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Has anybody played with LMMs at all? I am trying to figure out if it is a tool worth using for creating audio clips and samples for the web
@JustSteveKing I have not used it, but it appears to be more an open source version of something like Acid
rather than a sound design tool
looks more targeted at synthesizer/loop music production
Ahh ok, I am having a play with it at the moment
cool, let me know how it turns out. Like I said, I've not actually used it, I've only looked at the screen shots and gone "hmm, it looks a lot like this class of software"
I am trying to fins an open source tool to help me with sound creation if I am honest
You can tell it is open source
but the things you can do seem reasonable
have you looked at Audacity?
I have it open at the moment :)
I am using a mix of LMMS and audacity right now
I am new to the audio world really - so trying to find my feet
yeah, Audacity is a DAW which is the most common type of tool for recording and mixing and manipulating sound. Synth/loop software is more about using audio in patterns and pitch shifts and such to make music from samples
a fair number of concepts carry from one to the other though
Ah ok! That makes alot more sense! What I am trying to do is make little audio clips to be used in an app for notification sounds
and knowing both classes of software certainly doesn't hurt, but if I'm right about the purpose of LMMS then it will be of only limited usefulness for sound design, particularly once you get comfortable using DAWs
DAWs are by nature a bit more complicated
What are SAW's??
DAW is the class of software that Audacity is part of
digital audio workstation
Ahh I get you
(Thank god for google)
Audacity, CuBase, ProTools, Audition, etc
I used cubase alot a few years ago
It appears to have changed drastically since 2006 lol!
and then you have your loop/synths like Acid, Sonar and if I'm correct LMMS
Yes it does appear to fit into that category :)
More for looping and manipulating as you go than actually creating
and then you move from that in to the even more live edit DJ and VJ related systems, but I don't know much about those
which is kind of funny, because I know recording, I know loop/synth and I know live sound
but somehow I never touched DJing or VJing
So where should I be looking for my task at hand?
I'd focus on learning Audacity mostly
I am a total novice when it comes to audio, i used to record with cubase but didnt know what I was doing
What I intended to do was to record a noise (for example popping noise) then cut it strip it and add effects until it sounds how I want it to.
though you may need some synth stuff as a source to bring in to audacity
Will audacity allow me to do this?
that would be something you would do in Audacity
Thank you :)
That helps!
I'm not that familiar with the limitations of Audacity, but that is a DAW type of task
I use Audition primarily
I have been asked to "master audio engineering" by my boss ...
and have used CuBase fairly extensively in the past
and dabbled with Protools a little
however all I need to do is know the principles behind sound design and how to create something
I opened up cubase and was a little lost, protools would be well out of my league. I am a developer - not an audio engineer lol!
and when it comes to actually doing the sound manipulation stuff though, you are probably best to ask some of the other people more about that. I don't do a whole lot of actual designing particular sounds. I do much more on the recording and live audio side of things
ironically, I'm a developer by day as well
Could you point me in the right direction to read up on the psychology behind sound design / audio?
I need to understand it to the same level as I do visual design
but I have a dual major in electronic arts and CS and have been doing A/V stuff at a professional level with varying degrees of regularity for the last decade and a half or so
so that I am doing it right
I think I will stick with developing - audio seems like a tough cookie to crack!
@JustSteveKing that's exactly why I'm a full time developer
I could work twice the hours for half the pay
and that's not exagerated
I have a friend who works as a recording engineer in London, but I dont think its something I could do.
I have friends that are full time in the industry that work some of the same conferences I do and they often are working 80 hours a week and making half as much per year as I do
I will stick with code :)
and I can buy gear faster than them because my side jobs are pure profit
Always a bonus :D
Is there such thing as sound psychology?
if they get $1000 for a job, $950 of it is living expenses, if I do the same job for $600, I can buy $600 of new gear
like color psychology - but for audio?
@JustSteveKing several different variety
Where can I read up / learn about it alittle?
psychoacoustics is one interesting field, though it is more about how we actually hear than what it says to us
ahh :/
but that's how a lot of compression and stuff works by discarding parts of the sound that don't matter
So work reading into anyway?
there is also certain types of sounds that do elicit particular emotions, but again, that's going more in to the sound effect design side which I know less about
I'm not sure what the term for that is
but I do know it is a thing
I would post on the sound design site as a question - but I think I would get marked down for not being a real question or off topic :(
@JustSteveKing I think asking about what the field is called is on topic
it's specific and answerable
and as far as I know it isn't a dupe
I will ask away and hope for the best :)
I certainly won't be mod-closing it and I don't think either of the other two would
even our over-zealous close voters are primarily for things that are more recording or music related, where as this is much more a question about something up their alley
Excellent :) I will craft up a question straight away :)
I have asked the question :) lets hope no one kills me for it!
Q: Sound Psychology an explanation

