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@RadvylfPrograms is there a word for brick
@GingerIndustries so riliiii is "too much air"
@GingerIndustries is there a "these" or "those"
5 hours later…
WR: noya (intj): Good luck
WR: hakomaky (adj): Healthy
WR: ktomaky (adj): Hungry
WR: mita (n): Block
WR: nikast (v): Touch
WR: hako (n): life
(mita can also mean box)
It's ridiculous how many menu options Minecraft has
WR: katak (v): To sleep
WR: katya (n): Bed
@RadvylfPrograms What's the syntax for "[verb] this [noun]?"
@RadvylfPrograms Translations needed for:
- Copy to Clipboard
- Do you want to open this link or copy it to your clipboard?
@RadvylfPrograms Translations also needed for most of the demo text
@GingerIndustries Not a general answer, but I'm wondering whether the "this" is always necessary. Maybe it could be omitted in some contexts.
Like "Do you want to open the link or copy it?"
@GingerIndustries What's a ril then? A gust of wind? A breath of air?
I'm really not a fan of a lot of these new words
@RadvylfPrograms I can change them if needed ofc
owy is a nightmare to pronounce
We don't even have w
What's this minecraft project about?
translating minecraft words to katlani?
@GingerIndustries Ending things with y is discouraged
I'm trying to translate Minecraft to Katlani
or more specifically the en_US lang file
so like, idk, creeper and stuff?
which has every single piece of text in the whole game
menus, items, blocks, dimensions, entities, commands, all of it
@RadvylfPrograms So do we have grammar for saying "this [noun]"? I've used "[noun] niny" before, but I think I saw you say "niny asi [noun]" recently.
Yeah, I usually use niny asi
"Do you want to open this link?": "Fy partshana somak naita ktaf?"
"Do you want to read this internet book?"
You can't just smush nouns together
This isn't english
And somak isn't the correct "you" for this situation
problem: me no good at katlani
somak is like, "one cannot buy machine guns". It's just for a person in general.
suggestion: add examples to the pronouns section in the vocab file
Katlani does not have very good docs
And the direct object needs to be marked with su, otherwise there's just a jumble of words after the verb ;P
kiro ka pat partshana su ktaf vi naita is what I'd use
sy gust
@GingerIndustries I had assumed Katlani was dead, but since it looks like it's not, I might get back to working on my reference grammar at some point.
@DLosc Holy language necromacy Batman!
I was considering making a katlani tutorial site
Since it seems katlani's not going to die quite yet, I might
It would be kinda cool for this language to stick around
I like it
Holy Frick there are a lot of settings
What's a good example word with y?
In a human language
Like german or sth
Katlani's y is a vowel
so more like an i or ü sound?
ü yeah
Do we have any diphthongs other than ai, ao, au, and oi?
Opinions on how the tutorial site looks?
@RadvylfPrograms sy gust
include a link to my shitty translator please
I will, dw :p
@GingerIndustries I think you mean "sy gust" :p
I think you mean german
@RadvylfPrograms close enough
@RadvylfPrograms Wikipedia lists French tu and German über
If it doesn't have to start with ü
I can think of Krümel

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