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Does someone know some good resources to learn the process of making a movie with a DSLR (in my case 6D) ? From recording video, sound, mixing all together and finally generating a movie file with the proper codec ?
@AndyM yes someone can know ;)
@AJHenderson Gna gna gna :)
@AndyM a modern comprehensive resource in written form, not so much :(
all the materials I learned on were from the mid 90s
and are more than a little outdated now on the technical side
the artistic and planning sides are still valid I suppose
but honestly, at this point I don't even remember what most of them were
obviously for specific questions I highly recommend video production
I see... I don't really know where to begin... That's my main trouble...
first tip though, it's the process from planning a shoot, to setting up the scene, to recording video and sound, to mixing it together and then generating a movie file
but if we're going to have a conversation on video we may want to jump to the video production chat room
12 messages moved from Photography Chat
long time no see
and look, our convo followed us
that's wicked... I never used another chat on stackexchange :ü
I moved it manually
but it is a nice feature
anyway, yeah, the biggest thing is planning
it is super easy in the digital NLE age to go at it very scatter shot
and then wonder why your work doesn't flow
the best thing for my development as a videographer was my HS video teacher that made me learn to use a linear video editor (deck to deck)
forced me to stop and plan my video
how does it start, how does it progress, how does it end
once you conceptualize the video, you can figure out what shots you need
so then shooting becomes a matter of simply collecting things off a list
lighting itself isn't that much different than photography
main thing is just that it has to hold up from multiple angles if you are going to have a moving shot
so the scene setup kind of thing you'll probably have the least trouble with
for recording the video and audio, big thing is to try to make as few adjustments within a shot as possible
focus pulls or zooms are hard to execute with precission
so expect multiple takes to be needed and review them closely
or avoid them if you can, especially early on
sound, generally best to use an external recorder and sync in post
two main options, LAVs (lapel mics) or shotgun mics on boom poles
lapels require less crew, but may get movement noise and you have to figure out where to stick them
(or not mind them in your shot)
@AJHenderson I've found a recorder called Zoom z4n
shotgun mics can be used from a distance, but you need a boom op to keep them on target
People say it's good to start with
oh sorry
I use that one
personally, I'm an h4n/Lavs guy
I don't want to make a big production... Just to be able to use properly my video mode on my 6D
but a shotgun mic and boom is on my to get list eventually
yeah, video by definition is a bit of a production to do properly though. You can do it with a one man crew, but there are lots of pieces
but I started with lav's to be able to do a one man crew
even if I prefer working with at least 2 or 3
if you've planned the shooting well, then editing is actually one of the easiest parts
I normally use Premiere. I start with a source timeline for each clip
this is where I sync and apply any cleanup to audio
as well as where I apply any initial color corrections
then, once I have my clips in, I use those as sources for actually editing together the video
based on my earlier plan
first pass is normally to make a rough cut
which basically means getting things laid out in the proper order, but the edges are ragid, not exactly timed and no transitions
once you have the basic flow you want, you revisit the edges, fine tune the timings of cuts, add transitions where approrpriate
then I normally finish with a color grading pass to make sure color matches from shot to shot
and has the overall feel I want the video to have
don't be afraid to stray from your plan too
sometimes I realize when rough cutting that things don't flow quite right and will reposition or cut stuff out
and then for the final output, it depends on what you are outputing to. I generally just use Adobe Media Encoder as it does a sufficient job
and they have preset for common things like YouTube and Bluray that are pretty decent
2 pass VBR is the best quality to size
Do you think I can make decent movies with a 6D ? I've bought it for its picture quality, but since I have a movie mode, I feel like giving it a try...
I guess it's better to buy a dedicated camera
I shoot on my 5D Mark iii just fine
I don't know specifically how the 6D does, but I'd expect it to be pretty great
since it is FF
I also highly recommend ML for video
Yes, for what i've read the 5D Mark III is awesome for videos
what is ML ?
magic lantern
using DSLRs in general is becoming the way that most independent videographers go if they can't get something like an ARRI
DSLRs do the best video under $50 grand or so
but they have some limitations, such as lacking AF in video shooting (the T4i and t5i correct for this, but the 6D and 5D Mark iii do not)
Magic lantern is amazing... I didn't know I could flash/update/modify my camera firmware (except for canon releases obviously)
yeah, it is
I don't know if it supports RAW video on the 6D or not, but on the 5D Mark iii, it makes it competitive with the ARRI Alexa. The Alexa is still the winner, but the 5D Mark iii raw video gets 90% of the way there at 1/12th the price
and you can also do things like focus pulls with it
(where you start a shot focused on one thing and have it adjust focus to something else
focus peaking is also highly recommended
that makes it so that edges that are in focus get highlighted
so it makes focusing live during video easier
when doing a manual focus pull
zebras is also helpful
that will highlight any area that is getting over-exposed or near over exposed
as you get more experienced, histograms is a useful feature as well
also, make sure to use a tripod
and not a ball head unless the shot is pure static
ideally, you want a fluid head tripod
they allow for smooth control of resistance and smooth motion in general for pans and tilts
they can be a bit pricy for decent ones though
But does this firmware replaces totally the current EOS firmware ?
