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who's the light grayer sticks
general cgcc people?
Nah, those are socks, the robotic footsoldiers of mathcat
@Redz pride pfp detected
eyyyyyyy genderfluid gang
(or am I misremembering that flag :p)
@RydwolfPrograms smh eyeballs
@Ginger yahhhhh
@Ginger yeah no its the right flag
@RydwolfPrograms somehow I heavily doubt that Alexis is the type of person to scream 'siya, losers'
but nah anybody becomes that type of person once their job goes from cleaning up spam to shooting fireballs at evil robots
okay fair point there
socks are robots?
I kinda assumed they were biological in nature
but robots makes more sense
I guess they could be biological, but they quite often have like, spinning blades as part of their anatomy
technically you could just give everyone rotor blades
woop, maths exam, I'll see myself out
2014 as in that one question?
yeah lol
I promise, no more talking for the next few chapters :p
S2 will have 8-10 chapter parts I think
waiting for myself to make an appearance :3
@RydwolfPrograms evil grin
@Ginger uhh context?
Q: Produce the number 2014 without any numbers in your source code

Joe Z. Note to challenge writers as per meta consensus: This question was well-received when it was posted, but challenges like this, asking answerers to Do X without using Y are likely to be poorly received. Try using the sandbox to get feedback on if you want to post a similar challenge. It's 2017...

ah that classic
better make sure their convo has no numbers
...someone should get kicked out for saying a number
2 hours later…
that is an amazing question

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