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i mean... not like "izl" and "biter" aren't both two syllables
if the suffixes are still a thing though
wait have we abandoned verb-first
also what does kailan mean
i dont think so
a chinese vegetable
Did we ever have verb-first in the first place?
i thought we did
*to need
@hyper-neutrino I proposed for it to mean "to need"
well hackmd says verb first
im not sure what are the actual strict requirements
The order doesn't matter, that's half the point of noun casing, right?
regarding nouns that is
Verb first is a good default, but for emphasis you should be able to rearrange things
who needs noun casing anyway tbh
i feel like having strict verb first could make subordinate clauses easier
but yeah rearranging for emphasis isn't a bad idea
Sure, so do verb first then
hackmd currently says "verb first always"
But rearranging is great for adding emphasis or varying things up
could just change to strong tendency to verb first
so if the actual restrictions are clarified that'd be nice
i mean it's not a problem to say you need to have verb first and then just break grammar rules for artistic license
i guess it's just
kinda a soup of verb + cased nouns (?) rn?
like i'm pretty sure we break english rules all the time when it serves a particular purpose to communicate something? or maybe not, idk
English doesn't really have rules though, the "rules" are just observations about how we use it
ok re: the -i suffix. i feel like it'd be nicer as a suffix for plurals, like it used to be in an old version of the vocab
And if multiple speakers of katlani agree verbs don't always go first, then it's hardly a rule that they go first
@ASCII-only It is
english does have rules and if you break them it ceases to be english
but thats probably just me thinking latin is quirky and exotic
it also has suggestions
@UnrelatedString I don't know about that...
You can do some pretty weird stuff with english and have it still be considered english my most people
if i rolled my face on the keyboard and said that was a sentence in english i would be wrong
Unless it made sense in the context of other english, or people decided it was english
@UnrelatedString that's not just "breaking the rules of english" tho
like arguably there are degrees of grammaticality
eng  ha  ru
lish ve  le

 no  is  no en
rule     glish
if i uses the wrong pluralization it's still english, just objectively wrong
amazing baba map amirite
okay yeah fair enough
there is a difference between ungrammatical english and not english to begin with
But anyway, I don't think verb-first-always was ever a part of katlani since we introduced noun casing
@UnrelatedString But it's deeply subjective
well see
which is why i neglected that distinction in my initial statement
you could just redefine katlani
as "katlani is whatever it is, as currently spoken"
i think we introduced noun casing to allow VSO and VOS and dropping either of them, etc
but the reason I pushed for either verb-first or verb-last is to avoid ambiguity with relative clauses
TBF if we use joiners like the english "who" in "the man who ate the apple ate the fish" then we can sidestep that to some extent
@ASCII-only That's exactly what it is
Who said it isn't that?
Oh I misread what you said lol
but i don't believe anybody said it is that, so...
but like in japanese the way you say that is リンゴ(apple) を(obj) 食べた(eat, past) 男(man) は(subj) 魚(fish) を(obj) 食べた(eat, past) which i think is a lot less clunky / nicer to follow than relying on joining relative clauses like in english with "who"
(also avoids the issue of needing different joiners, like "who" doesn't work for non-animate objects, and then you have like, which, that, who, where, etc)
ok so i'm kinda nerd so... i just prefer pretending this is a programming languge
and, well
there's a reason programming languages do verb(noun1, noun2, noun3)
or noun1.verb(noun2, noun3). or noun1 noun2 noun3 verb. but rarely (if ever) a mix of them
Indeed there is, but this is not a programming language.
If we have particles indicating the purpose of every word, why would we restrict them to specific places (when it doesn't create other issues)?
ta ma is always the subject, so whether it's before or after the verb doesn't matter
ok well see
programming languages also have "particles indicating the purpose of every word"
also known as, keyword arguments
@RedwolfPrograms Now, if the subject is komy pat fara vy lia casa my makai a nimak (warning: half those words are just made up), then you should put it in the normal order
i guess the main point is, it's a lot nicer when a reader/listener can expect what comes next
Well that's the point of the casing particles
When you hear ta, you know what's coming up. You instantly know the sentence will be SVO or SOV
e.g. when a spanish speaker sees ¿ they know a question is coming next.
when an english speaker sees a noun at the start of a sentence they *know* a verb will be next (right?)
i guess..
