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7:39 AM
Q: Stepper motor has own encoder, can I connect encoder pins to microcontroller and see feedback?

TryingtogetsomeI am using closed loop stepper motor with motor driver. Here is my driver CS-D808. I am using this with microcontroller. I want to stop this motor always certain location after 5 to 10 turns. I wrote a code, I am using (circuitpython). for z in range (y): for x in range (1600): print(...

(1) A short answer to you question is "Yes". (2) Your stepper driver is very advanced, usually for heavy duty, mission critical industrial applications. (3) Ref: (a) CS-D808&CS-D1008 Closed Loop [8A peak, NEMA34] bipolar stepper Drive User Manual - LeadShine… (b) ES-D808w - ES-M23440w Closed Loop Hybrid Stepper Motor Driver - LeadShine US$150 I can give you a longer answer if you confirm that you have skmmed the user manual.
@Antonio I am using first 5 switch on (default mode 1600 steps ). Thanks to you. I tried my code with 800 steps, It went 2 turn. Thank you i solved my code problem thanks to you.
tlfong01 , I read this. It says No loss of step , No torque reservation etc. So is this motor and driver do it without need anything ? If they do themself, should I use auto tuning switch on ? One more question , pend+ pend- pins 5-24 V output signal. So can I use them for information with my microcontroller ?
@Tryingtogetsome, (1) Let me entertain your first question: "So is this motor and driver do it without need anything?" , (2) I assume the "it" you mentioned refers to (a) "no loss of step, (b) no torque reservation, (c), (d) ... etc", and the list can be long. (3) To make our discussion not too TLDR, let us confine to the first thing "no loss of steps", which is often concerned. (4) In other words, let us shorten your question to the short from below: Can the LeadShine closed loop stepper motor driver prevent step loss by itself, without mcu? . Pls feel free to make counter suggestions.
Yes, I'm wondering about this. And also I want to ask can Pend+ Pend- (5-24V might damage mcu ) pins supply feedback to mcu ?
(5) Quick reply to "Pend+/Pend- (5~24V)" _ Pend+ is open collector (to suit external MCU etc), so you can connect Vcc to 5V, and output should be 5V logic level. If you are using 3V3 mcu, you might need to shift down the 5V signal to 3V3. (6) are you using any 1000-line incremental encoders, or simple low resolution, for speed/direction checking quadrature encoders? (7) Are you using ProTuner to do the setup/calibration/verification for "in position" business?
(5) continued, ... A quick and dirty stepping down trick is just use 2 serial small signal diode such as 1N4148 in series with the 5V logical level output to drop/step down to 5V - (0.8V x 2) ~= 3V3.
7:43 AM
data sheet says it is 1000-line incremental encoders. I am trying to google it because I don't know these means. I was doing school project and I need stepper for it. One of my dad's friend give me this stepper and driver. I will give them back when I show my project. They used this motor with PLC and they don't know much about it .
I am not using proTuner
My mcu is Arduino so I can use 5V logic level.
(7) OK. 5V Arduino is good enough for your school project. (8) However, your US$150 LeadShine closed loop motor driver is too advanced for a school project. I would suggest to start you project with a cheap. cheap < US$5 hobbyist type stepper motor controller (of course no closed loop stuff).
(9) You might like to google/browse for cheapy stepper motor drivers such as A4988 or DRV8833 in Arduino forums to get a rough idea of how other Arduino guys are playing with simple stepper motor drivers.
8:04 AM
Actually even A4988 or DRV8833 might be to difficult for a school project. For newbies, I usually recommend the 28byj48 stepper motor, with ULN2003 driver. Ref:
How can Rpi3B+ use the A4988 stepper motor driver to control a NEMA17 motor? Asked 9 months ago Active 3 months ago Viewed 2k times
I highly recommend a school project to start with this:
28BYJ-48 5V DC Stepper Motor + ULN2003 stepper motor drive for Arduino - US$2
thank you tlfong01 but I already had this 150$ motor and driver. I can run stepper and stop stepper at certain point. I will show to my school when I finish this project. Then I will give this stepper motor and driver to owner. He lent me this stepper and driver
OK. I agree with you. If you have already made some progress on this driver and motor, you can explore further and make something to impress your teacher and classmates. On second thought, 28Byj48 and ULN2003 is too common stuff and won't impress anybody.
Going back to your project, you might like to give us a specification (more details) about you project objective, such as pushing or lifting some heavy object to a distance or height very precisely?
8:25 AM
okay my project needs to push animal feed. To do that it needs to turn 1 rotation. It is a basic animal feed station. This is a basic project for now I am thinking for identification animal and to pour different animal feed for different animal in the future. Since motor is really strong, I will probably put 10kg food in this system. Motor needs to push foods to animals (for now I am controlling it with button ).
Ha, your project sounds interesting. So it is in two stages. In the first stage, the human or animal, say a crocodile, would press a button, and 10kg of food would push to the animal. In the second stage, a camera would detect which animal is pushing the button, if it was a too fatty crocodile, then only 2 kg of food will be given, to help the fat animal losing weight.
8:48 AM
yes, that's it
for now for example one crocodile came, I will push button and motor will rotate 1 turn. This turn will push to the animal like 1.5 kg ( I didn't measure it). So in tank, there will be still 8.5 kg food for another crocodiles.
2 hours later…
11:00 AM
Ha, thanks a lot for clarifying how the food is "physically translated" from the "food storage" to the "food tray". Actually I have seen similar projects called dog/cat food feeder. Typically the clever dog/cat, after training/briefing, would come by and say, push a button for food, another button for water.
The dog/cat food is in the form of little meat balls or biscuits, and if the stepper motor turns an opening door 45 degrees, then more meat balls would fall at a speed of 10 balls per second. BTW, I read that old dogs can be as clever as a 8 years old child, and that can learn new tricks. Cats seems not so clever. Pig can be even more clever, so I would suggest not to use crocodile (not so easy to find, anyway), and use dogs as the target user.
The real case studies actually use hobbyist grade "servos", TowerPro MG996, ...
Ah, locking down supper time. Nice chatting with you, see you tomorrow. Cheers.
Thanks for everything. Nice chatting with you too. Have a nice day.

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