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A: Why is it undecidable to check the emptiness and finiteness of a context-sensitive grammar?

Yuval FilmusHere is the idea in a nutshell: Given a Turing machine $M$, we can construct a context-free grammar $G$ such that if $M$ halts then $\overline{L(G)} = \{t\}$, where $t$ is the transcript of the halting computation of $M$, and if $M$ doesn't halt then $\overline{L(G)} = \emptyset$. Consequently,...

Why determining whether $L(G) = \emptyset$ or whether $L(G)$ is finite is undecidable even for "deterministic context-sensitive languages?
Since the LBA which checks the validity of an input transcript is deterministic.
That understand. But why $L(G) = \emptyset$ and $L(G)=$ finite is undecidable?
If you could decide these problems, you could decide the halting problem, which we know is undecidable.
What is transcript, encoding of TM?
It's a sequence of configurations recording the execution of the machine.
illegal" transcripts means?
You'll have to consult the full proof for that.
I don't want any proof. I want just what is it. As per my understanding it has illegal state and head location etc. Am I correct?
It is a string which does not represent a valid transcript.
Here you consider $L(G)$ is transcript or language?
A transcript is a string. A language is a collection of strings.
means $L(G)$ is collection transcript?
The language $L(G)$ in the second bullet is either empty, or contains a single string.
Why $\overline{L(G)} = \{t\}$ isn't single string for first bullet?
The role that $L(G)$ plays in the second bullet is identical to the role that $\overline{L(G)}$ plays in the first bullet.
I'm sorry, I don't understand this comment.
I mean $\overline{L(G)} = \{t\}$ isn't single string because complement of cfl isn't closed, it maybe regular, csl etc. That's why it's content also more than one. Am I right?
The context-free grammar $G$ is defined to satisfy the properties in the first bullet.
Yes, first bullet is cfl. But what is the reason behind $\{t\}$ has more than one string?
The set $\{t\}$ only contains one string.
Both bulletin {t} is unit set?
The notation "$\{t\}$" has only one meaning: the set consisting of a single element, $t$.
complement of cfl is illegal transcript because it's not closed under complement?
I'm sorry, you'll have to look at the proof. I won't answer any more questions.
it's my final question believe me. I have understood everything. Please just tell in one line.
Unfortunately I am unable to understand your question.
complement of cfl is illegal transcript because it's not closed under complement?
No, that's not the reason. For the reason, you'll need to take a look at the proof. There's only so much that you can understand "intuitively" without ever looking at any kind of detail.

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