The verbs "kupiti" and "prodati" (buy and sell) are telic, and that comes from the semantics of these verbs. They imply the existence of a final state of a sort - you have something in possession or you got money for something you sold.
These verbs are morphologically simple (there are no identifiable morphemes attached to them or the base on which they are built on). Clearly, semantics of verbs can't be explained in such straighforward way, but it sure provides a starting point to think of the telicity and atelicity of verbs.
You need to read up on the verb aspect to get an idea of its purpose in language. There is a lexical aspect, which is concerned with the internal semantics of verbs (properties such as durative, stative, eventive, instantaneous etc.) and the viewpoint of aspect, which is concerned with the way you present the situation.
My suggestion is you get acquainted with the concepts of lexical and situation aspects.