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Why is it that whenever I see the word velocipede, I imagine something that's part velociraptor, part centipede?
9 hours later…
@user6726 I wanted to let you know I greatly appreciate the linguistic perspective of a legal mind. Contracts are a part of life, but the biggest material issue I currently face is in regard to the meaning of "abstract" in the context of patent law.
(i.e. instead of being able to file a basic patent for a pure method that constitutes a set of games, I have to limit my claims to "technological implementation" of the algorithm, and there are still questions as to whether pure algorithms are too "abstract".)
What constitutes change regarding the "transformation test" may come down to how one views reality (i.e. is matter actually information? Is transformation of information sufficient to pass this test?) What is the definition of an "article" that is transformed?

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