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8:33 AM
@JohnRennie Hello
9:20 AM
@Aladdin Hi :-)
Sorry for the slow reply. I had to go out.
@JohnRennie i had a doubt
What's the question?
so my sql table i created like this:
drop database pizza_management;
create database pizza_management;

\c pizza_management

create table PIZZA (pname varchar(30) not null, quantity int, size varchar(3), price int, veg_nonveg varchar(10), ingredients varchar, primary key(pname));

create table LOGIN_TABLE (username_ varchar(30) not null, password_ varchar(30) not null, staff char, customer char, primary key (username_));

create table PAYMENTS (payment_id varchar(10) not null, mode varchar(20), total_cost int not null, primary key(payment_id));
when i need to populate the tables
do i need to add constraints again
No, once you have created all the tables with the constraints you can just add data to them.
Though when you add data you have to make sure your data satisfies the constraints you have created.
@JohnRennie Is there a way i can add constraint that pizza prices should be between a limit
9:34 AM
You mean in the PIZZA table you want to set a maximum value for the price field?
and a minimum too i think
Yes, that's called a "check constraint".
Is it Postgresql you are using?
ah got it
@JohnRennie i want to get details of all the pizza with minimum price
so i tried this query
SELECT pname,quantity,size,veg_nonveg,ingredients
from pizza;
where pizza.price>350;
but is there a way i can get minimum price of pizza and use it in this query
350 is the minimum cost of pizza
9:49 AM
You mean select by the value used in the check constraint?
no like i added these values in the pizza table:
ADD CHECK (price>=330 AND price<=690);
INSERT into PIZZA values('Veg Kebab Surprise Small',1,'S',330,'Veg','Veg kebab,Onion,Green Capsicum,Tomato&Sweet');
INSERT into PIZZA values('Veg Kebab Surprise Medium',2,'M',529,'Veg','Veg kebab,Onion,Green Capsicum,Tomato&Sweet');
INSERT into PIZZA values('Veg Kebab Surprise Large',3,'L',625,'Veg','Veg kebab,Onion,Green Capsicum,Tomato&Sweet');
INSERT into PIZZA values('Chicken Supreme Small',1,'S',359,'Non-Veg','Herbed Chicken,Schezwan Chicken Meatball,Chicken Tikka');
INSERT into PIZZA values('Chicken Supreme Medium',2,'M',570,'Non-Veg','Herbed Chicken,Schezwan Chicken Meatball,Chicken
So you want to find the minimum price, then list all the pizzas that have this minimum price?
select * from pizza
where price =
( select min(price) from pizza )
what is the bracket thing called
9:55 AM
That's a "subquery"
A subquery returns a value, and you can use the value returned by the subquery in your main query.
got it
You can also use subqueries to return a temporary record set.
@JohnRennie so in login table i have a coloumn which shows if user is staff or not
OK ...
how do i count the number of users which are not staff
select * from LOGIN_TABLE
pizza_management-# where
pizza_management-# staff=F;
this should give number of users who are not staff
10:02 AM
You use a function.
In the example we above we used a function called min() i.e. select min(price) selects the minimum of the price field. OK so far?
There are lots of functions in SQL, and one of them is count(), which counts the number of rows returned.
So you can write:
select count(*) from login_table where staff = 'F';
This returns a single number which is the number of records that have staff = 'F'.
pizza_management=# select count(*) from login_table where staff = 'F';
(1 row)
it worked!
@JohnRennie do. u know what are complex queries
10:13 AM
I don't think "complex query" is a formal term, it just means a query that is complicated e.g. a query that joins two or more tables.
10:29 AM
@JohnRennie can u give an example of how a complex query looks like in my database
i googled it and it looks complicated
Suppose you want a list of each username and that user's phone number.
In the customer table you have the username but you don't have the phone number.
In the customer_phone_no table you have the phone number but not the username.
So how can you get the username and phone together from a query?
Do you know?
we can join both tables
then select phone numbers and customer_name?
Yes, you just join the tables so you can select the data from both the tables.
This would count as a complex query, though it's a fairly simple complex query.
Have you done joining tables in SQL?
10:36 AM
i have tried a query on joining
We can go through how to write this query if you want ...
let me try once
OK :-)
@JohnRennie select Customer.fname, customer_phone_no.phone_no
from customer join customer_phone_no on customer.fname = customer_phone_no.fname
something like this?
i wanted to check for fname and lname tho
If you look at the definition of the phone table it has:
create table CUSTOMER_PHONE_NO (
phone_no varchar(10),
fname varchar(30),
lname varchar(30),
primary key(phone_no),
foreign key (fname, lname) references CUSTOMER(fname, lname)
So note that the link to the customer table, i.e. the foreign key constraint, is on both fname and lname.
10:47 AM
So your join condition has to include both fname and lname.
So you need to write:
from customer c join customer_phone_no p on c.fname = p.fname and c.lname = p.lname
Also I've used aliases for the table names to reduce the amount of typing needed.
