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This is too hard. But the message is simple. You will face damnation except if you believe in Jesus and his salvation.
ok so what parts are you having trouble with?
dearly beloved in the Lord.
what is this in"
It's like "in the presence of" or "in the community of". He's addressing his audience, basically saying "hey you guys,"
I see.
Kind of like "my friends who share my belief in our salvation..."
i see.
thank you
God will not only deny thee that salvation thou madest light of, but He will take from thee all that which thou didst value before it: he that most highly esteems Christ shall have Him, and the creatures, so far as they are good here, and Him without the creature hereafter, because the creature is not useful; and he that sets more by the creature than by Christ, shall have some of the creature without Christ here, and neither Christ nor it hereafter.
what does "the creatues....." part mean?
the creature is basically your body. he's saying your soul and your body are here now and you need to honor your soul over your body
I was rewriting the whol paragraph haha
respecting jesus is his way of honoring the soul and he believes that will let the soul continue once the body is no longer around
whereas valuing the body with pleasure that is against those teachings will deprive you of both in the long run, as he sees it
I see
what abotu this
Are you no more near or dear to yourselves than to make light of your own happiness or misery?
are you an american?
i am
how did you find this text? Is it hard for you?
I just skimmed it. It's not the kind of thing I enjoy reading, but I don't mind helping you understand it
thank you.
I want to understand this.
he's asking the audience "who is closer to you than you are to yourself? if anyone should care about what happens to you, it should be you'
but its like this
. Whose salvation is it that you make light of? Is it not your own? Are you no more near or dear to yourselves than to make light of your own happiness or misery? Why, sirs, do you not care whether you be saved or damned? Is self-love lost? are you turned your own enemies? As he that slighteth his meat doth slight his life, so if you slight Christ, whatsoever you may think, you will find it was your own salvation that you slighted. Hear what He saith, "All they that hate me love death."
He's trying to convince the skeptics who make fun of his idea of salvation that they shouldn't make fun of it because it is their own salvation that he's talking about.
but the last part.
"all they ..." isn't this supposed to be "they all...?"
no "all they that" means "all the people who"
is this old fashioned?
thank you
are you turned your own enemies?
what is this?
is this archaic
Is self-love lost? are you turned your own enemies? -- don't you care about yourself? have you become an enemy of yourself?
yes its archaic. If "are" doesn't make sense, you can use "have" in many cases.
have you turned your own enemies?
is correct grammar\
turned into
but why not into here?
old grammar
like turned green or turned around
i see
thank you
he's using "your own enemies" as a big adjective rather than a noun
"let young people stay away from drugs."
what does it mean
let is like in "let there be light" or "let it be so"
Where are you fro?
so it means.
We should keep young people away from drugs?
do you guys say ojala que?
I learned it in spanish class but it might be more for spain than mexico
"Let X happen" is like saying "Ojala que X pasa"
its hopefulness
i see.
do you say
"I threw a coat about me. I threw a coat about myself/
either one
either one is OK
thank you
you are no more clever than to kill yourself?
what does it mean?
Same as the enemies thing. The guy says "you're not smart enough to see that what you are doing is going to kill you"
I see.
thank you
he's also kind of implying that they think they are clever yet they are in fact killing temselves by being too clever and not accepting what he's saying
I will not touch upon the roman history except as it related to my main theme.
What is this "as?"
Is this the same as "the word as it is seen from the moon?"
"to the extent that"
Is that all?

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