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04:00 - 08:0008:00 - 10:00

about 45mins
Any bets on what's going to attack next?
the polymer construction is going to malfunction and we are going to be "attacked" by water pressure is my guess
@emanresuA Giant underwater anime girls
I bet the engines are clogged up
I guess that would be no stranger than crab submarines, a single crab shuffling hundreds of thousands of cups around, or bugs spreading in folded space
(that is 2021 day 7, 2020 day 23 part 2, 2019 day 24 part 2)
CMQ: Is caffeine good for AoC?
> Is caffeine good?
never use caffeine in general
but it's very helpful to some programmers
for example that one person who golfs in malbolge
@Razetime (is this a directive or "I never ..."?)
It was intended as "I never.."
but yeah it's also good as a directive
Gotta say this year's ASCII art isn't looking too nice right now
Galactic colon
looks like a huge cliff face
galactic endoplasmic reticulum
1m, glhf
1m, glag
good luck, add gold
*achieve gold
Is this one A* or something?
I don't know this :(
neither do I
Ugh I'm betting there's going to be a path that doubles back
Also betting these are explicitly designed so the goto cheapest approach won't work
even the sample input doesn't work with goto cheapest
It's Dijkstra, and exactly a PE problem lol
89 people have finished p1
dijkstra or floyd warshall?
good question
whatever the fuck i've written works on the sample but is very slow on the real input
as in hasn't terminated yet
      -------Part 1--------   -------Part 2--------
Day       Time  Rank  Score       Time  Rank  Score
 15   00:04:02    42     59   00:07:09     6     95
i think it also tries literally every path that only goes right or down so yeah no shit it can't perform lmao
damn, it took me a long time to remember how to do dijkstra
@UnrelatedString wait if that were guaranteed to be valid that'd be so much faster
wdym that can't perform lol
i mean mine tries fucking all of them
actually wait not that should be fine
literally just dp
there may be some other problem in my code then lmao
it hasn't given me a wrong answer because it hasn't given me an answer
Project Euler has literally three versions of such pathfinding problems, where going in two/three/four directions are allowed respectively
see i immediately recognized the necessary algorithm and then just uh
forgot how to implement it
like when i thought "dijkstra" i was like, hm do I need a DSU?
but no that's kruskal and i'm just rusty
good news though, +21 pts relative to ecner
i haven't implemented dijkstra's algorithm since the last time there was pathfinding on aoc
What's P2
Actually optimal dijkstra requires a niche data structure but a simple priority queue is fine for most purposes
l a r g e
(p2 requires a bit of preprocessing and then it's just p1 but 25x larger)
Mine's taking ages
@Bubbler oh, really?
duh what
And it probably won't work
Ugh I don't know A* or djikstra
This is garbage
A* won't work
i think
isn't it a heuristic not guaranteed to be optimal?
So...the sol is just "know some stuoud algo"?!?!?!
idk probably? i don't see any way other than dijkstra's to solve this
But really, the core of dijkstra is a BFS but you pick the next node with lowest cost
ALGOL programmers gonna be really happy today
@Bubbler ^. I'd argue BFS is just a special case of dijkstra where you get to take a shortcut because the weights are identical
Djikstra's seems suprisingly close to my initial idea
to be fair to wastl, dijkstra is... a pretty commonly used and well known algorithm; it's not at all niche or obscure and it's like, probably the most versatile
But this is stiull utter garbage
like, if you don't know BFS, you can just dijkstra
the only reason to BFS is because it's easier to write (and maybe faster?) when it works
A cheap way to keep track of neighbors and pick the lowest cost is to use a treemap
Sorry JS and Python
Well, running what is possibly djikstra's
So far it's taken 30s
wtf is a treemap
Thankfully I took a class on data structures (including graphs) only a few weeks ago ...
ಠ_ಠ djikstra's is wrong
Anyway, done 627/328
Is djikstra's supposed to go row by row...
