'll see if I can make a PNG to data array converter, @RadvylfPrograms would you mind modifying main.js to save/load stuff?
It'll be easier to use the canvas context to get the data array
oh true
Okay, I've got it logging now, so I'll just leave things alone until tomorrow since it's getting late here
Okay, o/
I'll still stick around I just don't wanna have to bother with setting up logging and writing code and stuff lol
I spent all day today making a terminal emulator and my thinking blob is not doing its job properly
Okay, I'll write some code to get the image as the datatype the backend uses
Update: serialiser's having off-by-one errors
d = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 128, 128).data;
c = [[255,0,0],[255,69,0],[255,165,0],[255,215,0],[255,255,0],[154,205,50],[0,255,0],[0,128,0],[64,224,208],[30,144,255],[0,0,255],[75,0,130],[238,130,238],[255,192,203],[0,0,0],[255,255,255]];
a = [];
n = k => [k - 1, k, k + 1];
z = (a, b) => a.map((v, i) => [v, b[i]])
for(i = 0; i < d.length; i += 4){
  v = [d[i],d[i+1],d[i+2]];
  for (let k of c) {
    if(z(k, v).every(([a,b]) => n(a).includes(b))){
so uh just advice...
don't make the timing control and size control local js
bad idea
easily exploitable
size control?
That shouldn't be exploitable...
It is
You can send extra pixels in the socket call
wdym by size control
like the boundaries or smth else
Drawing 2x2 at a time
  - Message:

    [  ][     ][     ]
    color  x      y
From the top of data-utils.js
It shouldn't be possible to do more than one pixel at once
Sending four messages simulatenously
Oh yeah, you can do that
The connection delay should fix that
My idea was pretty much
ws.on('connection', (conn) => {
    let lastMessage = 0;
    conn.on('message', (message) => {
        if(Date.now() - lastMessage > 2500) {
            lastMessage = Date.now();
1 hour later…
wait what
are they just leaving it on white only until the crowd has erased everything
Everything was erased.
It's over
Finished a few hours ago
i never actually looked at it myself and the last thing i saw someone share was
7 hours later…
gosh it's weird not being pinged every 5 minutes on discord with an @everyone ping to say "come defend <one of the projects>"
I take it you know the feeling
i don't actually, lol
never joined in on any projects; i tried organizing one but nobody cared
you weren't part of a larger group like I was?
see now I was in a group of 300+
i announcement pinged my server since i wasn't sure an everyone ping was worth it and not many people cared
well the server i admin for has 12k members but
it's pretty quiet cuz most people are never actually there
But I more meant that the group I was with was specifically created for the event
yeah i wasn't in anything like that
never did I think r/place diplomats would be a thing
i never specifically coordinated with anyone, but i did throw a few pixels to projects i knew about
@lyxal I muted all discord servers :P
our group got 4 different places
which group were you in
So I helped defend Ralsei (in 2 different places), Spamton, the plushies, Spamton Neo + Lancer and that one "gosh fricking dang it kris where the frick are we"
and I realise now that's 7 different locations
i see. i think i might've noticed spamton but i don't think i noticed the others
or maybe i saw them and just forgot
there was a spamton above the trans flag right?
i didn't really participate much in r/place beyond trying and failing on both our idea here and the thing i half tried to organize
@JoKing that's right
the big nosed spamton
which trans flag?
there were many
the big one above the UK flag?
that one
the blue corner is coming along nicely
just like the one on the actual r/place
ah my icon no longer exists
and osu went from osu to emacs gay to vim yay (?)
and my league icon was vandalized to say losers and now lasers kekw
@hyper-neutrino it also had a decent period of owo
the blue corner is done
> emacs gay
osu -> owo -> owo yay -> owo gay -> I'm gay -> emacs gay -> vim yay
the ukraine label was also vandalized lol
@pxeger beautiful
vim was before emacs
@hyper-neutrino it went hyper-neutriono -> neutrino san -> san marino (the country)
I live in Spain without the a
room topic changed to canvas: canvas.rto.run (no tags)
@pxeger wait there was text?
