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si "nonosos" y :P
@pxeger should we unpin this now that it's in the description and it's eating the starboard up
@grandBagel hiya!
si o my mi gorlb
"my cat is an apple"
link for word list again?
it was pinned and now it isn't
also vocab.md if you use the link in the room description
mi my kat should mean "I am a member of chat", right?
WR: jort: thanks
vocab.md is out of date
@grandBagel hmmm
what do yall think of letting GingerBot in here for word request processing?
can anyone find a HackMD api?
I'm looking but can't see anything
what do you mean?
a way to edit HackMD notes from a program
for the word request bot
try python selenium
@grandBagel my server doesn't have desktop access
looks like there might be a way to get HackMD to sync w/ GitHub, which does have an api
okay so you can do it, but I can't set it up bc I don't own the note, @ASCII-only does
I'm going to look at GH apis
How do I transliterate dQw4w9WgXcQ into our limited alphabet
@Wezl-acautionarytale hmmmm
only d49g are allowed
idk if you can
what's the official website/docs?
@GingerIndustries there's a edit button for me
you can use selenium to click it
Can somebody do an example sentence for me to understand?
56 mins ago, by Ginger Industries
fobl imi lia ma ta ka su abail my o my ka
dogo a komy kloc not sure about the order though
maybe kloc dogo a komy?
I think that's correct if we have infix "and"
is "and" infix?
Fos morning!
But it's a dog and a monkey
@grandBagel and is not infix
@RedwolfPrograms I'm working on that bot for word requests
@GingerIndustries is "and" prefix or suffix?
@GingerIndustries Give to you your cat's house?
@RedwolfPrograms current plan: Sync the hackmd to the github repo and make a bot write to that
@RedwolfPrograms The cat wants your house
We have a word for want now
@RedwolfPrograms GingerBot will be in here listening for word requests, and every half-hour it'll dump all of them on the github
Sounds good
sy gust
(Sorry I'd been reviewing a suggested edit and not paying attention :p)
I just need to give GingerBot an account, one sec
WR: kodet: sounds good
Isn't that basically just sy gust?
need an email address :/
mine is in use by my account
I can make one at one of my sites forward to you
I command to give you a house to my cat smth?
Do you want [email protected]?
Or I can also do @amidst.dev or @rto.run
What should it forward to?
can't tell you that, sry
Oh :/
Maybe I should make two of them and have them forward to each other
the only thing it'll ever be used for is GH notifications so it doesn't matter that much what happens
Wait, this bot won't ever post anything, right? So you can just reuse gingerbot
I'm making a GitHub account for GingerBot
@mathcat is it correct?
gingerbot will be the one handling the requests
@mathcat i can't recall, but I think so
I think it should update every 10min
WR: samam (n): Time, or part of day
WR: fyla (a): Late
WR: doert: early
what's the singular for fyli :P
WR: nila (a): Current/now-ish
gingerbot & ginger-bot are both in use
WR: pasla (a): Early
@Wezl-acautionarytale fyl
@grandBagel Makes more sense to do paslo/pasli since we have fylo/fyli for late
What should the bot do when there are duplicate requests to the same meaning?
Wait, yeah, we should use a or u instead
I need a username for the bot
can I do a word request?
@mathcat sy
@GingerIndustries Butterbot
@grandBagel it'll use the first one
@mathcat in use
@GingerIndustries WRProcesser
@grandBagel available but I don't like it that much
saman pasla: Morning
i guess it'll work :/
saman pasla fos!: Good morning!
@RedwolfPrograms I did change the email to [email protected] btw
Whats this (a) in eg pasla?
@GingerIndustries I'll get the verification emails instead of you, but that should work
@mathcat adjective
account created
@mathcat (fy/ni/pas)+la is what I'm using for time adjectives
check for the "launch code"
It doesn't have to be an a, I judt went with la as the ending
WR: Matix: maths
@GingerIndustries 56767845
@mathcat We don't have an x
Maybe matiks?
alrighty, account is ready
@RedwolfPrograms how is the a conjunction supposed to be used?
@pxeger needs to make sure it can edit the repo
Maybe we should have infix conjunctions with different precedences
hai! saman nila fos! (Hi! Good afternoon/mid-day!)
bai! saman fyla fos! (Bye! Good night!)
we need a when or during or at conjunction
or maybe it could be a verb
like, "during morning my cat is bitey"
WR: tshadom (?): Some sort of when
I think it'd be a preposition
Like, tshadom saman fyla would mean "when it's morning" I think?
tshadom saman fyla, o my ma izl
(Or just iz o my ma for "my cat bites")
Ooh, let's suggest a bunch of prepositions!
saman pasla fos DLosc!
@DLosc hiya
There's been lots of word-inventing
WR: holj: true
@RedwolfPrograms holj
We now can say stuff like "my cat wants to bite you" or "Give me your cat, and I won't bite you"
@grandBagel We don't have a letter j :p
and we already have sy
How about holtsh?
remember to add all this stuff to the hackmd
the bot isn't done yet
Maybe we can make it an adjective
@GingerIndustries what if the proposed word contains invalid letters?
