@Alenanno I think he means that we can get some computer-formatted (but human readable) text when we open the query page, but it will not auto-fill the answer
so we have to manually get the data from the query page, then format it nicely and then type it in the answer
I'm aware that a number of classifer languages have what might be called "plural classifiers" which -- unlike "normal" classifier -- force a plural, count interpretation, instead of being ambiguous between a single interpretation with a mass-y quantification. That is, in the general case, we see ...
(!) NOTE: Information may vary until the start of the Challenge. So keep checking!
Premise: This Meta question will be the one we will use for this Challenge Week but also for the future ones. The title will change after the hyphen, showing the Challenge's number (in order of time) and the t...
That sucks, I know... Try proposing something... On GL&U it'll get much more attention than on Linguistics... This is because Ling is much more "niche" considering the people who do something with it
there are more people interested in German than in Linguistics I guess... :D
I read somewhere that the Hebrew writing system evolved from Egyptian pictographs. If that's the case, have anyone read about records that trace exact evolution from a pictograph to a Hebrew letter, or is this something very hard to research because of the lack of historical data?
Should this site cover only spoken language or also written language, including alphabets and other writing systems? Or should it allow the latter only to a certain degree that overlaps spoken language in some way?
the fact that it's obviously on-topic to some people's way of thinking and obviously off-topic to others i think means it is important for the faq
i think it's safe to say it's not part of linguistics proper but still a great benefit for our site. a site just on writing systems might not have enough numbers. the studies are clearly relevant to each other if not "genetically related"
there's possibly even an argument there to augment our name to "linguistics and writing systems"
Destroys, in the sense that it would mean that such programmes are all worthless? Certainly not! But it does mean that pictures prove next to nothing, even if they aren't Photoshopped.