If you write from customer c this makes "c" an alias for "customer" so you can type c.whatever instead of customer.whatever.
select Customer.fname, customer_phone_no.phone_no
from customer c join customer_phone_no p on c.fname = p.fname and c.lname=p.lname
order by customer.fname
Likewise join customer_phone_no p makes "p" an alias for "customer_phone_no".
10:50 AM
but for some reason my query is not working
select c.fname, p.phone_no
from customer c join customer_phone_no p on c.fname = p.fname and c.lname=p.lname
order by c.fname
You can use the aliases everywhere. It saves a lot of typing :-)
Do you get an error when you run the query?
10:53 AM
this works
OK :-)
i need to do one more complex query
can u give an example also
like this
If I look at your table definitions you don't have that many relationships defined.
You have chef and chef_phone_no tables that you could link in a similar way, but I can't see any other foreign keys.
Were you given this schema or did you design it yourself?
Because the schema seems as though it is missing parts.
11:00 AM
i can also do customer username
in login table
me and my teamates designed like this
You could, but then the username_ field is in the customer table anyway so you don't need to link the tables.
ah yea
It's just that I would expect to see an orders table. e.g. if I order a pizza from you then there should be a record in the orders table that links to my login to say who placed the order, and links to the pizza table to show what pizza was on the order.
ahh yea
ur right
Also you have a topping table, and presumably a pizza should link to the topping table so you can see what topping(s) are on the pizza.
11:04 AM
we have a topping table
it should link to pizza name
But how does it link?
yea that thing is missing
we would need to add it in our table
You can't link by pizza name, because the same topping might be used on more than one pizza.
In your pizza table you have a ingredients field, but this is just a string with all the ingredients so it isn't very useful.
Typically the way you do this is that the topping table looks like this:
create table TOPPING (
topping_id int not null,
topping_name varchar(30) not null,
price int not null,
primary key (topping_id)
where topping_id is a number that uniquely identifies each topping.
e.g. you could have:
1, "Herbed Chicken", 123
2, "Schezwan Chicken Meatball", 456
3, "Chicken Tikka", 789
11:10 AM
(I've made up prices since I have no idea what the prices would be)
Then in the pizza table you'd have:
create table PIZZA (
pizza_id int not null,
pname varchar(30) not null,
quantity int,
size varchar(3),
price int,
veg_nonveg varchar(10),
primary key(pizza_id)
we don't have topping id in pizza?
Aha! This is where it gets cool! :-)
We have a third table pizza_topping that looks like:
create table pizza_topping (
topping_id int not null,
pizza_id int not null
that makes sense
Now suppose you have pizza 1, i.e. pizza_id = 1, called "Chicken special" that has the two toppings Herbed Chicken and Chicken Tikka.
Then you add two records to the pizza_topping table:
topping_id  pizza_id
1           1
3           1
This table is linking the pizza and the topping table.
What it says is that pizza id 1 has the two toppings with ids 1 and 3.
@Aladdin OK so far?
11:18 AM
Now suppose you want to find out what toppings are on pizza 1. You can do:
select t.topping_name
from topping t join pizza_topping pt on t.topping_id = pt.topping_id
join pizza p on pt.pizza_id = p.pizza_id
So you have two joins: topping ⟶ pizza_topping ⟶ pizza
how does double join work
The pizza_topping table is called a "link table" because it links the two tables topping and pizza.
@Aladdin the double join works just like a single join. I'll put some brackets in to make it a bit clearer:
select t.topping_name
from (topping t join pizza_topping pt on t.topping_id = pt.topping_id)
join pizza p on pt.pizza_id = p.pizza_id
What happens is that first we do the join (topping t join pizza_topping pt on t.topping_id = pt.topping_id) and this creates a joined table consisting of the two tables topping and pizza_topping.
Then this joined table gets joined again to pizza.
The joins look like this:
11:27 AM
Suppose your accountant wanted to know the cost of the toppings on the "Chicken special" pizza.
You could write:
select sum(t.price)
from topping t join pizza_topping pt on t.topping_id = pt.topping_id
join pizza p on pt.pizza_id = p.pizza_id
where p.pname = 'Chicken special';
Can you see how this works?
so the first join joins the records of topping and topping id
where the ids are same
then we join with pizza records and topping records
where the pizza_id are same
like this?
It joins the records of topping and pizza_topping where the topping_id values are the same.
Then it joins pizza_topping and pizza where the pizza_id values are the same.
So the end result is it joins the records in topping to the pizzas that use those toppings.
11:34 AM
i will make these changes after discussions with my teammates
OK :-)
If you want to implement orders you need to do something similar.
Because a single order can have different numbers of pizzas on it.
So you need a link table that links the order and pizza tables.
I will that for you to think about as I have to go now.
thanks a lot for the help!

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