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i'm almost done with my backup puzzle, i can post that as a last resort... just ping me if it's needed
also, day 7 spotted at HNQ!
2 hours later…
If bumping up my puzzle is gonna happen, please ping me :)
3 hours later…
@sarsaparilla Thanks :) Glad you enjoyed it. Grid took ages to create!
@Stiv I was kind of shocked for 1 second when I saw the title of your puzzle. My puzzle for tomorrow is using lyrics as well (be it in a completely different way).
To be honest, I've been very impressed we haven't yet had an incident where someone else has gone, "Oh no! This is what I was planning to do!" It's surely inevitable in some capacity, just hopefully nothing too crucial for anyone!
1 hour later…
Ha, so far I'm the black sheep regarding HNQ xD
it does seem like the algorithm dislikes lukas for some reason... my day 3 got hnq'd with 10 votes and lukas's puzzles are not being taken up with 14 and 17 votes
my hypothesis is that it becomes easier to get into hnq once you've gotten a bunch of posts hnq'd already
Q: What are the criteria for questions to be selected for Hot Network Questions?

Maxim ZaslavskyI really like the new Stack Exchange home page, where certain questions from the Stack Exchange Network are presented, along with a hotness rating that is described as "arbitrary" in its tooltip. Such questions also appear randomly on the sidebar on sites across the network, under the heading "Ho...

Day 2 was probably never eligible because there was no answer for the first 2 days IIRC. Not sure what the problem with Day 6 was xD
Maybe "naughty" is part of "Questions whose titles match a list of blocked keywords are excluded"
Ah, nevermind. I'll stop searching for excuses :P
Looking at that formula, it seems like a good way to increase your chances for HNQ is to make an easy puzzle that's nice to look at. If open-ended was still on-topic, it would be an extra bonus.
a clickbaity title works wonders as well
true :D
2 hours later…
So now I can safely say...
@Stiv No incident that you had detected!
I debated over whether or not to go with this one or not, but I did like a couple of the clues quite a bit, and like you said, some level of thematic duplication is unavoidable.
@JeremyDover Haha! Yes, I did have to admit, as soon as I saw there were twelve clues in this puzzle my first thought was: "Oh. Does this give me an unfair advantage??" Then my second was: "CRYPTIC CRYPTIC CRYPTIC CRYPTIC!"
Still wondering how I completely overlooked the word 'set' in #6 until I'd click 'Post'...
2 hours later…
Average view count for advent calendar puzzles between 12/01-12/06: 523. Average view count for other puzzles within same time frame: 375. Fore vote score its 13 to 6
@LukasRotter Argh, balanced ternary! I should so have thought of that from 'unbalanced' alone... (facepalm) It formed the basis of a puzzle of Jeremy's that I got most of the way through last winter (@JeremyDover I still think about it from time to time and will eventually get the breakthrough I need to finish it off, I'm sure!)
@LukasRotter Nice stat - people are noticing it :)
Are view counts based on unique users, or can one person view a puzzle more than once?
IIRC it's not unique, but it has like a X-minute delay. So if you click on a puzzle every second for 1 hour, it might count 4 views from you or so
I believe it resets every 15 minutes
Q: How are the number of views in a question calculated?

andrerpenaI saw it's not just a page views number, because, if I press F5 several times, it won't increase the number of views. They could store my IP address in a table, but wouldn't that make it slow? They would need to query a database one more time for each request.

@Stiv :) I wanted to find a (semi-)homophone for "ternary" as a hint, but all I found was way too obscure, therefore obvious. "It's your turn, eyrie!"
Ha, yeah I can see why that would be difficult to clue!
There's always the acrostic approach? (Although personally I find that much too much of a giveaway...)
You could also try to clue the number 3 somehow? It doesn't make it as obvious but still points you in the right direction.
Oh god. I was searching for the puzzle Stiv was talking about and apparently they changed the UI for questions on profiles as well. I can't handle it, I'm too used to the old one :)
I really don't like the new look - it's nowhere near as concise. The puzzle I was talking about was this one.
@LukasRotter If you're really interested, here's a link. It was one of my first puzzles here. It borrowed heavily from Stiv's Captain Clumsy, and while it had some good elements (Ice Station Frazier-Heine is still a favorite of mine), it's kinda of a mess. I like to think I've gotten better.
@Stiv regarding number 6, I was pleased to be able to use set in that context, since while it could be fodder, it could also be a neutral "just sitting next to" word as well. That was my favorite clue in the puzzle, though.
I'll give it a try, looks intriguing. If nothing comes out of it I'll start a bounty on it because it's christmas :P
It looks like we're stuck on the very last step.
Yep, stuck on the last step. Just so you know, I have very few tools in my toolkit, so looking at my Sgt. Sequence fan-fic puzzle might give a nudge.
Hey LukasRotter , just want to send a personal "thank you" for your efforts on the advent puzzle series. I had really been slowing down on puzzle creation, and this was a prod to get me back in. Looking forward to the monthly challenges too.
You're welcome! That's very nice to hear :)
Activity on the MTC meta post is unfortunately very low, I hope it can actually turn out to happen
3 hours later…
LukasRotter: my next puzzle is tested and ready to go at a day's notice. I don't think I have any blackout days, so just ping me to let me know if you need it.
Copy that
BTW. Never thought I could get so obsessed and puzzled by a 3x3 rainbow box :)
@LukasRotter Welcome to my world...
If I haven't missed anything, the only tools used (except caesar shift, obviously) in the Sgt. Sequence puzzle were: Num <-> periodic table, middle letters (irrelevant for this, I assume), sequence completion (which I don't see a use for). Yet the puzzle doesn't have a knowledge tag and Tellurium is just that :)
Is has electrons per shell 2, 8, 18, 18, 6, but the letter distribution doesn't seem promising
@LukasRotter As Stiv pointed out, there are still two pieces of numerical information unused, but you seem to need five keys.
@Stiv, in case you're having another look too.
@JeremyDover Trust me, my original spreadsheet has been open on my desktop ever since we revisited it earlier...!
This really wasn't a very good puzzle, so let me hint bigger. One of the digits is a multiplier, and the other is an adder.
Oops, please belay that.
Key sequence is arithmetic.

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