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so now all we need is for @pxeger to sync the hackmd with the github
WR: hoptol (n): pig
where is it commiting to?
WR: hoptol (n): pig
only I can do that lol
GitHub is rate-limited so it pushes every 30 min.
WR: hoptol (n): pig
Are you gonna publish the bot's source code?
Complete guide to numbers in katlani:


    1   ano
    2   ino
    3   ako
    4   iko
    5   ato
    6   ito
    7   afo
    8   ifo
    9   aro
    0   iri

Powers of ten:

    10    kib
    100   kid
    1k    kik
    10k   kin
    1m    kot
    1b    kol
    1t    kos
    1q    kon

Numbers are formed with a number of pairs of a digit and power of ten. For example, 2496 is:

    ino kik iko kid aro kib ito

On its own, ino is 2, but ino kik is 2000.
@GingerIndustries I would like to contribute so that it can push using normal git, rather than the GitHub API
@mathcat send that again
Then it can also use a Deploy Key, and I don't have to give full repository access to a bot
WR: rar (intj): er/um indecisive sound
@pxeger GingerBot is sad
WR: ry (part): Ordinal particle; ry kib aro is "19th"
wait, one sec
I may have to restart again lol
@RedwolfPrograms I'm not sure we really need one-syllable words for trillion and quadrillion
These words are also way too similar
"so many"?
So, TNB is byt ry kib ano
Well, any
Why not?
It's two single syllable words, out of more than 1600
@pxeger If you don't hear exactly, it's gonna be hard to tell if I said "aro" or "ato", or "kid" or "kik"
@pxeger I agree with you, but there was a lot of support for using this system
@RedwolfPrograms By whom? I might overrule because it's pretty objectively stupid for practicality
So as I compromise I've made sure to make the words as distinct as possible
Can you make the bot reply to the messages it's describing?
@pxeger yes, one sec
@pxeger I agree, but Ginger and especially ASCII-Only were very vocal about defending it
So this was a compromise
okay, I think that works now
@RedwolfPrograms Originally, every digit was a.o aside from zero
captcha caught, one sec
@RedwolfPrograms But it doesn't matter that much, since it's not like we're likely to speak this in person very often
o crap
@GingerIndustries Word ry added to queue.
@ASCII-only fosaksi atirlo!
@ASCII-only also, can you link the GitHub repo to the HackMD?
the bot edits the repo
i might need edit access to the repo
ask @pxeger
The repo is the canonical source, ideally we'll get rid of the hackmd eventually
hopefully we will need it less because the bot works now
The repo is currently a huge mess
Can we all take a break from suggesting words for a half hour or so?
I want to merge the hackmd into the repo and clean things up
the bot just looks for a top-level file called vocab.md to commit to
1 min ago, by ASCII-only
i might need edit access to the repo
yesterday, by pxeger
@pxeger please let me know your github usernames to get an invite
I'm going to merge the repo and the hackmd, give me half an hour or so
I'll help if you'd like
4 messages moved to Sandbox
are we still going to sync the hackmd
1 message moved to Sandbox
@ASCII-only probably not, as it's redundant now
I'm in favour of eliminating it
the bot means we don't need it
@pxeger +1
We currently have both kat and kata. It kata the verb form of kat?
@pxeger sy gusti
@pxeger I wholeheartedly agree
noita (n): witch
Once I finish merging the two, we can just paste that into GH and drop the hackmd
@ASCII-only hmm
@GingerIndustries oh right
@RedwolfPrograms keep in mind the bot may do a commit while you're merging
should I just push it now?
Dw, I'm doing it in a separate text editor
Dw = dumb witches
Is alo meaning "jump" still a thing?
baka noita
baka should be an adjective
actually should we just remove the noun form?
I like the noun form
baka susi is cool
no I think the noun form is useful
okay, have both
bakil for adjective maybe?
@RedwolfPrograms sy gust
i mean
WR: bakil (adj): fool, idiot
@GingerIndustries Word bakil added to queue.
you could just have a short word for "thing"
@ASCII-only you mean y?
@RedwolfPrograms or add another particle for making words into adjectives?
baka susi y?
i think that looks fine?
thats how adjectives work right
@pxeger Ooh good idea
isn't it y baka susi?
"stupid sussy thing?"
@pxeger wait I thought of that this morning but didn't mention it :/
y - thing (any thing or person)
adjectives follow the noun
@pxeger either should work but I prefer after
did this language change from prefix to postfix overnight
I don't remember adjectives ever preceeding nouns
@ASCII-only [verb] [noun] [adjectives] is how it's always been
wait didn't we have a pronoun for "someone"?
where'd it go
i'm going to look for it
it's still there on github
presenting the most vague sentence ever: mako nai y
"someone did something to something"
stupid noun cases
mi aaaaa
@GingerIndustries That's not gramatically correct, and I ninja'd you by 24h :p
You need nai mako su y
@RedwolfPrograms .̀_.́
@GingerIndustries if you want "to something" as well, you need nai mako su y lia y
@pxeger .̀___.́
grammar is hard
do we have a verb for "to speak"?
@grandBagel is that on github?
biya! o/
WR: gasi (adj): easy
@GingerIndustries Word gasi added to queue.
Wait, an adjective ending in i?
@RedwolfPrograms :/
darn it
ah well, once it gets pushed we can change it to gisa or smth
or we cah just add a hyphen, like I said earlier
How about gasil
