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I think we're all seeing an alarming drop in participation from the users of the site.
It's my hope that folks look at the this meta thread and see that the options are not many should things continue like this.
@RoryAlsop Yep, its description is:
> Visit the site each day for 100 consecutive days. (Days are counted in UTC.)
And yeah, the Sound Design SE community needs to address on the failed-election issue:
Q: Insufficient nominees for moderator election: What happens next?

SpencerGStack Exchange’s position is that every site has a team of moderators to operate in our network. Currently, this community is being moderated by Rory Alsop and AJ Henderson, who have been doing an excellent job. In 2019, Sound Design shed its Beta label along with 28 other SE sites. We attempted ...

The key portion:
> We are going to recommend waiting until February 2022 before setting up another election for this site. We’ll be looking for additional individuals to nominate themselves as moderators to join the team. This next election will help to bring those folks in. If we can’t find at least four people willing to nominate themselves to be a moderator on this site by that time, the site is at risk of shutting down.
1 hour later…
I added a response to that as well encouraging people to think about it and reach out to Rory or I if they have questions about it. Hopefully can make it sound less intimidating to people

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