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There are so many posts about PDF readers, can you point me to the right one before I go insane from Adobe Reader? I have a very specific need. I'm reading some plans, and I need a PDF reader for Windows such that where a bookmark points not just to a page but a specific area within a page then it highlights that area when I jump through that bookmark. I really hope that this is some standard PDF thing that some viewers support, rather than some custom javascript nonsense in the PDF.
I normally use Sumatra PDF on Windows, and I specifically downloaded a more recent version of that, but it still doesn't seem to have this feature, or else it's very well hidden behind some option. This is Windows 10.
Is there a question for this? If not, should I ask it here chat, or in the Super User chatroom instead? I don't think I can make a good question for the main site, because the plans are for dayjob stuff and aren't public so I can't give a testcase.
tbh that looks like a reasonable SR question
hmm. let me disable Javascript in Adobe Reader then to test if the highlighting works through that
I feel like sumatra's the wrong tool for the job cause the whole point of it is simplicity
drat, bad news
it is javascript
if I disable the javascript, there's no highlighting
I like it (but I also run an older version cause they removed features I need)
@JourneymanGeek I'm not trying to get rid of SumatraPDF, I just need a secondary thing for this one rare application. Which will apparently be Adobe Reader, but I'll probably just be viewing the same PDF in both and switch to Adobe only for finding out where certain bookmarks point to, on pages where that's not clear.
This is clearly the fault of how these PDFs were prepared that I can't figure out the position in any other way.

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