22 hours ago, by Ginger Industries
if a word ends in -i or -u, add a hyphen
@RedwolfPrograms that's good
@GingerIndustries Yeah, but it's still ambiguous if you don't know the word
CMQ: What is the difference between :/ and :\?
E.g., is virmi the word "virm" with an -i, or just a word?
i see
i have to turn the bot off for a sec, sorry
it broke anyway
Okay, I have them merged
@GingerIndustries :\ is for left handed people i guess...
Let me know once it's pushed, then I'll update it
idk i havent seen anyone use :\
wait virm hasnt been defined yet?
It's not a word
I made it up as an example
Y'know...it might actually be more useful if the bot doesn't push directly to vocab.md
If it pushed to like...vocab-staging.md, we could revise things before we add them to the main dictionary
That way if we miscategorize something, we don't have to go back in and fix it manually, and we don't need to worry about making joke ones since we can just not manually add them to vocab.md
alternatively dont use bot? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The bot's cool though :p
then theres another trivial solution
add more commands to the bot
RW: word
short for "remove word"
Merged with hackmd
ok what the bot should do though
is update a changelog file, with all commands recieved between previous and current commit
@RedwolfPrograms It could just push to a new branch, which we can fix up and then merge properly using git
Eh, I think a separate file where it just lists the new words would be better
but effort >:(
Because with the bot merging automatically, it can't handle subdivisons of the parts of speech as well
@RedwolfPrograms That seems like an inelegant solution
@RedwolfPrograms Which I brought over from the hackmd
hackmd sync
When it merges, does it put them in the right sorting order automatically?
@pxeger So does a bot that auto-adds new words without any revising
@pxeger Yes
probably even easier than typing out WR: tbh
@RedwolfPrograms the elegant solution is to use git properly
I'd argue anything involving git is already inelegant lol
@ASCII-only we'll get to a point where adding new words needs to be difficult, won't we?
the elegant solution is to not use a bot
HackMD is among the least elegant solutions I can think of
@pxeger can be trivially solved by not syncing
@pxeger No, the vocab.md is only a reflection of our usage
Adding a word to the list doesn't mean it gets used
HackMD sounds like a good idea to me
it's no better than a google doc
And a google doc is what we would've used if it didn't leak email addresses
and literally anyone can edit it
I disagree with syncing it, but it shouldn't matter either way
@pxeger isn't that the point
but what if someone comes along and deletes everything
It's github
We undo the last few changes
And the HackMD would work better as just new words not already in GH IMO
hackmd has version control yes
You can't tell me its version control approaches git
Why would it need to?
Undoing is not space age technology
ok it kinda sucks pasting images into SE chat, is there a userscript that helps?
i thought hackmd literally used git
for version control
idk tbh
> Only showing recent 10 versions for free plan. Upgrade to Prime plan to show all versions.
There's reason #1 not to use it
can again
be trivially solved
by moving to the oss clone of hackmd
not to mention, if someone does a massive oopsie generally it's a very recent change
and again you could just not push to github
but if someone just does 10 massive oopsies
Then we still have github from like two hours ago?
The hackmd is just the bleeding edge changes
51 secs ago, by ASCII-only
and again you could just not push to github
It seems like we're all either talking past each other or just have different goals in mind
So I don't see why we don't just use github for everything
thank u for reading
It's not hard to use
@pxeger it's harder to collaboratively edit, and it takes longer
hackmd is decent for live collaborative editing
i.e. it's a lot easier to talk about changes you have
it's a lot easier to see changes other people make
we have chat to talk about them
you can see changes by looking at the transcript and looking at the commits
wait, just to clear something up, if I start editing the vocab.md and someone else edits it while I'm doing so, will my edit overwrite theirs?
on hackmd?
No, GH
gh using web editor?
No, just the edit button
The web editor doesn't work for me
aka web editor
github will either automatically merge it or reject your change and make you put it on a new branch
@ASCII-only I think Redwolf thought you were talking about codespaces (press . in GitHub)
anyway re: github
@pxeger I've disabled force pushes on the main branch, so it can't overwrite it
Also, @pxeger, why are you so insistent on taking unilateral actions against the hackmd? You've unpinned it, removed it from the room description, and griefed it with a link to the GH
the discussion was bot vs hackmd, yes?
so i'm not even sure where github fits in all this anyway
like, the alternative is let ginger manually commit again
@RedwolfPrograms Like, I get you dislike it, but discuss it, don't just get rid of it without anyone's support
Because I thought it was only supposed to be a temporary solution because I didn't set up the github right
@ASCII-only I was bringing up a third option, manually using GH
i guess vscode live share is a viable option

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