JustSteveKingI am trying to work on covering sound design the same way I would approach anything visual. With Visual Design there is a vast amount of things to go into, such as Color Psychology With Sound Design I am trying to find information or advise on something similar such as Sound Psychology. I am n...

asked :)
@JustSteveKing I made one little modification
asking for general advice is a bit broad, asking for where to find resources and what it is called is less so
basically, if it is a thing, we can't cover the entire thing in one question ;)
That helkps :) I was struggling to word it while asking for an answer and not a link.
Thank you :)
people underestimate how hard it is to ask good questions
but I think you did a really good job of describing what you were looking for
honestly, it's one of the better questions I think we've had lately
in terms of how it was asked
I try and ask it as best I can, however posing it as a question can be difficult
@JustSteveKing there is a reason that network wide I have probably around 4000 to 5000 answers and only about 20 or 30 questions
I am slowly learning how best to ask questions - but each site seems to have its own way of asking lol!
@JustSteveKing yes and no
Mind you I was using askUbuntu for years before realising I was on Stack Exchange
there is a lot of consistency between them, but it can look a little different as to how on-topicness works
product recommendations and subjectivity are the main areas of variability
but even that is relatively consistent depending on the type of subject matter
arts by nature are more subjective
so we have to allow more good subjective questions
I tend to stick to stack overflow as I am mostly on about programming now adays
ironically, I barely even have 500 rep on SO
even though it has more than half my questions asked network wide
too hard to find questions to answer that someone hasn't already answered well
I have just breached 200 lol! Only been using SE for about 2 months though
askUbuntu for about 3/4 years
mainly searching and not asking though
yeah, I used SO, SU and SF for years without realizing they were the same company
then I discovered SE and from there, IT Security, then Photography, then AVP which split to Video Production and Sound Design, and then Moderators when it started
those are my main 5 that I actively participate on
IT security has its own?? I have been looking for one! I was sticking to /r/netsec on reddit because I couldnt find one lol!
yeah, sec.se is actually really, really good
our chat room forced Poodle to be revealed early
niice :D
I will go and join quick :)
we were discussing what it could have been and our top user, a Canadian cryptographer by the name of Thomas Pornin independently identified the vulnerability from the scraps of rumors floating around
I have noticed all the smart unheard of people tend to hang around on Stack Exchange somewhere
Its like a university library
yeah, I have actually had Eric Lipert answer some of my programming questions
of course, I then proceeded to get in an argument with him on Sec.SE
that was fun
particularly considering he was actually wrong
is that the information security SE?
we call it Sec.SE (sexy)
Or is there one more targetted at web securtiy?
Ahhh I like it :D
it's a bit of an oddball because it is technically called IT Security, but as a practical matter, we cover all security because you can't really seperate IT security from normal security
the one important caveat I will give on the scope is that Sec.SE isn't implementation related, we are concept related
ie, how do I configure my snort rule to do X is off topic
that's a server fault question
figuring out what the rule should do is on topic though
given a particular threat and use case
it's a subtle but key distinction
but we end up doing a whole lot of migrations to SU and SF
if you like chat, The DMZ is the main security chat room as well
and it is quite active, though not always security related discussion
it's not as badly off topic as The Bridge or ELU's chat room, but it can get rambunctious at times.

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