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@Simon Extra div on the side is no problem. Maybe switch it to the top/bottom on mobile views.
Yes, good idea
Since it's additional information, it's secondary. Should bet after the game board on mobile (e.g. bottom)
For the 16x16 thing, removing the spacing is no trouble, adding it is. :p
And should <image> elements be used then instead of buttons?
I'll create a second version of the view and upload it as well.
- no gaps
- images instead of buttons
- extra div
Oh, that's probably not what we want.
You mean images as in [o], [x], [_]?
Hmm, this is actually a good question. Usually, things like these are considered layout, thus one uses background-image. But in this case, it's actual content. We can use images there indeed.
Well, for the other project the images will not be for TTT. For TTT I think the buttons can still be used.
It's convention to use images for content. Logos, photography, diagrams, etc. For layout stuff (arrows, symbols, etc.) one should use bg images.
What will the images represent then?
And for games?
I'll see if I can find a picture
It depends.
ahh, cool. So we don't actually need the extra layer we had at TTTU (area).
Hm.. It's a bit tricky.
Yes, that's correct.
I'm not sure if these game elements are content or layout.
content would probably only be something like "mine", etc.
The visual representation of that is layout then?
technically, what other content is there except the game elements?
Yep, I think it's content, too.
If the game elements is not the content here, then what is?
Okay, let's just use images.
I do need one thing though, when putting the cursor over one field, I'd like there to be an image above the field, but I think that's possible
Maybe you/we let it be reviewed and some wise person tells us we were wrong.
What kind of image?
A selector, to show that "if you click here then something will happen"
That doesn't even have to be an image. Setting a border/box-shadow on hover will do this.
lol, that's true
And this is layout indeed. :p
I'm so used to using images so I forget about the stuff that CSS brings
yup, this is layout.
That's why I am here, right?
I have a friend grabbing a coffee with me in a few minutes. I come back to you after. :)

Btw, have you already seen my site in English?
Yes, I took a look at it yesterday. It looked good!
Oh, you might replace the pinned link. I changed the paths a while ago:
6 hours later…
@Simon, We have a regular 16x16 field. We do 00-00 to 15-15 then, right?
Okay, I did the markup for the Minesweeper board. Now doing the CSS.
@Simon I see if I can come up with some fancy CSS3 box-shadows to make the view. ;)
@kleinfreund Yes, 00-00 to 15-15 for a 16x16. But you don't need to put an id on each field if you don't want to (I guess it will save you some time)
Oh, box-shadows. Like it :)
Nevermind, Just done that.
It's not too hard to do it this time.
Plus Sublime Text has some nice features to help me there.
Select something like 00" and hit Ctrl-D will select the next occurance of `00"´.
Meanwhile, I do YAGVFS
a.k.a Yet Another Game View For Simon
Was supposed to go to the 2nd Minitor. I failed.
2 hours later…

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