that might actually be one way to get extra utility out of it come to think of it; you'd probably end up having an incredible variety of higher-order functions that wouldn't necessarily be worth having as quicks
actually maybe not since there's plenty of space for digraph quicks already
actually maybe not since there's plenty of space for digraph quicks already
and you would be spending a quick on being able to create first-class functions in the first place, but that quick could be a digraph to start with and you could consider promoting it if it shows up enough in your actual golfed code
because honestly i feel like the main utility of tacking first-class functions on like this is just being able to handle functional-programming challenges consistently
though it could also be useful for challenges where you have a large number of operations to do something with programmatically, in which case maybe also have some way to create a list of functions all at once (some kind of functionify-n-links quick, maybe even a chain separator if that makes any sense at all)
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