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A: how to make BarCharts or Line Plot based on specific identifiers in a Dataset over two years

EdmundYou may use Query and Select to filter the data by the identifiers. With jdataNew in the OP the selection lists are created as {statusList, subregionList} = (key |-> Normal[Query[DeleteDuplicates, Slot[key] &]@jdataNew]) /@ {"status", "subregion"} {{"LDC", "ODC"}, {"South Asia", "Southeast...

Thank you for a nice Code. Would it be possible to make a few adjustments for higher flexibility by: (1) removing All from all the controls and allowing the selection of specific status(es), subregion(s), and countries. I like to select one (or two) status across two or more subregions at the same time; (2) being able to select one status, three subregions for one indicator; (3) choosing multiple indicators at the same time using multiple bar charts in the same Manipulate; (4) choosing multiple countries rather than a single country. Thanks so much.
@TugrulTemel Yes, you can easily modify it by using CheckboxBar for the ControlType and MemberQ for the filter.
I tried your advice but the only change is the appearance of the controls not really their function. I also tried ToggleBar but that did not work either. I appreciate it if you revise your answer with your suggestions because I do not know where and how to change your code.
@TugrulTemel You must also change the construction of the filters to use MemberQ.
Thanks for coming back. If you give me just one example (one filter change and one Control change) of where to change, I will do the rest of the change. Currently, I do not know where to start changing. Thanks.
For example, I successfully added time control to your Code and it works fine. Now I can plot the bar charts for a specific year. But I cannot choose two different years at the same time.
Include your filter using MemberQ below. Let's see where you went wrong.
1 hour later…
Which line in your Code I should include MemberQ?
7 hours later…
The part that is building the filter
timeFilter = Switch[time, All, True &, _, #"time" == time &];
statusFilter = Switch[status, All, True &, _, #"status" == status &];
I added timeFilteralso and it works year by year. I do not know where to use MemberQ in the above filters.
My goal is to be able to select few different years at the same time, and the same applies to other filters. If I learn how to use MemberQ, then I can adjust the other filters.

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