@grandBagel scream at the proposer
Like, niny holtsh means "that's true"
WR: holtsh (adj): true
WR: shin (adj.): new
@grandBagel can you add (a) to clarify at a glance that it's an adjective?
lanii shin!
oto kai su lanii shin
Beat me to it!
28 mins ago, by grandBagel
@GingerIndustries is "and" prefix or suffix?
okay, I got the bot to update a test repository!
this is progress
@grandBagel prefix
a thing1 thing2
WR: kbam (v): to create
kolc a dogo komy
pas kbam mi su o
@GingerIndustries i need a translater
kbam imi makai su lanii
(I'm gonna be pilfering a lot of vocab from non-European languages that I look up on Wiktionary. shin is from Mandarin Chinese 新, xīn.)
@grandBagel I created a cat
@DLosc Me too, I've been stealing from various african/south asian languages lol
can someone give GingerBot write access to the conlang repo?
Sure, just a sec
how to say <verb>-ing?
ni <verb>
Or, if it's an adjective, we don't have that yet
Can we pin the HackMD link?
@DLosc idk why it isn't
it was
pas kbam mi su ni kolc komy
I had it pinned, pxeger unpinned it
I uh...don't know how to add people with write access lol
google it ig
I can't pin it again
What's the account name
@RedwolfPrograms WRProcessor
WR: asi (?): that is, e.g. noun asi noun means something that is both nouns. A cat that is a person is o asi mak. A word that is a food is lan asi ktomish
@Wezl-acautionarytale ooh, sy gust
@Wezl-acautionarytale sy gust
@Wezl-acautionarytale Sort of like the English use of qua
@Wezl-acautionarytale sy gust
WR: bomy: ooh
bomy, sy gust is gonna be used a lot around here :p
GingerBot can now update files on the repo!
bomy! sy gustiii!
kbam imi makai su lani asi ktomishi
(is sy gusti grammatical?)
WR: pors: yay
@RedwolfPrograms You didn't think it should be yesterday, but apparently you've changed your mind X^D
@RedwolfPrograms I think it should be.
[action] imi makai should mean something along the lines of "let's do [action]"
Since imi is like a command (but less "harsh")
@Wezl-acautionarytale So, alphabet soup?
let's create food words
WR: borsh (n): Soup
first off, plastic
WR: izlash: Plastic
WR: ubep: fruit salad
Why not a generic word for salad and one for fruit?
WR: rno: fruit
yay, another use for asi. salad that is fruit
WR: meta: salad
WR: gogi (n): Meat
WR: tomp: potato
We need more variety in the word lengths I think
Lots of 2-4 letter ones
WR: banli (n): A vegetable
WR: eberpochum: shark
borsh my gogi a banli: Meat and vegetable soup
Have y'all done anything more with derivational morphology?
should we make a katlani code golf salad blog post eventually :P
@grandBagel C
@Wezl-acautionarytale ???
@DLosc Possibly, depending on what that means :p
Like how to make new words by combining existing words with each other and/or adding prefixes/suffixes
WR: test (n): A test word (ignore this, it's for the bot)
@DLosc Sort of. I've used suffixes like lo for time words
WR: neseof: bread
B/c that's a good way to get longer words
@grandBagel We don't have e
WR: ngoirfo: bread
WR: posodo (n): A container, holder, bowl/cup
guess it's regex time ;-;
posodo my borsh: A bowl of soup
@RedwolfPrograms Do we want to use my for that meaning of "of"? It's different than possession--the soup doesn't "have" the bowl
WR: vi (par): A noun casing for of/with
@GingerIndustries python flavor: (**)WR?(**)?\s?\w+:\s?[\w ]+
posodo vi borsh: A bowl of soup
shor vi kod: A programming language
@grandBagel what is this for?
@GingerIndustries regex for matching wr's
(not tested)
Can I have a list of parts of speech abbreviations?
@GingerIndustries just use (**)WR?\s?(?[\w. ]+?)?(**)?\s?\w+:\s?[\w ]+
(still not tested)
Wait, chat messages use HTML not MD formatting
So the regexes will need to take that into account
then lxml + bs4 + regex
@grandBagel That's what I'm doing
@GingerIndustries you can use something like a(d(j(e(c(t(i(ve?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?\.?
I will assume that POS abbreviations are between 1 and 4 letters inclusive
I think when a wr is added, ginger bot should say Word added: <word name>
Why not make it more like "anything in between parentheses"?
@RedwolfPrograms thats what my regex did
@RedwolfPrograms it's looking for 1-4 characters in parentheses
@GingerIndustries inject is 5 chars
how about 1-10
@grandBagel intj
(<[bi]>)?WR( ?:)? (<(code|i)>)?([a-z ]+?)(</(code|i)>)?( ?\([a-z ]{1,8}\.??\)) ?:? ?(</[bi]>)?
