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I built this chat for this question:…
I would like to point out some reasons why I voted for it to be closed so that it may help people in the future and could be used as a reference point and also help the OP to create a better question.
1. This is a design related question BUT the answers provided could be inaccurate because the sites that are being posted could go down. That said this question would be troublesome to someone in the future.
2. Since the answers could be changed there would never be an accurate, excepted answer.
3. There, is I mentioned, no effort by the OP in regards to an explanation of WHY a Google search would not be accurate.
4. Since the information in the question wasn't there why a Google search was not efficient and the question STILL does not show an accurate question that wouldn't regard in a biased answer I still left my downvote.
5. You are question does exist on the notation that you are wanting a "review" of freelance sites and to me, and my understanding, that is off-topic.
6. Telling a community that "it's an exhausting process" is, to some, could be interpreted as "Im too lazy to do my research please do it for me". If you look at the degree of the question and base the quality of the question, and you were to post that SO how do you think the community would take it?
sorry for the bad grammar but Im at work and took a moment out to make this.
First and foremost before delving into replying to your comments, for the people who will read this post later I have to clarify the discussion I used to have with @Gramps, and he deleted it; A few minutes after posting the question I got a downvote. I asked in comments about the reason for downvote and @Gramps, provided a few websites and blamed me for possible laziness and not Googling.
What I have wrote in my "elaboration" part of the question where actually replies to his comments against my question.
(Regarding the bad grammar, I was in the middle of writing my message. Thanks for pointing out but your comments a re readable and therefore not a problem... plus I am not a native english speaker)
do you not see an issue in effort within your question?
Sorry I am not following your last question. Effort within my question?!
I will reply to most of the numbered comments:
Do you not think your question is asking people to Google Search and write reviews on sites for freelance?
1. About the "BUT" provided, I should say Photoshop has been revolutionised since its alpha and beta version and based on this argument every question related to that sofrware might also experience serious changes in the answers provided at the community. (this was just an example). Moreover that why we have editing for questions and answers and there are votes to keep the better and newer answers withc are better applicable at top.
I think you are not seeing my point... Those questions showed I tried this but Im having an issue.
No! Then I would ask for reviews sir! I asked for a list of websites. And I found the ones @Yisela provided and his comments very helpful. That was a very proper answer for the question I meant to ask.
again.. your question still shows it will be too exhausting to do research please answer my question.. posting that do you really not see why it was closed?
2. This has been already clarified in 1.
but her answer doesnt cover the other sites? If that answers your question 1) why didnt you except it as an answer 2) why is your question not re-written to go with said answer?
and to that her answer covers TWO sites when there are probably around 20... so are you wanting others to post on each one?
3. I have to again refer to deleted history of the question. After I have been blamed for laziness and provided the reasons, @Gramps, asked me to move my reasons to the question, that why I think my question is relevant so he would remove his downvote. I did so, however instead of removing the downvote he marked the question for hold, which is interesting for itself.
I marked it on hold when I downvoted the question. Others followed... and I still left the downvote because your comment... "searching Google is a very exhausting process" shows you put no effort into what you wanted before you asked your question...
again... as stated... IF you can tell me what you looked at and why they are not going to help you, show your research, point out why ones you Googled havent worked I would be more than happy to upvote..
4. Continuing what I have wrote in 3., I believe my question has been edited twice and heavily by @Yisela, and @JohnB to be unbiased. And actually as I preveiously mentioned, answered by @Yisela, which didn't find the question biased and I didn't find his answer biased.
5. If I was asking for review, there would (and will) be a word like "review" either in my subject or in my question itself.
BUT its still not opened, and the mods shouldnt be editing your question to make it better.
all Im pointing out is your question, in context, is asking for someone else to put forth more effort than what you have displayed.. Do you disagree?
instead of arguing why it was closed why not look at it as a way to make the question better? IF you can edit the question, with, Ive done this and looked at that it would be better... Im not trying to discourage you Im trying to get you to see that the effort you request from a community is only going to go so far and some wont put that much effort like Yisela did in her answer.
6. @Gramps is a member of community as I am. Ignoring reputation, we are two equal individuals and this is an Open-Source-Community. As a result it is not up to me nor him to put ourselves in the shoes of "community" and see how this is going to be judged by "community"; for example, although there was objection to the question from @Gramps, @Scott, @ckpepper02, @DA01, @esushi there was NO RADICAL objection from @yisela, @johnB, @Confused and others who didn't marke the question for hold.
6... I exaplined why I found the process exhausting and why I think googling is not a fruitful way of looking for the answers of this question. I still believe in the same reasons. Furthermore, If I was lazy I wouldn't care about correcting the question and replying to anybody as I already got my answer from @Yisela.
Im sorry man.. I cant explain it any clearer than what Ive posted.. All Im requesting is you look at it from an effort point of view.. What did you search prior to the question and if you feel why some didnt work, from a search, it needs to be put in the question instead of being so broad. Did you not see the reason for it being closed? This looks like brainstorming/idea gathering
that said I have a lot of work to do and I will check back later. I hope you can edit your question to make it better and I look forward to see what you have done. Have a great day =)
Hello folks
I don't really agree with closing it as brainstorming/idea gathering. How does that make sense?
you're leaving out the crucial part of that close reason... "brainstorming/idea gathering for a specific project"
I refer @Gramps, to my other SX profiles, to see if I put effort in my question or not, to not judge me based on his prejudices and one-shot example that he saw here! If anybody browse my math, stackoverflow, tex and other profiles on SX wil easily see that this is not at all a matter of effort but only the fact that I really didn't see "copying and pasting 5 top results of google search" as an effort.
@Naji but this is Graphic Design not math or stack..
@JohnB you are correct and sup man!
(reading backlog)
Alright, I think we can work together to make this an acceptable question. Here are my thoughts on what has been said:
@Gramps, I was just pointing out that my other profiles would show you if I really put effort in my questions or not, irrelevant of the community. For the curious and for readers in the future, I have to mention that I clarified in my comments on my question that why I do think asking for "websites for jobs" here is justified; in job market I don't see any fundamental difference between a designer and a programmer. There there is a subdomain called careers.stackoverflow and there is non here!
@JohnB sorry for interrupting. I was in the middle of writing.
• I don't disagree with the closing of the **original** question, it was just _too broad_.

