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Yes, but I don't control what is being used in room. I just come and record. VGA is still used almost universally to send laptop outputs and slides.
yeah, I realize that, just saying, my information is a little dated when it comes to VGA stuff
and back in the day, quality was kind of mediocre just because nothing was fast enough to handle high resolutions
That's okay. I don't know enough to know the difference.
when you were outputing to 480i it didn't particularly matter how good the capture was of the VGA input
I can handle quality being mediocre. My customers don't really care that much. I'm selling lectures, not hollywood movies.
@AJHenderson So then from here, I need another peripheral that converts the YPbPr to USB?
YPbPr is supported by either the Matrox MX02 or the Intensity
or just about any other form of external or internal capture device made
YPbPr is the technical name of component video
@AJHenderson I see. That's what I thought.
@AJHenderson I think it's MXo2. The letter o, not the number 0.
ah yes
so it is
It's a thunderbolt thing. Any usb 3.0 option?
oh you are working with a laptop aren't you
Can you send two video feeds though it. One using the hdmi and the other using the component?
@AJHenderson yes.
Is that a problem?
@fredsbend doubtful
and no, not a problem, just forgot that PCI Express slots aren't an option for you
Yeah, didn't think so.
@AJHenderson No, I'd have to use an express card thing, if that were something that existed.
there is an expresscard 34 version of the MXo2
that's the host card
So you get the mxo2 and that card and there is a cable that connects the two?
that bundle includes both
and if you wanted to be able to use the MXo2 at home on your desktop, you could also get a PCI express host card
and you would just unplug the MXo2 from one and plug it in to the other
all the fancy electronics are in the breakout box
the host card adapter is just the IO to the system itself
(welcome to the wonderful world of video processing accelerators, they take a bit of getting used to)
once you know how to work with them, you wonder how you ever lived without them though
Yeah. Lots of little doohickies here and there.
hmm, the mxo2 supports rgb component
so you might not even need that YPbPr converter
So the plain wire would work.
That's nice. Cheaper.
quite possibly
if you haven't seen it yet matrox.com/video/media/pdf/products/mxo2/en_compare_models.pdf is the model comparison
I did run into that.
and I'd recommend the max version of the mini
simply for the H.264 encoding
I think I need to find a laptop with a thunderbolt port now. I prefer windows because of cost and less likely to be stolen, especially if you make the outside look beat up.
@AJHenderson Yeah. That's what I was leaning toward.
probably easier to find one with an express card slot
though both are becoming sadly rare
Is thunderbolt not going to pass the time test?
It's faster than usb3.
who knows, Apple is sticking to their guns with it
but everyone else has always prefered USB to firewire
well they aren't really known for going with the flow.
and thunderbolt tries to do too much making it a bitch to try to implement on hardware
it takes the direct bus access of Firewire, which was bad enough, but adds video support as well
you can't even implement it on an expressport
I felt like it was a little overly complicated when I was reading about it earlier today.
where as everyone else is headed toward the displayport/usb3 route
I still don't know why rj45 ethernet is not taking over everything. 10gbps and 100 watts. What's the hold up?
I would think a breakout box that connect to ethernet is out there, but I've only found one and it was dvi only.
usb 3.1 can do 10gbps
didn't know that existed. What about power. Probably only 10 watts.
and ethernet has some reliability and latency issues I think
though I'm not sure on that
because ethernet breaks it up over multiple lines
which means you have to serialize and de-serialize it
if it is a single data stream
atleast as far as I know
I don't know much about the 10gig specs though
I think I remember reading that it goes in intermittent packets or something like that. So it doesn't move in consistent amounts. idk.
I just know that traditionally ethernet has not been well suited for it even though it's always been faster on paper
kind of like how USB 2 was faster than firewire on paper, but actually firewire was faster
apparently USB3.1 can optionally go up to 100W
as well
5 amp 20 volt
@AJHenderson huh.
Sorry. Screaming baby, now it's dinner time. Will talk later.
Probably tomorrow morning.
15 hours later…
@duvrai hey, wasn't sure if you were aware of this room, but since you seemed to be getting active I figured I'd mention it to you. Glad to see another skilled video person around, seems like you have a solid knowledge of some of the platforms I'm weak on too.

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