I could show a great many, but I'll start with Bill Nye, debating Ken Ham. At one point, Nye claims (in response to the Creationist assertion that most sedimentary rock was laid down during Noah's flood) that "you never find a lower one" (that is, an animal which was at a lower elevation when the flood started, and therefore "ought" to have been buried in lower strata) "trying to swim its way to the higher one" (that is, a higher elevation).
This, however, is absolutely false; we do in fact find tracks of animals (quadruped vertebrates) in lower strata, but not the animals themselves. Instead, we find them in higher strata, precisely because they did flee to higher ground and were thus buried later.
Another, rather blatant example is all the evidence that radiometric dating is completely unreliable. ¹⁴C in "millions of years old" diamonds (¹⁴C decays to undetectable amounts in ~100ky). Well preserved soft tissues and even DNA of "millions of years old" dino^Wdragons. Radiometric dates that directly contradict observed formation (<100ya) of igneous rocks. Trees carbon-dated to 45ky inside rock dated (K-Ar, IIRC, but I might have that wrong) to 45My.
I could go on and on, and entire books have been written on the subject. Never mind that the evidence for Christ (not only that a "Jesus of Nazareth" existed, but was crucified and resurrected) is stronger than the evidence for many other historical figures of that time period and some time later. Those whose starting axiom is that "God does not exist" cannot be convinced by any evidence... and the Bible clearly tells us to expect this.
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Mar '2217
Creationism vs. Materialism/Naturalism
A room for sharing and discussing evidences for Creationism an...