• I disagree with it being closed as brainstorming/idea gathering. That is not the intended use of this close reason, it shouldn't be a substitute for "no effort".

• Through the discussion in the comments and here, I think we can piece together a much better question than what was originally posted
there are a couple similar questions I dug up, let's take a look at those
Q: On which crowdsourced design site have you the best experience?

Darryl HeinI'm looking to have a couple logos and website designs done. I've had some great local designers, but each one has moved or gone else where so I keep having to look for new designers. My thought and realization in the last couple days is to go to a crowdsourced design site like or...

Q: Where can I post a job listing to outsource a graphic design project?

dole dougI'm on the stage of hiring a graphic designer for my Android app and I was thinking that it will be a better idea to hire the right person for this task. I know about websites as elance, odesk, etc that have sections for graphical design jobs but ... Are there any other sites on which to post a...

my feelings on the question is I think it could be a lot better and I think @Naji you are taking offense to what I am saying and in no way am I trying to be.. Im trying to encourage better quality in your question. This question could be a good reference point for others and I dont mind un-deleting my answer and also making it better.
but I believe the effort shouldnt be coming from the mods but from the OP..
The first one includes a couple example sites of what Darryl is looking for, so that's helpful. He's done his research and is looking for feedback from designers that have had positive experiences
So does the second, sort-of
so @Naji, if you know of any sites already (maybe ones that haven't already as an answer), that would be good to include
are there any that you know of?
@Gramps, I have to say that yes I took offence. I got a bad welcome to this subdomain by you. It happened to me to see n00b people asking real "no-effort" questions on other subdomains and what I did was just an encouraging comment to edit their questions before some people downvote their question....
As I explained writing these lines here and actually editing my question and putting my replies to you as part of my question was an effort by OP.
Thanks. I will take a look for sites and update my answer.
Ok, As Dominic pointed out, the second paragraph is a little confusing to read. I tried cleaning it up a little but I didn't want to completely destroy the essence of your original message
@Naji We are encouraged to downvote a question per:…
@Naji here is what I would recommend, but I've mostly put it in my own words as that's easier for me to do
you are more than welcome to use this verbatim or modify it as you wish
I am a recently graduated graphic designer. I am searching for any worthwhile websites that I could present my portfolio with the goal of acquiring or searching job offers.

