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Q: Have any high-level EU politicians said what the response would be if Russia damages an Ukrainian nuclear reactor, releasing a massive radiation wave?

FizzThe questions seem less than theoretical, with news reports of a fire at Ukrainian nuclear reactor (at Zaporizhzhia), which can't be extinguished due to fighting. So if Russia triggers another Chernobyl in Ukrainian territory, what if any reaction does the EU envisage? Have there been any stateme...

4 hours later…
Q: Why doesn't any nuclear power country which is supporting Ukraine hand them a Nuclear Bomb?

Abhinav Lenka Some 25 nations were on the call and all said they would continue to contribute aid, some saying for the first time their support will include lethal assistance. NATO was also represented. In addition, two other countries that could not make the conference said separately that they would donate ...

4 hours later…
Q: Why was there a battle at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant?

AllureRussia apparently seized the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant after a battle which Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy criticized thusly: "We are warning everybody – not a single state apart from Russia has ever shelled nuclear reactors. It is the first time in our history, in the history of humanki...

6 hours later…
Q: Which statements about the War in Ukraine are now criminal in Russia?

TrilarionI read that the Duma in Russia has passed a law that provides for penalties of up to 15 years in prison for making certain statements about the war, for example using terms such as “attack,” “invasion,” and “declaration of war” in reporting on the war. I haven't found the exact wording of the pas...

2 hours later…
Q: How do US and EU mitigate the risk of Chinese influence increasing in Russia following the recent sanctions?

AlexeiChina will not join the sanctions against Russia and a plethora of Western companies are leaving Russia. This creates some sort of "economical vacuum" which might increase Chinese investments and influence in Russia. Do any Western government take into account such a scenario?

1 hour later…
I have found this thread and I am simultaneously shocked and amused. It is about a Stack Overflow user, who posted a spiteful comment on OP's programming question saying that he has the solution for OP's problem, but won't post it because OP is Russian. Holy cow, that is ridiculous.
It is a strategy as old as time: divide and conquer. First the powers that be create artificial divisions between people, then propagate "us versus them" narrative to antagonize these groups against each other. Understand that certain people WANT you to hate Russia and Russians so badly, instead of trying to find common ground and maybe, God forbid, find out that a lot of Russian people actually despise Russian government and its actions, then start cooperating with them to find a solution.
@user132962 Unfortunately it's a lot more common then you might think. See for example the Moscow Times' Russians Abroad: Blamed for a Regime They Sought to Escape about Russians abroad facing increased levels of harassment.
I have recently heard about an Italian university that supposedly banned Fiodor Dostojewsky's books, just because he was Russian. Dostojewsky who spent four years in a Siberian prison camp, followed by six years of compulsory military service in exile, all that for belonging to a literary group that discussed banned books critical of Tsarist Russia. How ironic!
@JJJ Interesting link, thanks!
BTW this university has already revoked their decision because of criticism. Should we expect next an incoming ban for the sale of teddy bears? Bear is the symbol animal of Russia, after all.
1 hour later…
Q: If Zelenskyj is toppled and Russia puts in place a new government, what will happen to the sanctions long term?

aioobeSuppose Putin "wins" by killing Zelenskyj staging a "democratic" election instating a new Russian friendly government withdrawing all Russian troops What will happen to the sanctions to Russia long term? Has any country put a strict condition of when sanctions would be lifted?

1 hour later…
@user132962 Hold up, if a Russian team of scientists invented the cure for cancer will it be banned because it's from a Russian study? #WONDERING
I have to be careful of what I say and do in this room.
I have a strange feeling someone will get suspended because of this room. cough politics ...

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