I hate this
My part 1 algorithm took a measurable few seconds on part 2
I'm doing awful not because I'm a bad programmer, but because I haven't read about soem random algo somewhere
This sucks
And the only data structures I used were 2D lists
Oh eait
My code only worked for one-digit numbers
well, actually dictionaries of lists, but the dictionaries only had integer keys so they could have been represented as 2D lists
There are no two-digit numbers
(not in this challenge, anyway)
My attemtped djikstra's is just going row by row :/
There we go
I don't think it's supposed to do that
I implemented something which might have been a fancy graph-finding algorithm, but don't remember what it's called
I mean it turns out what I had written before was almost the exact same thing as djikstra's, but still...ugh
What even is this
Wrong :(
Fuck this
mine takes 0.924s on p2
probably my slowest so far
I must be doing the alog wrong
i'd ask you to send the code but i suspect it's scattered chunks of expressions you typed into the console
can you explain your algorithm? i might be able to identify errors through that
Wait...am I supposed to set the value of the current cell I'm visiting, or its neighbors?
Well, should work now
Looks pretty djikstra-y
Now I just gotta wait a year
Oh no it's gonna take ages on p2
I got p1 tho!!!
just tried using some random-ass heap thing in the python standard library and wow it just doesn't work
You don't need any fancy data structures for this
i need to do something better than...
iterating through a set
maybe that's the issue
...i also think i just realized what i fucked up trying to use it
but whatever
just heapq.heappop(x)
heapq.heappush(x, v)
Howww do you do this fasssttttt
i blindly reused shit from a completely different implementation of the algorithm lmao
i've implemented dijkstra like 20 times probably
My attempt at speeding it uo made it worse
I hate this
I put so much work into that
What do I even do
This isn't fun
shall I give a lesson on dijkstra
and of course i need to marshal my complexes back into tuples because i have to encode the pairs as tuples because i probably am misunderstanding something about heapq
which i have done like 5 times already
i know i pulled this shit off in a previous year
and without heaps
My current approach is like...I have a 2d array for the value, and a dict for the unvisited spaces
Mapping the space to its value
idk what i was thinking with the dict
Dijkstra's Algorithm is a pathfinding algorithm that works for weighted graphs, both directed and not, and solves the Single Source Shortest Path (which gives the length of the shortest path to every node on the graph from a static starting point), which means it can be used to find the shortest path from A to B
wait yeah no i distinctly remember tracking neighbors directly what the fuck went wrong with that this time
i should probably convert this grid to an adjacency matrix
1679/1595 lmfao
first 4 digit rank in a week
I have p1, I just dont kbow how to make it fast enbough foir prrt 2
the idea behind DA is very similar to BFS - at its core, you maintain a priority queue of (node, cost) points (bubbler said there's a niche data structure that's more optimal but just use priority queue)
at each step, just like with BFS where you pop from your queue, with DA you just pop from your pqueue, getting the smallest item ordered by cost
essentially, at each step you go to the next cheapest point that you haven't visited
Hmm, maybe I should keep track of non-infinity points and only sort those
and then you just look at each neighbor and add it to the pqueue if it's not visited, and eventually you either empty your pqueue and have visited every node so you have the SSSP, or you arrive at your destination point
note that whereas with BFS it's optimal to add nodes to the visited set when you queue them, do not do that with DA, that will give you suboptimal results
you need to mark nodes as visited when you pop them off the PQ, and you should perform a visited check both when you pop and before you push
idk if javascript has a pq/heap lol. python has heapq
so basically we're doing a dijkstra with a 100 vertices
well actually 100 mil
well fuck
this may take forever in array language
hm, should i do video explanations for my solutions each day
i wonder if that would actually interest anyone
i'd see them
you are #4 on the leaderboard for an event with 100k participants (~40k actual participants) so i could see people being interested
i have gotten a shit ton of stars on my repo bc i'm the highest rated person with public solutions (or at least easily accessible public solutions)
lol nice
wait how did goffrie end up so far ahead of beta
they were apart by 5 points yesterday
wait, do I set my sights on overtaking beta too????
is that too ambitious??
do itttt
I set my sights on not jumpung off my roof in the next hour
This is awful
What do I even do
do you have any code you can send for me to check over?
Yes, but it's worse than no code at all in terms of readability
I just don't get how to make this fast
Should I implement that priority queue thingy?