@RedwolfPrograms flavor?
better idea: \(.*?\.\)
i prefer bs4 + lxml + simpler re
Yeah, but we often don't use . at the end
I think it's best to remove all html tags first because we don't have a consistent emphasis format
Oh good point
@RedwolfPrograms Hm, interesting. I'm okay with adding another case, but I think we should work through several more examples to figure out what's my and what's vi--and what's some other approach, like compounding. Given that katlani is "chat words" i.e. "words for chat," why isn't a programming language kodshor?
just do bs4 + lxml then \(?(.*)?\)? (not tested)
Yeah, just strip all <.*?>
The bot looks for bolded strings starting with WR:
@grandBagel HTML parsing is not needed, chat uses consistent HTML
@GingerIndustries We don't always bold
You should just look for messages that start with the text wr with any formatting
yeah that works well
Bolding makes more sense because if you're not sure you can do it w/o bold and ask for feedback onioni
@RedwolfPrograms And make sure there's a \b after wr so you don't get like...WRs seem like a cool idea
How does the bot handle corrections? Like when someone accidentally proposes a word with E's in it and then has to change the spelling
it checks for that
I have to go for an hour or so :/
WR: onin (v): to think
@RedwolfPrograms bai \o
@Wezl-acautionarytale sy gust
Hmm. So would roughly translate into katlani as kod golfyi? :P
@DLosc I love how "slow" translates as nogolfy
Should there be a separate room for learning katlani?
@grandBagel neh
WR: test (n.): definition
@GingerIndustries No e
@DLosc that was a test definition for the bot :/
@GingerIndustries Ah. Well, last time you made it clearer ^_^
WR: test word (n.): test definition
anyone got regex to get the katlani word in a word request?
If you just want the word, wouldn't it be (?<=WR: )\w+(?= [(:])
@DLosc which flavor?
doesn't look like python
@DLosc that works, thx
Or [\w ]+ if you want to support phrases with spaces in them
@grandBagel Should work in Python
lemme try it
I know it will work in Notepad++, that's what I've been regexing in lately
now I just need ones for the other parts of the definition
Separate regexes, or put each part in a capture group?
I need to extract each part seperately
The "elegant" way to do that would be a single match with capture groups, I think, but separate regexes might be easier to read/understand
whichever works
Also, is there any markup in the string you're matching against, or did you strip that out?
@DLosc no markup
@GingerIndustries i prefer separate regexes
@GingerIndustries sy gust
@GingerIndustries bomy, sy gust
All right, so first an update to the katlani word regex: (?<=^WR: )[\w ]+(?= [(:])
Oh, wait
Python doesn't have variable length lookbehinds
@RedwolfPrograms Hiya!
I really don't like hiya/biya :p
WR: hobla: ok
@RedwolfPrograms We invented those before the phonology had been invented, so they don't make sense anymore
@RedwolfPrograms sy, ma ama... but it's okay, just think of them as weird archaic spellings like the English word "knight"
Hmm, niny holtsh
@DLosc I need a translator to convert katlani to english
That'd ruin the fun :p
@grandBagel haia, si nimak su ma :D
WR: ksoi (v): To know
Ok, I've successful decoded two messages
Ooh, idea: ksoi my paslo: "To know of before" - "to remember"
It's weird grammar but I kinda like it
or maybe it'd be vi paslo...
@RedwolfPrograms Same... I'm a little concerned that you're just converting each word from the English phrase "know of before," but as long as my [temporal noun] can function in a similar way in other contexts, it's good
So when do we use my, when do we use vi, and when do we just glom two words together (as in katlani)?
WR: shinpai (v): To worry
@GingerIndustries How is GingerBot doing?
@RedwolfPrograms shinpai notice me ~_~
shinpai ma su lan shin: "I worry about the new word"
Or, to emphasize you're only worried at the moment, I guess shinpai ni
I'm busy rn, bbs
no shinpai imi ka. niny fos.
WR: isplo (n): Soon, in little time
WR: dolkomasho: smart
isplo, fara fy ma lia isa
"Soon, I will go here"
@DLosc katlani is an exception because it's a proper noun
Maybe aksi (roughly to come) would work better here
WR: uboiac: tomato
isplo, aksi fy ma lia isa
(Soon, I will come here)
@Wezl-acautionarytale Okay, so we're not using compounding in general?
or at least i think we shouldn't
WR: kashi (conj): But
ma ama, kashi no gust: Me too, but I don't like it
WR: motkop: corn
gus ma su o my ma, kashi iz niny su ma: I like my cat, but it bites me
I'm just thinking that some of the longer words should be made up of smaller parts. Like how ktomish is ktom + -ish. It could just be prefixes and suffixes, tho. I'm fine with not being able to stick two whole words together to make a new word.
Maybe we should have some standard prefixes/suffixes for making words, yeah
gus ma su ngoirfo vi motkop
@Wezl-acautionarytale I only recognize ngoirfo: bread and motkop: corn
si vy su ngoirfo?!
@RedwolfPrograms translation?
What is "ngoirfro"?
Oh, huh. It doesn't show up when I search it
Oh, I misspelled it lol
What is bread?
@RedwolfPrograms Neither does vy
15 hours ago, by Redwolf Programs
WR: vy (?): What (as in, what is that, what is your cat's name, etc.)
@mathcat it's meat but noone dies
SE chat search is very janky

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