@ASCII-only Not really...pigs dogs dislike dislike dogs pigs dislike has a lot of nouns followed by nouns
And even verbs followed by verbs
oh i hate that
well idk man
as i've said before
english sucks
Well this system is very non-englishy
So we're in agreement ;p
well see
non-englishy, and non-suck
are completely different things
Ik, ik
That's what the ;p was for
But if we have consistent VSO, noun casing is useless
So a major (and very interesting) aspect of the language is gone
but see
if we have VSO and VOS
noun casing is still required
But if we have those particles already, why not allow putting the verb in other places?
c.f. keyword arguments in the programming language analogy.
ok going off on a tangent
but i just had a shitty proglang idea based on that
ta ma fara lia casa is perfectly easy to understand IMO
a language where the function itself is denoted by a special sigil or keyword (argument) or something
so u can have infix functions, basically for free: (1 ~+ (2 ~+ (~+ 3 4 5)))
WR: abail (n): House
> Interjections
> - `aaaaa` - I am in pain
@RedwolfPrograms (Since we have no place-words)
WR: ogig (N): Park
oh also
what's the difference between bai and baia, and hai and haia?
irl the difference would be formality
baia and haia being more informal
Formality, yeah
Or just personal preference
haia/baia are more of a compromise between hai/hiya and bai/biya
"Hey so what languages do you speak?" "oh you know, just a farmstead in south Africa"
Since hiya and biya make no sense with katlani's phonology
ok yknow
itd be nice to make up mythology for katlani
but otoh thats completely different from making a language so i guess not
Yeah, maybe that can be a later side-project thingy like other orthography
important question:
what does lani mean.
oh yeah things that cultures or populations have would be interesting as a side-project when this is a bit more stable
h m
what is intensification suffix anyway
i guess it does double as a plural suffix?
no i mean what is intensification
is it like just superlative
lani is plural, lanii is a lot, laniii is a frick ton
on that note
there should be a word for "frick"
I proposed pxeger when he wasn't looking
on another note
there should be an opposite of -i
NOOO we discussed this
Pls no -u support...oh wait that's worse
my genius knows no bounds
ok yknow what
WR: srikod (v): To write code
i have an even better idea
-noi, -noiii etc
WR: golfkod (v): To golf code
golf as in the sport?
@ASCII-only what are those? Language flags or something? :p
WR: isoshor (n): Esolang
WR: kod (n): Code
WR: hyp (n): nerd
WR: kodshor (n): Programming language
@lyxal random thought: get djmc to implement -v, -vvv etc.
WR: golfshor (n): Golfing language
And I'm done for now :p
idk tbh
whats the point of compound words even tbh
Could someone put the hackmd in the room info
kod shor spoken quickly vs kodshor
It's pinned
@ASCII-only Well, shor kod
@RedwolfPrograms can't easily see pins on mobile
Wait no
shor my kod?
Roughly "language of code"
room topic changed to TNB Conlang (katlani): Discussion and usage of katlani, the official™ TNB constructed language (hackmd). (no tags)
It parses right in the message, but not in the description
room topic changed to TNB Conlang (katlani): Discussion and usage of katlani, the official™ TNB constructed language (hackmd: hackmd.io/@somebody-cares/HJPHsHcht/edit). (no tags)
How do you pluralise a word?
ah... might want to explain how my works in the hackmd
@ASCII-only One step ahead of you :p
> - Possession is indicated by appending my and the possessing noun after the possessee (e.g., o my ma is "my cat")
stupid idea time
And finally, how do you append something like -ing to a word?
ny for my except reversed order of possessor and possessee
@lyxal tense particles
the one thing this shor did right
why is the language called "chat words"
when there's a word for "language"
i guess we'll never know
Okay changed it to kod (noun for code), iso (adj for odd/strange), and golf (noun and probably verb, meaning "to try to make short", we can say stuff like kod my golf and [sport] my golf)
is lia = to?
Usually to or for
implying, it can be applied to any verb (where it makes sense to apply it)?
@ASCII-only so how would you turn frick into fricking? pxegersu?
Well, ni pxgr, if pxgr was frick
But pxgr is taken
So I guess frik maybe?
7 hours ago, by Redwolf Programs
WR: pxeger: "frick"
I'm just going off that.
is there even continuous tense yet
-ii should be for continuous tense tbh
No, but without any tense it's close enough to continuous
pasii, niii, fyii
ok but then
what about past and future continuous
Who needs those? :p
We'd decided on a very simple tense system for now
i forgot to mention this explicitly but ^ we do need things like continuous as explicit tense modifiers or adverbs or whatever
well otherwise how do we do past continuous
or do we just not
just not
i guess
We could add a continuous adverb I guess
we could do the big overkill
ok nvm
yeah i feel like aspect isn't mandatory
i just realized pasii would be distant(x2) past
Six tenses seems like it'd be plenty
WR: rgksp (v): frick
pas, ni, fy, pas [c], ni [c]/[c]/, fy [c]
@lyxal No x
all consonants
It'd need to be rgksp maybe
not hard to pronounce at all
i guess that's missing g...
idk. what's the difference between i and y anyway
rygyksp maybe?