Looks like a linked list might be the fastest way
Then again I don't know what a priority quee is IU'm just gyessing based off the name
pq works like such
you can insert elements arbitrarily
popping returns the smallest element
basically it maintains its order; O(log N) insert and pop
I think I can do that
you'd have to implement the heap data structure i think (maybe there's a workaround?)
I was thinking something like keep a linked list of the things where they're always in the right order, and to insert I just follow the list until I find the right spot to insert an item
Since I'd imagine most of it will be Infinitys for a while
that could work
it would definitely be slow compared to pq because it's O(N) insert but like
idk, you could try it
you could do bellman ford i guess
That sounds scary so I'll try my idea first :p
bellman-ford is slower than dijkstra (but still fast enough for this) but its main use is that it works on negative edge weight graphs and can detect and report negative cycles
Wait I'd need all sorts of stuff like a doubly linked list for this to work, ugh (since I have to update the order whenever the neighbors get updated)
This isn't going to be fast enough
Did anyone else do this in JS? How?
i didn;t update anything once it was on the heap and it worked fine; not sure if that can produce incorrect results because i stopped thinking about this the moment i got an answer but yeah
alright, guess I'll teach bellman-ford instead
given a list of verticies and a list of weighted edges, and a starting source vertex
begin by setting a distance list/map initially stating that the distance to every vertex is INF
and set the distance of the source to itself to 0
@UnrelatedString You won't get incorrect results if you make sure no nodes are processed twice
then, repeating (# of vertices) - 1 times
for each edge from U to V with weight W, if distance[U] + W < distance[V] then set distance[V] = distance[U] + W
then, at the end, you can just read off distance[desired destination]
this is O(|V| |E|) whereas dijkstra is O((|V| + |E|) log |V|)
I think I'm going to stick with djikstra and just try to optimize something
or you can do O(|V|^2) dijkstra with an array which would be far too slow here because that's on the order of 10 quadrillion
fibonacci heap dijkstra is O(|E| + |V| log |V|) but i have no idea what the fuck that is
is that the niche DS you were talking about @Bubbler?
It just makes me so mad that I didn't do well today because I don't have any formal CS education. It's like I'm being punished for figuring out what I know the hard way for the last six years.
Even if I was the best problem solver doing AoC, I just don't know some fairly common algorithm, so I lose
Yeah, fibonacci heap
It feels like one of those job interviews where you just implement a list of algorithms on a whiteboard or something
Instead of actual problem solving
Since the people who know the answer already do great, and the people who need to think it through suffer
Like...I know there's some amount of expectation that the people who will be competitive know various algorithms, but this adds nothing creative on top of that
my formal CS education taught me jack shit
i mean i learned how to do GUIs in java with netbeans drag-and-drop i guess
I actually know of a competitive programming site where the algorithms you need to learn at each level are very nicely laid out with example problems, but it's in Korean :/
it's cp that taught me everything that now gives me an advantage in aoc
solving contest problems is good practice tbh
Yeah, digging CP to moderate level can give you a lot of benefits
i'll continue to promote dmoj.ca; not affiliated with them in any way just has been really helpful for me cuz it has all sorts of CP problems from contests all over the world and other assorted problems
I'm torn between trying to do this now, or going to sleep
goto sleep;
I mean I probably could have run my slow original program in this amount of time
Instead of trying to do it the smart way
It's only 25x bigger
Oh wait
Well if you blew up time complexity without knowing it then you have no hope
Mine's a lot more than O(n) lol
Did like...everyone who did this know what a priority queue is and all that?
This seems super super niche
PQs aren't really niche (at least I think. maybe i'm wrong)
it's just "pathfind on a weighted graph"
so a good amount of people definitely would already know this
i don't like today's problem because it's too template
I feel like I'm also being punished for using js
No heaps or anything like that
I don't even know what a heap is honesrtly
This stuff rarely comes up in real programming, and in code golf I just brute force it :p
I'm :p'ing because as soon as I stop I'm going to cry :p
I hate this
I don't even know where to go
I guess I'll figure out what a prioerity ueu is?
