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A: Does "into" mean only "from outside to inside "?

LambieThe device generates clean air and releases it into the room. release, not discharge. IMPROVEMENT. :) However, it does not say where the device is located. For example: The device works by sucking the air inside of it, where it goes through a filtration system to clean it. After filtration, the d...

Woe to downvoters.
1. This doesn't answer the asker's question. The question was does the original sentence eliminate the possibility that the device is within the room. DJClayworth more clearly illustrates that no, it does not. 2. The word "discharge" is acceptable here. Even so, if you have a reason that the sentence should be changed, please specify.
@mjjf The original sentence is very poor. The question was: Could the sentence above only be interpreted as the device being located outside the room? Which I answered: It does not say where the device is located. The word discharge is awful here. The other answer does not answer the question at all.
I don't know what gauge you're using to determine the quality of the original sentence, it is a clear, well-written sentence. Your preference for "release" over "discharge" is also subjective. From Collins Dictionary - If something is discharged from inside a place, it comes out. That is what happens to the air. In any case, your answer is more focused on this word choice than the actual question. I reread the other answer, I still believe it more clearly addresses the concerns of the asker. Agree to disagree.
@mjjf Last time I "looked", we write based on what we know. Go look at websites that talk about devices and air. They say that devices release air. discharge is often negatively connoted. As I said, the OP's sentence does not say where the device is located. "Could the sentence above only be interpreted as the device being located outside the room?". The answer is no. Air filtering devices can be located in rooms.
You mean like these websites? I'm sure the engineers would love to know they should be using "release" instead because you say so. ; ;
I think you should stick to writing based on what you know, as you suggested.
@mjjf KLIMAVENT is not an English or US company: it is Polish or Swiss. All that stuff is translated. The WIPO patent concerns a different kind of device: a compressed air discharge device. That is not a air filtering system as in the OP's question. Google hits without pertinent qualification are useless.
You're right, better that we rely on random air purifier reviews and wezaggle articles as our sources, as you did. It's obvious there is no way to convince you, but these pedantics are besides the point anyway. The asker wasn't asking for your sage advice on their word choice.
@mjjf I didn't know pedantics was a word. If I were learner and had an answer like mine, I would be super happy. Often, questions around here have odd word choice. So, to help learners, we can provide better word choices.
If I were the asker and saw an answer like yours I would find you arrogant and overly pedantic, and I too would mark the other answer as best for being clear and to the point without condescension.
Please, both of you step away from the Internet for a minute and take some deep breaths. This rude tone --yes, both of you-- doesn't belong on the SE network.
15 hours later…
@gotube I really think you are overstepping your authority by deleting my answer. If you reread my comments, you will see there is nothing personal in them.
6 hours later…
@Lambie I don't see anything personal in your comments. Like I said, the problem is that they're rude.
@gotube My answer shows up as DELETED, though. It says it was deleted by you.
So, now what?
@gotube This post is hidden. It was deleted 20 hours ago by gotubeā™¦.
@Lambie Yes. You flagged it as improperly deleted. I declined the flag with a note along the lines of: "One sentence of your answer addresses the OP, and the rest of it is about vocabulary choice, which the OP doesn't ask about." So now it stays deleted
Yes, you deleted it improperly. I don't get it. This guy comes after me, after I answered the question accurately, and you deleted it. You overstepped your bounds. I wish I could report you for that.
The rest is about vocabulary choice. So what? I both answered the question and improved it. There's nothing wrong with that.
You criticize me at first by saying Both of you step away from the Internet; then, you say "they are rude". Then you delete my answer??
I did not have a rude tone. He did. Many times.
Anyway, now you can't undelete it. Right? There is no rule on ELL that says we can't improve the way a question is asked.
I'm sorry to hear you think I'm doing a bad job. If you're interested in escalating this, you can report me using this link: It's the "Contact" or "Contact Us" button at the bottom of every main SE network page (not chat pages). It will connect you with a CM (SE paid staff person) who will handle it.

We should continue this in a private channel. I'll set one up for us now.

last day (15 days later) »