I am explicitly looking for insight from designers who have used sites like ______. I could google and compile an index of sites like these, but I am more concerned with seeking out sites that other designers have has positive experiences with rather than just a list of sites available.

Specicially, I am looking for a site that:
@Gramps, I just partly explained your hostility and the reason that I took offence. There are many more which can be found up here in the parts that I refer to the history of comments.
@JohnB, I already made an edit
Q: Where can I find web design projects?

NajiI am a recently graduated graphic designer. I would like to know if there are any notable websites that I could present a portfolio and wait or look for job offers. I have came across the following websites through "Googling"!:

If you still think that your template is better, I could edit it based on that.
that would be fine
it's up to you, your question not mine :)
I don't want to impose anything
@Naji erm... explain please?
@JohnB after his edit can you purge the comments?
@JohnB, my point is do you think that it is clear now?
I plan on it
@Naji there are still a few sentences that I stumble on when I read it, let me try and do some clean-ups
@Gramps, as an example, the fact that you asked me to edit my question and put the reasons of "why not googling?" so you could remove your downvote and you didn't and just deleted your question and disappeared.
@Naji I deleted the question till I saw a good edit was performed to help keep my answer on topic.. I do plan to remove my downvote and upvote when the question is made to 1) fit GD 2) is clear 3) has been edited.
@JohnB thank you.
hold on, making another edit
That thank you was very general :)
@Gramps, I was giving example that from what I took offence.... anyways... thank you for caring for the community. lets stop discussing... lets try to colaborate...
@Naji are you comfortable with those edits I made? I changed a few things dramatically, but I don't want to put words in your mouth
Edits confuse me in different ways from the original. Asking for places to find work for someone that has no experience and has experience at the same time
"friendly to those like me who don't have a whole lot of experience." "ones that are mainly used by those established in the industry."
contradicts itself in my opinion, not that anyone asked
good point
I made an update.
I appreciate the shout-out but it's just noise in the question ;P. I'm going to add one minor change to help ease that contradiction that Ryan pointed out
true... but I hate the fact that in SX there is no real place to show your appreciation... votes are not traceable....
@Ryan, thanks for the comment but it seems to me that they don't make sense only out of context.... I believe the same place which has been used for experienced designers might be a good place for beginners as well and this is not contradictory.
Suit yourself, its your question. I'm just offering my opinion, you don't have to listen to me.
Question belongs on Freelance.SE.. not GD.SE
@Ryan, I see... but it has been corrected thanks to @JohnB :)
It could also work on Freelance, but we're bound to have overlap with some sites. I think it's fine here
there's a newly launched Software Recommendations site, but I don't see the need to start migrating all our software rec questions there since they're already established here as on topic
however, you should definitely check out Freelance.SE if you have any non-design related freelance questions
Simply put.. if you want recommendations on which freelance sites ae better to use, it only makes sense to have the question on where, it seems 90% of the users are using web-based client systems like elance, Odesk and others.
as I put in the comments, I don't know a single designer who relies on web sourcing for projects.
my question is specially for designers community
the fact that the topic intersects with freelancing is another issue.
Hey Naji, are you and Confused the same person? Or friends? There was some speculation and I prefer to just ask.
no no... I really don't know who he is...
and I don't know why he is here.
oh okay, was just curious
sorry why he is NOT here....
My only point about is you'll get MUCH better and thorough responses about web-sourcing. If that's not the goal, then okay.
If you want, I can check if it's okay to migrate it. As it is, it's not off topic here
I second JohnB.
But thanks Scott.... I wish it was possible it would be on both
thank yoy very much evreybody
and sorry for the inconvinience
is there anything else or may I leave now?
I tink it would have been better if you left some links to these chats, so @Confused might followed rather than finding out that all the comments being removed.
I'll post a link
Thanks. I wish you a good day for all of you... ciao.

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