Useful information for those new to StackExchange sites.
Since about half of those who signed up appear to be new to StackExchange in doing a quick search for a somewhat quick and general introduction on how such sites works I found this answer: How does Ask Ubuntu work?
As you follow along, just mentally replace Ask Ubuntu with the name for the new site Proof Assistants and it should be pretty much what to expect if and when the site reaches Beta phase.
StackExchange sites grant privileges based on reputation. During the sites progressing Private Beta, Public Beta and Full site the points needed for privileges differ. The required points are dramatically lower at the start and increase for each phase. See this answer for the details
My best guess is that the private beta will last about 3 week, the public beta will last from months to years, and if the site meets the requirements can become a Full site.
The way the up and down votes work is a bit confusing when changing a vote. Since one can vote on each answer separately, one can change a vote from an upvote to a downvote or one can undo a vote by clicking on the previously selected choice again. Hopefully this answer will help make it clear.
@AndrejBauer No I (@GuyCoder) made the room. I also sent a request to allow you to be an owner of this chat room if ever the need should arise, e.g. it transitions to the primary chat from for the new site.
@GuyCoder Also I'd add to this message that you can't change your vote made on a post after some amount of minutes, unless the post is edited, in which case you can freely change your vote (cancel your upvote or even change an upvote to a downvote)
@AndrejBauer Does anyone know? I don't specifically because I have not done it in many years. I have contacted two current and active moderators of sites in Beta and invited them here, Ben I. of Computer Science Educators and Tyberius of Matter Modeling
@AndrejBauer I hate to sound pessimistic but SE is not the most personally helpful, the needed information is about if you know how to find it. Even for me this is sometimes hard. How may new users do we see use SE sites once and never return. I myself almost left forever at the start if not for endeavoring.
@GuyCoder I'll be in a job interview most of today after 10 CST, so I won't be able to be particular responsive, but I can try to address some key points and answer any questions you might have right now.
@Tyberius Thanks, good luck. The most pressing one is the ETA of the private beta? I know only SE staff know a real answer but what is your guess? Don't forget about the U.S. Thanksgiving day might factor in.
All the other questions can wait as if they are not answered now they will become apparent once the beta site is up and meta becomes active with users.
@GuyCoder Also, if he isn't too busy, a great person to ask about this would be @user1271772. He was the one who proposed our site and has been heavily involved in all stages and aspects of the site's development.
@Tyberius This is odd, I can find user1271772 but when I click on their Matter Modeling link he becomes Nike Dattani. Since you noted that they proposed Matter Modeling and that is Nike Dattani, I will ping him.
@GuyCoder The most relevant post to your situation is this one: I expect the Thanksgiving holiday will push things back and they like to launch these sites on Tuesday so my the earliest I think it will launch will be Dec 8th.
*Dec 7th. They may push it to the 14th because they like to do the private to public decision 3 weeks after launch and pushing it back would move this out of the Christmas/New Years week.
@AndrejBauer The way I am currently looking for information is to visit the Area51 site and Meta site of Matter Modeling which was of the latest sites to reach Beta. (ref)
@user291270 Hi Buffy. I know you know enough to ask some basic beginner questions. I did not see you listed in the commit list. If you plan to commit can you use this link so I can see what it is like to recommend someone. Thanks.
The SE staff has indicated a preference for the site URL name. This is most likely what we would use for this site. It's simple and clear and unambiguous and it follows the pattern, which makes it easy to