@ASCII-only One's ee and one's the german one
WR: rak (n): Place
Is <noun> kai my equivalent to y'all are <noun>?
No, si kai su [noun]
fara [imp] ka lia rak sos forli
i had another bad idea!
i should just see how many pop culture references i can fit in
Well this is probably incorrectly arranged, but I've been meaning to say this for several hours now: si kai su rgkspi hypi
@RedwolfPrograms (Go to someplace sad)
@lyxal no gust. si ka su baka susi.
That's not what I wanted to convey
Oh, sorry. no ka sus
I wanted to convey that y'all are fricking nerds
That's what you did
Making a conlang instead of code golfing smh :p
I was replying by saying I didn't like that and you are a very sus baka
are negative nouns just "prepend no"
i feel like i'd have preferred if nerd was an adjective
The way lyxal used it it actually is
Welp I'm done with katlani. That's all I wanted to say lol
A better translation would've been "Y'all are nerdy fricks"
Which is uh...
We need an imperative adverb
rgkspi is the verb, no
wait no
2 verbs???
If it's a verb the syntax would need to be much different
I don't think we even have syntax for that yet
@lyxal ok how about a conlang that is also a proglang
WR: imi (adv): Imperative
fara imi ka lia rak sos: Go somewhere
fara imi ka lia pat rgksp kai su nimaki: Go frick yourselves
fobl imi lia ma ta ka su o my ka: Give me your cat
But anyway, it looks like there aren't many people left, so I'll hold off on making up more stuff until tomorrow when there's more people here
I might've gone a little overboard with adding words and stuff
no such thing
5 hours later…
@lyxal that's my name backwards.. is this karma for the vaiksal thing? lol
@pxeger perhaps... :p
room topic changed to TNB Conlang (katlani): Discussion and usage of katlani, the official™ TNB constructed language. github.com/tnb-conlang/tnb-conlang (no tags)
sorry about the GitHub permissions confusion everyone, I thought you'd be able to edit it by default
anyway now we can use it properly
@pxeger they do be hard to configure lol
5 hours later…
hello :)
fobl imi lia ma ta ka su abail my o my ka
@RedwolfPrograms For the word list updating bot, should I make a new one or just use GingerBot?
fobl imi kai lia ma su lan my o my kai
si lan my o my ma su "l*nna"
gus o my ma su marbli
"give [direct] yall [indirect] me [subject] you [direct] word [owned by] cat [owned by] yall"
You want to give us a word that our cat made up for us?
we have a cat?
the o should be oi
give me your cats' names
but I used lan for name because I don't have another word for it
@Wezl-acautionarytale si lan my mi ta "Ginger Industries"
I am amused by the fact that the adjective for "slow" is nogolfy
si/su not si/ta btw
How do I say "My cat likes to eat plastic"?
I can't say "to eat"
@Wezl-acautionarytale hmmmmmmmmmm
we do not have a word for plastic
one sec
do we have a word for trees?
@Wezl-acautionarytale plastic is izl ktomish
@Wezl-acautionarytale abail my komy
because my cat specifically likes to eat plastic Christmas trees
tree = "house of monkey"
@GingerIndustries nice :)
plastic = "dangerous food"
we should probably have a single word for tree, but I like that phrase
Game of Thrones ft. the House of Monkey
WR: and (pt): and
but my cat specifically likes to eat non-dangerous things, like dead packaged cat food and paper
@GingerIndustries we already have "a" for and
@Wezl-acautionarytale huh
it's not in the docs
what part of speech?
apparently conjunction
I can't find it in SE search because a and and are both too common
so if si is si [thing1] [thing2] does a work the same way?
14 hours ago, by Redwolf Programs
WR (old): a (conj): And
well si is is, which makes it a conjunction as well IG
we use si as a verb
so "me and my cat" would be a mi o my mi?
15 hours ago, by DLosc
Proposal: "and" should be similar to "too"
I can't find "too"
I assumed it would be ma a o my ma but that makes sense
16 hours ago, by Redwolf Programs
WR: ama: Too (in the meaning of "me too" or "in addition")
my rgksp laptop's bottom keeps unscrewing

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