i just meant the lambda was gone when i woke up lol
it used to say "neutrino" underneath
which inspired me to turn it into San Marino
oh that thing
and then it went "fishtank" -> "shitank"
who is extending my eyebrows
@pxeger and then it became viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim yay
oh the bi flag has given up defending against the eyebrows
the BOX is intact
@pxeger oh it's shitake now lol
@Ginger what do you think of the eyebrows now?
they've connected to the vim pipe
wait the bi flag cut off the eyebrows
eyebrows > bisexuality
L asersus
so close
we did it
lets write vs-puke
you don't have to write down every single set of letters it becomes
11 messages moved to ­Trash
weird-diamond-8-FECKS is the best one
why are there like 5 people breaking the blue corner lol
who gave the blue corner chickenpox
I tried to write vs-code...
blue corner fixed
I'm willing to bet the same person is behind both "I <3 TWINKS" (from earlier; I changed it to "TWINKIES") and "FEM BOY HOOTERS"
I don't think so
I changed it to VIM BOY and that was changed to FEM BOY
it's currently WHYF*** lol
I can't remember what "TWINKS" was before, but I think it wasn't brand new writing either
It's now I 8 TWINKIES
idk bout y'all, but
user image
> 4087 boys
this is concerning
oh no
there are now 10 times as many boys
I think you'll find there's 199970 boys now
1984 lol
wth are you talking about?
that's a weird number of male humans
tf kinda number is 1984.10:5A anyway?
how do you have .10:5A of a human?
chop one up into 5A'ths, and then take 10 of those bits?
stop being so gosh dang funny I need to breathe please
but /srs tho top quality humour
to whoever's destroying my glider in the blue corner: that's not how game of life works
blue corner must remain pure
that's not how life works
The online interpreters now love each other
They're all subling after all (aside from TIO, their dad)
oh yeah sorry for your loss
@RadvylfPrograms ^
can the blue corner maybe not expand too much
just the three columns and I'll be happy
it's a bit annoying having 5% of the map taken up by something boring
If you don't like it draw over it :p
This is an anarchy
lyxal just immediately fills it back in with blue
we need to rally the troops to take it over
that's not very redditor of you
touch grass, redditor
if i write some text will you leave it alone?
have your precious corner
idk what happened to my league of legends icon but it looks pretty cool so pog
it became mossy??
alright, time to go to sleep, i'll let you guys
good night
don't let the bed bugs bite
really interested to see what this looks like when i wake up tomorrow
funniest shit I've ever seen
dah my green exclamation point of anger ruined
mfers can't even express their feelings through exclamation points in Detroit
if that's how it is...
8 mins ago, by Jo King
alright, time to go to sleep, i'll let you guys
8 mins ago, by Jo King
user image
(smh you'll only go to bed when someone else in your timezone peer pressures you into it)
The kirby shall live forever.
My Chemical Romance?
You didn't strike me as one of their fans, Radvylf
yeah lol
The music I like doesn't match my personality in any way
(I had that message already typed before you said "yeah", because it was going to be a joke, because I really wasn't expecting you to say yes lol)
i've probably heard MCR songs like a handful of times throughout my life total lol
yeah, one came on the radio once while I was in the car on the way to colorado and it was like the second time I'd ever heard one like, in public or on a radio
Well, might've heard Teenagers a few times, but it sounds nothing like the rest of the album so I wouldn't have noticed
Weird that everybody (of a certain age) knows who MCR are, but far fewer people know their music
these bisexuals have too much time on their hands
they probably have RSI on their hands as well
pride flag: becomes kirby
trans flag: becomes amogus visor
bisexual flag: _i m p e r i a l i s m_
I hope they're not gonna fill up the whole width of the canvas like they did with the smaller one
my sticker is finished!
What? MCR logo is evolving!
MCR logo has evolved into: MCR logo with background fill
with background fill it will block a lot of other stuff
could you maybe just fill in the circles?
Too late now
The WS was blocked D:
None of my drawing saved
wait where is this
I drew the whole thing in canvas
yeah no wonder i don't see it
It took me like an hour :|
@emanresuA It shouldn't draw if the WS doesn't connect
To prevent this tragedy
same thing with my sticker :(
what's causing the issue
school wifi?