honestly i recommend doing bellman ford
i could teach you how to implement a heap
but that sounds much more complicated
I'll try that I guess
Btw, I don't want it to seem like any of my frustration at this is directed toward you, you've been really helpful :)
oh, no worries, I totally understand :)
yeah having heapq feels like a huge advantage and javascript doesn't seem the best equipped for doing dijkstra. bellman ford should be fine tho but still :/
ok i found an adj matrix implementation for dijkstra but i feel it will take way too long on the input
why the fuck does [..."123"].map(parseInt) return [1, NaN, NaN]
but [..."123"].map(x => parseInt(x)) gives [1, 2, 3] as expected
It's because of the i argument
The index
So it's using the wrong base for the others
right, forgor about that
i in map is both very useful and very annoying, but never both at once lol
hey why the fuck does for ... in ... give strings
Because it's meant for objects
oh right cuz object keys have to be strings
wait are you telling me
[1, 2, 3]["1"] will work
i hate this language so much :D
A lot of things treat array indices as strings, even
It's almost like that's the intended behavior, and they're just objects with extra properties
Since you can use an array exactly the same as an object
i mean that's one way of doing things
It's like the inventor of JS heard about the concept of OOP the day before it released, but only overheard a small snippet of the conversation, and pieced the rest together that night while incredibly sleep deprived
Is the |V| in Bellman-Ford the number of vertices?
oh of course when you use arrays as keys they become comma separated strings
that's sane enough until you realize ["1,2", "3"] and ["1", "2,3"] become the same key
You could use a Map, but that just uses references to the arrays
well that's disappointing
my implementation TLEs on TIO for p1 (full input)
wait how the fuck would bellman ford work i need to go ask the ppl who actually used it to solve today
10k vertices
Wait, for bellman-ford, should the edges include a copy in both directions?
around 40k edges
actually that should work in theory
@RedwolfPrograms yes
@hyper-neutrino Wait, why's it roughly 20k edges and not rougly 40k?
because i'm stupid and forgot about directionality
lol no worries, that happened to my cat once
oh wait
bellman ford is O(|E| * iterations)
just that |V| - 1 for iterations will always work
but here you can do like just a bit over the side length
so i guess that's how you make it fast enough ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
sounds hacky to me but w/e
Wait how would this be fast enough
With 10k times 40k times 100 that's still a lot of iterations
And that's for p1
not |V| * |E| * iterations
just |E| * iterations
for p2 you get 1M * ~500 which is... slow but should eventually complete
even if it TLEs on TIO
my soln (which is admittedly probably quite inefficient) runs in just under 5s for p1
so for p2 2 minutes is... not absurd, i guess?? idk
wait my code's just taking ages to find the list of edges...
The console really needs a ctrl+c sorta thing
Wait this is fast for p1
:o maybe it'll work?
wait how do you do edges?
why is it slow lol
I was checking for dupes for some reason
anyway here's my sol: tinyurl.com/2r6sf79b
probably not great lol
Okay, running it now. Wish me luck.
Ooh, and I'm still top 100!
Day       Time  Rank  Score       Time  Rank  Score
 15   00:38:14  2629      0   02:15:37  4370      0
Well, not great, but at least I did it (and learned something new :p)
i should've gone for the bellman ford first :P
dijkstra is impossible without some sort of heap
Thanks for all the help, I would not have been able to do this without you
you're welcome :) glad you learned something from it lol
Anyway, I'm going to sleep lol
See y'all tomorrow o/
gn o/
i need to sleep soon i got 4 hours of sleep last night and idk how i'm still alive awake rn
tbf i got up late so i haven't been awake for that long and also i took a nap at 10 for like... some amount of time? i don't even know
i'd be happy to explain what heaps are and how they work but this is a fine (i think) implementation of heaps (which are the underlying DS used for most priority queues)
oh another thing you could do for the bellman ford implementation
if no distances update in a cycle
you can exit early
alright my bellman ford works fine
just exceeds heap size limit on the actual input
oh, rip
what lang are you using, bqn?
yep, bqn
i looked on the thread for other array langs
funny that dyalog had a builtin for this using tail recursion
woo part 1 done with a dumb hack
holy fuk part 2
hm this is gonna take a while
04:00 - 08:0008:00 - 10:00

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