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there's a fridge outside, not connected to anything, closed, and looking perfectly brand new
(this is outside a college by the way)
I think I've found a reincarnation of lyxal's fridge
May I may I have it?
I would very greatly muchly appreciate it to have it in my collection of things that are the things that I have
It'd be a good. It'd be a very good
I think it'd fit right in along side everything else that it would be next to in that it'd be placed in the same general area and or location as the other stuff it'd be displayed along side
Kind and sincere regards, lyxal
Where's the send email button
Outlook really needs to be not changing itself and its layout so often
sheesh now that's a text wall
I might go take a photo of it tomorrow if it's still there
it's like roughly a meter cubed which is weird for a fridge but I guess it's a mini fridge
@Redz that's barely a wall of letters, words , and sentences and all
It's more like a text fence or a text fence gate
@Redz ooh a baby fridge
6 hours later…
that is so hilarious out of context in the room switcher lol

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