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hey, @Alenanno!
@OtavioMacedo hey!
Have you seen the newly worded Challenge Week question?
Yes, very nice!
GLORY heheh
wait brb
@OtavioMacedo back!
I've edited my last question, in response to some comments
Q: What caused some IE languages to have consonant inventory sizes different from PIE?

Otavio MacedoThe WALS chapter on consonant inventories shows that the distribution of inventory sizes across languages follows a normal curve, with average size inventories (22 ± 3 consonants) being the most frequent. This is approximately the number of consonants that Proto-Indo-European had. Not surprisingl...

I noticed... It sounds like a "research" question :D
Is this title grammatical?
I think so
Do you guys sit like this?
I try to heheh
@OtavioMacedo Any info about the API?
I haven't had time yet :(
I'll try to hack something tonight
Sure, no worries. :D
Gotta go, see you later!
4 hours later…
Q: Significance of "childish errors" in mainstream language change

FumbleFingersOver on ELU the question Is “bettern't” an OK word to use? drew me into debate about how significant "childish errors" are in the development of mainstream language. Hence, the question: Are "childish errors" significant forces of language change? I'll put my cards on the table and say straight...

@OtavioMacedo and @Cerberus... When browsing through the questions, I feel like I am so not expert in Linguistics... :D
@OtavioMacedo Can't see it :D
oh, nevermind, just a joke ;-)
Ah I saw the image name lol
What I mean is that
on EL&U if I want to gain rep, I can easily do it... But on here, it's so hard to find references to back up what I think, and sometimes I'm like "what?"
I see that as a good sign
It is the same for me.
But mainly because it is either about some theory that I haven't heard of, or some unknown language, or because the OP is asking "does obscure thing x exist at all, anywhere in the world?".
But sometimes even apparently-basic things, like the question about children mistakes posted by FumbleFingers
I could say something about it, but I lack something. Which may as well be expertise. :D
Linguistics is a very broad field
It's a good sign because it means the site is generating good content
and the bar is high
but I wish I was over that bar even with the good content
Plus, Linguistics won't probably be my field, so you can say I won't become more expert in the future, if not from personal input.
@Cerberus LoL
That's you.
Si, evvero.
(Is that correct?)
"It's true"?
è vero
but if you read it, you won't understand the difference (apart from the vv)
But pronounced like evvero, right?
And "sì" has the accent
"si" is the reflexive particle
I guess evvero is slang spelling or something.
Never saw it... :D
@Alenanno Oh, of course, sì, sì!
but we have "ovvero"
which means something else though
it's like "in other words"
Did you commit to the Italian SE?
Did I tell you that if you don't do it, I'll suspend you? :D :P
nonchalantly abusing power
You have promised to suspend me so many times I lost count.
Lmao, really?
Yes. But I easily lose count.
On a more serious note, the Italian SE is really slow... It sucks if we think about other languages.
@Cerberus You have a bad memory even with three heads?
@OtavioMacedo Ahah nice one!
@Alenanno Portuguese SE is quite slow, as well
Yes, alas.
@Cerberus alas?
I wish my memory were better!
What does it mean though?
Oh, sorry.
It means something like purtroppo.
An exclamation of deploration.
Ah I see
"Too bad".
French has hélas.
Don't you have a similar word in Italian?
I think purtroppo might work for it! :)
> ahimè, ohimè
Dictionary gives that, and purtroppo.
I see!
That is done with "ahi" + "me"
Ahi is our "ouch"
"me" is "me"
also "ahia"
Ah OK.
"inter. esprime compassione, dolore, rimpianto, pentimento: ahimè, che sciagura!; Ahimè, non ho se non il mio tormento / e il mio canto (D'Annunzio)"
Oh God, D'Annunzio...
Was that "oh no" or "oh cool"?
Well, he doesn't have a very good reputation, does he?
Why not? He's one of the most famous authors here.
I never studied hm particularly well, so maybe I'm missing something.
He is depicted as a semi-fascist here...
Though perhaps extreme nationalist is better.
Of course that says nothing about his art.
I didn't know about this, honestly... But it seems they celebrated him, but he always refused to get the Party Ticket.
Soprannominato il Vate cioè "il profeta", occupò una posizione preminente nella letteratura italiana dal 1889 al 1910 circa e nella vita politica dal 1914 al 1924. Come letterato fu «eccezionale e ultimo interprete della più duratura tradizione poetica italiana...» e come politico lasciò un segno sulla sua epoca e una influenza sugli eventi che gli sarebbero succeduti. Biografia La famiglia e gli anni di formazione Gabriele D'Annunzio nacque a Pescara il 12 marzo 1863 da famiglia borghese benestante. Terzo di cinque figli, visse un'infanzia felice, distinguendosi per intelligenza ...
From there
I never particularly got interest in him, honestly... :D
but again, if I have to confess, although I like to read, I never particularly liked studying Literature...
> D'Annunzio then declared Fiume an independent state, the Italian Regency of Carnaro; the Charter of Carnaro foreshadowed much of the later Italian Fascist system, with himself as "Duce" (leader). Some elements of the Royal Italian Navy, such as the destroyer Espero joined up with D'Annunzio's local forces.[5]
> He attempted to organize an alternative to the League of Nations for (selected) oppressed nations of the world (such as the Italians of Fiume), and sought to make alliances with various separatist groups throughout the Balkans (especially groups of Italians, though also some Slavic groups), although without much success. D'Annunzio ignored the Treaty of Rapallo and declared war on Italy itself, only finally surrendering the city in December 1920 after a bombardment by the Italian navy.
@Alenanno Yeah he became more calm and reasonable after the whole Fiume incident.
@Cerberus I suppose a bombardment has the power to change your mind... :P
Hehe yes.
see y'all later
buon appetito!
1 hour later…
@NikhilBellarykar Hi!
@OtavioMacedo wassup? what time is it in Brazil?
daylight saving time
it is 02:00 in India
oh k
was reading abt the really strange language ubykh
I know
the last speaker died in 1992
I've read somewhere that in a hundred years, about 90% of today's languages will be dead
seems highly unlikely
I can vouch at least for Indian languages
how many languages are spoken in India?
well, wiki says around 1652 total, living languages being arnd 415
major are 22-25
and everyone speaks English in India?
rather say there are many who understand it now a days, but only in big towns can you be sure of it..
although officially english is ubiquitous
here in Brazil, Portuguese is effectively the only language
few people speak English
but many understand english isnt it?
hmm, not so many
so if I come to Brazil it is kind of must to understand basic Portugese then
yes, tourists have a hard time here
thanks for the tip :)
no problem!
well, gotta go!
nice talking to you
ya, me too
see u later
nice talking to you too
1 hour later…
Q: evolution of writing systems

iralightI read somewhere that Hebrew has evolved from Egyptian pictographs. If that's the case, have anyone read about records that trace exact evolution from a pictograph to a Hebrew letter, or is this something very hard to research because of the lack of historical data? Thanks in advance

@mollyocr Are you online?
I think you're not. Ping me when you come online!
Hey @OtavioMacedo I'm going to bed
By the way, I was asking about the writing system question... I'm no sure if it's off topic (maybe I'm wrong) but I wanted to know why it is, since we have at least another similar question...
Well, see y'all tomorrow.
goes offline
bye, see you tomorrow

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