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def where(x, upper_level=[]):
 if type(x[0]) != list:
  return sum([(upper_level+[i])*e for i,e in enumerate(x)],[])
  return [where(e, upper_level + [i]) for i,e in enumerate(x)]
^ multidimensional where
@lyxal i have a problem, there are 2 atoms for the left and right argument of the chain but i dont know how to implement it. if i import atoms in chains.py it causes a circular import. i think i have to keep the evaluation in a separate file.
@lyxal done it is iota underbar
@mathcat fun fact: flax is now at v0.1.2
hopefully another release in a couple of days
woa nice
2 hours later…
@mathcat ^
> couple of days
@mathcat i thought it will take me that much time to figure out reshape :P
@mathcat lmao i broke an element
which one?
oh nvm

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