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5:30 AM
Now I have the sig gen scope, and psu ready to test the tmc2130. The sig gen is set to output 1kHz, 50% duty cycle, as the step output for tmc2130. Scope is set to display the step signal. PSU is set to output 15VDC 5A max, to step down to 12V 5A to power the stepper motor.
3 hours later…
8:19 AM
Now I have wired up the tmc2310 v1.0 for standalone mode testing, as briefly described below:
1. Logic/Motor Power and Motor Coil: Gnd, 3V3 (Logic Power), A2, A1, B1, B2, Gnd, 12V (Motor Power)
2. SPI Jumper - Shorted (Solder Blob, 0Ω, SMD 002) to select Standalone Mode.
3. MicroStepping Select 1 Step, CFG2 (CLK) = Gnd, CFG1 (MISO) = Gnd, No Interpolation, No SpreadCycle.
4. CFG6 (Driver Enable), Gnd = Enable, Vio (3V3) = Diable, Open = Enable + Ramp Down.
5. Dir = Gnd (CCW)
6. Step = XY-LPWM3 1kHz ~ 5kHz, 50% Duty Cycle.
7. Motor coils A1, A2, B1, B2 (Red, Grn, Ylw, Blu) to tmc2130 A1, A2, B1, B2 (Orn, Ylw, Grn, Blu) (Note 1)

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