Yeah, the WS was being blocked
Pushed a change to the front-end so it won't draw if the WS is down
I filled in the whole league logo with blue and green but apparently the WS dropped halfway through
i kinda like how it looks with the mixed original color and green/blue
Made the WS auto-reconnect
looks kinda mossy like pxeger said
I still can't see it
I'm so sad about the MCR logo not being there
@mathcat And you never will, all of it is lost
oh :(
I know when it dropped, too: When I was wallking to the next class and the wifi switched :(
ah finished my sticker now
Also, is it intended, that the timer is handled on the client-side?
yes though that may be changed
it's exploitable, yes, but we've already gone over that
This is the oldest surviving part of canvas:
Aside from the nose, which is recent
I added that face after a few random pixels, to test if it was working
Made the bottom left corner into an MCR lyric :p
"We'll carry on, we'll carry on, and though you're dead and gone believe me, your memory will carry on"
(From WttBP)
@RadvylfPrograms eyebrows:
2 hours later…
@RadvylfPrograms gorgeous
+1 for UkraineCat! That's not even what I was going for when I started coloring the other eye blue, but it looks really good.
i went to contest your blue but since i did it from the other side it just
@hyper-neutrino yeah it was uwu! yay for quite a while
@hyper-neutrino before it became san marino it got flooded by the trans flag and changed color several times
this is what the whole thing looked like around 5 am est
Please stop messing with my MCR logo
I'll move the CGCC logo when I'm done
No need to repair it in-place
(I'm going to leave the slightly-overlapping LoL, CGCC logo, and numbers, since I think it makes it look cooler and more integrated with the rest of canvas)
this is just so good
Sloc says it's about 300 lines
Oh, all of canvas?
I've got over 25k pixel changes logged already :p
I do wonder how much of the initial history of canvas was lost
how soon do you expect to get a replay prepared
Since it's a 128×128 canvas, that's more than 25 changes per pixel
@UnrelatedString I'll do one tonight I guess
@RadvylfPrograms (2 changes per pixel)
(do math)
Oh yeah :|
So, if I do it at 60 FPS, a 2m timelapse would have about three pixels change per frame
That's fine
how big would it be as a gif?
About 120 MB
Even after compression?
i'm not sure how well it would compress as a gif
does it handle small palettes efficiently?
I think it has a set palette size of 256
Btw, there are off-by-one errors in the rendering colours
PNG8 > GIF if you want compression
Never heard of PNG8 before, can it do animations?
IIRC it can
Okay it seems it's technically not PNG itself:
Animated Portable Network Graphics (APNG) is a file format which extends the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) specification to permit animated images that work similarly to animated GIF files, while supporting 24-bit images and 8-bit transparency not available for GIFs. It also retains backward compatibility with non-animated PNG files. The first frame of an APNG file is stored as a normal PNG stream, so most standard PNG decoders are able to display the first frame of an APNG file. The frame speed data and extra animation frames are stored in extra chunks (as provided for by the original PN...
well i see our r/place attempt completely failed, sorry I couldnt be there to help, but i was on a flight clear across the US yesterday
hop on canvas :)
I feel like the water ties a lot of stuff together
Why is there so much bisexual pride in canvas lol
@RadvylfPrograms that is a very good question
there's like
five different bi flags on the canvas
why shouldnt there be?
Nothing wrong with it it's just kinda random
also i am on the canvas now, we really need to be able to zoom in on this
I'll add pinch-to-zoom
And touchscreen support
@emanresuA is it fine if I do that
Or I guess, @allxy
pro tip: maintain 2 tabs at once. the delay is small enough so that you can keep switching back and forth
That's cheating :p
also, its slava ukrayinii, not slava ukraini
@RadvylfPrograms Touchscreens are supported
Just messy
And the canvas positioning code doesn't work on mobile afaict
Who's tryna change the cat eyes?
@Seggan we can also just write it in cyrillic again so we don't have to deal with the nightmare of romanizing ukrainian
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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