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frames downloaded, ordering now...
@RydwolfPrograms ready to upload
I'm here!
Bugs bunny has been called off
ok, uploading
prepare your butt
@RydwolfPrograms excellent
(these are all by Seggan btw)
who is this who got the diamond?
@RydwolfPrograms Seggan
is this before or after P4C3?
I don't recall
lol I'll be quiet and let you post it
(now I'm drawing)
(except for that one, that's Unrelated's)
there it is
@Ginger Wait so when the hivemind members touched the universe imploded? :p
oh god that is an onomatopoeia
@RydwolfPrograms we're getting to that
and then, my favorite:
Ooh a marvel one liner :p
you're welcome lol
> Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw has found one for himself near the end of 'Let's Play Normality', it was boobie boobie bum bum. Made him laugh so hard he started to leaked tears.
that's all of them
@RydwolfPrograms I disclaim all responsibility for the content of websites linked to by me
Nice! Thanks all of y'all for participating :p
Will have the grand finale out in about half an hour
now, any questions?
No, mostly because I don't want to lock y'all into any canon in case I need to retcon something :p
actually there were one or two things that happened but aren't clear in those frames
1. the segfault linked Seggan and Steffan together to form the hivemind
2. because I only did a short-range TP I'm still in/near JVM
3. there's no third thing that I can think of, that's it
I have no context for this, so I can't add subtitles, but if someone wants to do that tell me when to push to the site
so i uh kinda forgot I promised half an hour lol
starting on C6
@RydwolfPrograms the diamond ginger gave me is cracked (you can see it and ginger says "slightly damaged") a normal and cracked one near each other produced the segfault
@RydwolfPrograms immediately after ginger destroying CR
Most of the chapter is a flashback
@RydwolfPrograms As in the chapter itself goes chronologically right after the last, but the flashback is right after CR's destruction. It also shows steggan is linked to the corrupted crystal
(Due to the segfault creating both steggan and the crystal)
dennis looking for his diamond may have interesting implications for the future :eyes:
Okay C6 is shaping up to be totally awesome
@Ginger The one on the stage is mathcat right?
It is time
This is gonna be a big chapter, but it's one I feel really good about
And that's P4, folks
It's been a pleasure comicking with y'all :p
Now, I should get to sleep
Bye! o/
Posting these really wrecks your cooldown :p
the gif at the end is such a nice touch lol
8 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms no, that's Seggan
@RydwolfPrograms wait, so we didn't know?
@RydwolfPrograms feels slightly anticlimactic lol
we set up a whole bunch of stuff with the flashback and then you just... didn't do anything with it
and the final battle was a curb-stomp
Yeah tbh I'm slightly disappointed
even Snowy only showed up right at the end for like 3 frames
time for another community chapter!
How do the TNBers accept Seggan after his wrongdoings?
3 hours later…
@Ginger I tried my best
Things like the crystal being linked to Steffan I took from y'all's chapter
And I had a good reason for Dennis not being involved
Was there anything else y'all set up that I missed?
(I think there were a few small things, but since I only had so much time and didn't want to make a like, fifty frame chapter, I had to kind of pare down what things I closed and what I didn't, and given that there's four whole parts of random asides, that was a big list :p)
@Ginger I mean not really? The final battle was kinda an onion. The innermost layer may not have been much of a fight, but that was because of several chapters' worth of tough fights stripping away mathcat's powers, and the gang badly losing the fight with the socks outside the bunker entrance (intentionally, but still)
P1C1 already established that Perks can beat Nitro 1 on 1. Mathcat was only able to win so easily because Nitro + Mod + 1M = Staff. The whole arc relating to the crystal was to strip away the Mod part of it
And, IMO, y'all's chapter was a huge contribution in terms of Steggan/corrupted crystal lore. That was the main thing that I went away with thinking "wow that's cool", so it's what I put in the final chapter :p
(also sorry about Snowpaw, totally forgor 💀 until the fight was over that they were supposed to be involved)
Alr, we forgive you
this time
@Seggan-OnStrike I tried to imply with the part where Steffan goes "...what am I doing here" in the final chapter when the crystal uncracks that the only reason you and Steffan were working for mathcat is that he had some sort of mind control over y'all, possibly using the corrupted crystal to link y'all into a hivemind that he had control over
And so when the corrupted crystal absorbs mathcat's diamond and gets fixed, that vanishes and both of you go back to normal, kind of confused how you got there
Yes, but I'm referring to the takeover of JVM, when steggan didn't exist yet
I'm indirectly responsible for Dennis' disappearance too
I mean, Ginger had as much of an iron fist dictatorship as mathcat did, but was forgiven for the greater good
Sure, but I didn't do anything
Wait so is the corrupted crystal owned by hyper or mathcat?
It was stored in the resistance supply bunker, until Jo King defected and mathcat took it. He stored it in the Orion Collider base, until the gang steals it back in P4C4
That's what they use to steal mathcat's staff powers
Presumably Ginger was part of the exchange resistance and that's how the crystal ended up there
next part finishes the story of the community chapter
(since in y'all's chapter it's Ginger who ends up with it, right?)
@RydwolfPrograms we actually thought that it was taken from ginger
@Seggan-OnStrike Ooh I actually have a great idea for where Dennis could fit in
Since the TNB goes in pursuit of ginger
I suggest reading the entirety of the planning room
I probably will yeah
(And no, we didn't include the idea of a Rust fungus that ginger controls)
We need a third protagonist with Rust Premium
@RydwolfPrograms it'd be cool if you could do something with Rabbit, I wasn't all too sure how to fit it in
@RydwolfPrograms ooh, does that let you refer to Rust without the Foundation suing you? :p
2 hours later…
Okay I just had an idea
No way I have the time and skill to pull it off, but maybe a long term one
It's a secret for now, but hint: look at the room name
comics and film co
or, if you're really feeling ambitious... comics and film co.
how ambitious are you feeling, Rydwolf? :b
it could be relatively doable to collaborate on and refine by trial and error if it's 3d animation
could even use shaders and such to keep a relatively similar aesthetic
I wonder how well Blender works with Git... d:
that sounds... likely to be painful
yeah probably

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