Or is it an add-on
it's an add on
it runs on top of it
So you have your basic menus + those of ML
so it's a bit of a misnomer to say it is a third party firmware
yeah, the delete button is taken over by ML
and brings up an entire additional menu system
but it is literally just running on top of the unmodified OS
but it still has some risk because it can alter parameters to values they normally wouldn't be
including some features that alter settings that don't reset every time you turn the camera off
but problems are pretty rare, I'm using the experimental build for firmware 1.2.3 on my 5D Mark iii and have had no permanent issues
a couple of crashes where I had to pull the battery to reset, but nothing major
and that was with a very early experimental build playing with a feature that was marked as not being ready yet
it also adds a bunch of new UI elements to live view
the top and bottom of the screen get entirely new sets of UI
audio metering, sensor temp monitoring, much smaller displays of ISO/shutter speed/aperture, adds focus distance and focal length
(it has a built in DoF calculator)
and it is easy to install and uninstall
you copy it on to a memory card, put the card in, do a firmware update and restart the camera when prompted
looks very sexy to me... I might give it a try... I'm worried about messing my brand new 6D
to uninstall, same process, but leave it on the update screen for thirty seconds
and it removes the boot flag
I haven't looked at what builds are available for the 6D, there are sometimes "safe builds" that don't write to any permanent storage.
those builds are pretty much incapable of causing problems
but given how widely magic lantern is used, if you stick to actual release builds, you should be fine
oh yeah, and if you do try it, note that some features are not on by default
I'll give myself some time to master my camera... A few things changed from my 450D and I need to get used to them !
there is a modules screen that lets you choose which modules of features to load
yeah, welcome to FF in general
yeah :D
it's a different world
It's brilliant so far !
took me a couple months to really get used to
The ISO handling is purely amazing
Images looks so sharp !
did you see the video Esa posted?
for the a7s
erm nope
check it out and then check out the link I posted to the Canon one
the a7s can shoot clear video at ISO 100,000
and canon made a new sensor that will shoot clearly in less than .01 lux
How does it work with ISO compared to photography... I mean, on photography, when you want more light you need longer exposure or higher ISO...
that's the canon one
exposure is the exact same
In a movie, it means that basically your exposure time is fixed ?
just you can't go with a shorter shutter speed than your frame rate
but you can go faster
what if you go fas....
you can shoot 24 fps video with 1/1000 shutter speed
:) what happens when you go faster ?
it takes each frame in the given time, but spreads them out
all right
so same as if you were using burst shooting
makes sens
what about DOF
basically video is just burst shooting at low res with an electronic shutter
does it work the same ?
exact same
optics and exposure are identical
That's a good news, what I learnt for photography are still there for movies :)
it's good and bad
how come ?
the good is that you are familiar with the concepts, the bad is that there are some departures in how you have to approach things
(like the lack of AF)
oh yeah... I've seen that on my 6D
or the fact that when shooting video, you have to maintain a good shot
I wanted to follow my cat................
it's similar enough to help you, but different enough in the situations you have to handle to frustrate ;)
I moved in the opposite direction
I have a button to call for AF... but it takes about 5 minutes to get it -_-
I started in video
it's more the how you shoot. Photography is concerned about getting the right moment perfectly
video is about getting all moments well enough in an interesting way
Yeah that's a different approach
you can't pursue perfection as much because it is much more technically complicated to get perfection in a dynamic shot
just look at all the extra things going on to get the audio and the lighting having to deal with a moving subject and the camera needing to potentially move in shots
so I guess it is most accurate to say that the technical aspects are the same, but the way in which they are applied is subtly altered
I see yeah
and you get some new options like focus pulls to express a change of focus
the language changes a little
(artistic, not technical, for the most part)
ANyway, if I really suck at movie creation, I'll create stop motion :)
some technical language also changes, though generally the video guys know the photo terms
video is just stop motion without stoping the motion ;)
ahah yeah
for example, aperture is also called iris
T stops are sometimes used rather than F stops
(T stops actually have a subtly different meaning)
T stop is the actual light that makes it through
based on if it was a perfect lens
so like an f/2.8 lens might actually be a T/3.1
because a perfect f/3.1 lets through the same light that makes it through the f/2.8 lens
and again that comes from the subtle difference that in photography, depth of field is most key where as in video, the amount of light making it through is most key
especially when trying to match multiple shots
possibly shot on different cameras or different lenses entirely
it's those subtle little things that are why you don't see a huge number of cross over people. We are out there, but a lot of people prefer one language or the other and don't jump between a lot. Personally, I love both
Yeah, I feel someone has to master one before jumping to the other... Or you get only mixed
I love the use of time to tell a story though video and I love the elegance of composition and color used in telling a story though photography
I think you can pick both up at the same time, but it may help to focus on one at a time
my own progression is kind of hard to chart
I guess everyone has a very unique progression...
A technique that works on somebody might fail completely for another person
I know I learn a lot by reading a reproducing
I know lot of people just try
I need some guidelines or I get easiyl bored
I started with playing around with point and shoot film cameras and consumer video cameras around the same time, going back and forth a bit. I touched on film SLRs briefly before moving in to digital P&S for a while. Video was my first professional work and I did that for 5 or 6 years before seriously getting back in to DSLR photography
and then another few years after I got back in to DSLR photography casually before I jumped in at the true professional level
what kind of movie do you make ?
wedding, ads ?
as far as how I learned, I started out shooting my own stuff for fun but mostly developed when I started volunteering with people and working along side other video guys
and my HS video class was really formative for my artistic visualization ability
and starting in late HS and going through college I was a professional wedding videographer, did some conference work, ran an entire E3 DVD production and produced/directed distance education class production at my college
gotta go... talk to you soon
oh, and I'm also technically formally trained. Half of my major covered electronic arts, which included a lot of video stuff, but mostly I had already developed my skills by that point, though I'm sure the work I did helped me personally develop
working with others is really good for video
you can learn from others strengths
and it makes the projects a lot easier too
that's an example of a shoot I recently did where you can see how much it helps to have more people

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