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@AaronMiller @AviFS @emanresuA @user @Razetime @PyGamer0 @Wezl @ChesterLynn ^^
ok so who is the team captain?
Aaron is probably the most experienced with software projects.
who is making the pr??
anyone. Just take initiative.
team name is CGCC?
@Razetime cgcc? what about code-golfers
ok just cgcc
whatever works, start the PR.
i am not on a computer so you make the pr :)
this is my fork.
very tempted to name our team "frick"
we might actually :P
so wait
also should we make this room hidden?
@Razetime nono lets name it CGCC
@PyGamer0 it shall be CGCC dw
who are all the members?
so far I have
@Razetime the room owners + halchester and wezl
@Razetime me when I'm not actually on the team but here to support
ok lyxal is not ther
dont know wezl's gh uname
i dont think JoKing is particitpaitiff
who's halchester
gimme a github username.
also should we make this room hidden?
no need
team members: @AaronMiller @AviFS @emanresuA @user @Razetime @PyGamer0 @Wezl @ChesterLynn
I need
chester lynn has no links to github
are you sure this is the same person?
@Razetime yes
there are 8 people
i only see seven
ah, username
idk username
emanresu A
we can't submit this until we get their github
who is ErminII
Wezl is erimeii
so you are teh team captain?
I is chunkybanana on github
dont ask
ah ok
@emanresuA oh yeaahh
@Razetime are uou the team captain?
is there a need for one
> The team captains will be the ones responsible for sending the PR to submit your project.
> The first username on the list of team members is the team captain
so be it
doesn't really matter
in The 51AC8 Room, 30 secs ago, by PyGamer0
have to do langjam with broken internet
good for you
So, Python?
uh how?
@emanresuA yes
We'll use Python for the first Langjam.
yeah it's python
@Razetime how?
it seems we are going against the creator of charcoal
PR has been accepted.
What are we starting on?
the idea is to make tacit right?
or functional
so far y'all are the biggest team
and in terms of esolang creation, y'all currently have the most knowledge
there's two other teams currently that I'd keep an eye on
okay fine 3
TeamHTP, ajo and onyx
which is actually 60% of the current teams actually
meaning that my observations on teams to watch out for is rather useless at this stage
TeamHTP and ajo seem to have strengths in practical language creation
onyx (ascii-only) obviously mains esolangs
consequently a good strat would be to add a few "crazy" features that are rather unexpected
give the judges a taste of something they've never seen
jntrnr (the person who seems to be the head organiser) has extensive knowledge/experience with strictly typed languages
(rust and TS)
so maybe play to that?
that's just my early observations
@exedraj i've a feeling ascii-only knows his practical langs
Idk if we're competing to win
it's be a miracle if we end up finishing a language with this big a team
Do y'all have a plan for a timeline of events?
absolutely not
Like what order are y'all doing everything?
no order
only chaos
honestly we first need people to be online
1 hour later…
@exedraj very good observations 10/10
1 hour later…
@Raz Allxy is Lyxal's sock, in case you hadn't guessed.
i noticed the anargam
Why'd ya flag it then?
due to offensiveness, obviously
Self-deprecation isn't offensiveness.
@exedraj Did you get any messages on Allxy about that?
@Razetime Flagging just causes the message to be deleted if others determine the message to be offensive. IIRC ROs can do that anyway, or just move the message to trash. FWIW handling things as a RO is normally better than sending a notification to the entire network.
@emanresuA no
1 hour later…
@PyGamer0 i might participate (depending on the theme). probably on my own though
wow 23 forks/total teams and yet y'all are still the largest team
everyone else only has 1 or 2 members
Team CGCC has 8
very cool.
am online
I should be here throughout the day today (8/20), during the afternoon tomorrow (8/21), and during the afternoon the day after (8/22), which is the last day.
ooh there's going to be a team with 3 members
Holy I didn't get to chat
@exedraj given that practically everyone else is just 1 or 2 people
Dumb internet
@exedraj wow
you didn't know there was 8 people?
@Razetime idk both tied
@exedraj I knew
What ididnt know we are still the largest team
@exedraj is our spy :P
6 hours ago, by exedraj
Do y'all have a plan for a timeline of events?
(because it didn't onebox properly)
Oh no we dont
well you should have some sort of basic plan before it starts
Transpiled or interpreted?
you've got 6 hours before it starts, so use that time to get at least an idea of who's doing what, and what "roles" people have (even if that means people need more than one role)
@PyGamer0 I mean team management wise
you can't really decide on language specifics until the theme is revealed
Yes but I want to know if it's transpiled or interpreted
you can't say with 100% certanity
because the theme might specify
but you can structure the team a little before the theme is released
@exedraj well I can't decide on that
I will be sleeping
@exedraj Me nor raze will be online (prob)
just whatever y'all do, don't make a brainfrick clone.
@exedraj lol ok
I believe in y'all - Team CGCC will inevitably end up with a language that y'all are happy with
so make sure y'all have fun while making the language
and with that, I'm off to go commit sleep.
good luck! :D
@exedraj git commit -am "sleep"
Idea: Make an APL clone :P
Ok who is handling the initial writing?
The initial writing of what?
@AaronMiller The language
I figured we'd all be tackling different aspects of it once we figure out what we're doing.
We need to make a proper spec before doing anything
@user then lets wait for the theme
ok bye o/
1 hour later…
ok i finished my studies
who is going to hold the repo???
a fork?
(Razetime, presumably)
uuh ok?
@Razetime are you holding the repo for langjam?
well, I have the one which pr'd the main langjam one
we can develop on a separate repo if needed.
how long do we have?
@Razetime for what?
around 2½ hours
to submit the language
@Razetime oh 74½
so are you creating a separate repo @Razetime ?
whoever wants to start can start.
2 hours later…
Anybody have any ideas so far? Theme is "first-class comments"
@AaronMiller @AviFS @emanresuA @user @Razetime @PyGamer0 @Wezl @ChesterLynn ^
I don't really have any details in mind, but I was thinking something along the lines of comments being able to override stuff in the program, for example maybe being able to do stuff like Vyxal's r or D flags and change how stuff works, but be able to change those during runtime.
@Razetime you should probably add everyone on the team as collaborators on the fork so we can contribute easier
Maybe like Python's strings doubling as comments?
Since comments are "first-class" and therefore objectively the best, everything is a comment, and the commands, structure, flow, etc. of the program are all determined by the types, size, contents, etc. of the comments.
This is brainstorming, so we should all put down any random ideas that come to us, and we can develop the ones we like the best together.
room topic changed to Langjam: For github.com/langjam/langjam | Theme: "First-class comments" | Our team's fork: github.com/razetime/jam0001 [esolangs] [langjam]
ooh, I'm gonna try using GPT to brainstorm ideas
I'm not sure why, but my mind keeps going back to C's preprocessor statements, and how the # is used for comments in many languages.
Maybe the entire language could consist of comments heaped on other comments
If I understand what you're saying, that's already a thing
It doesn't have to be TC, so we could just have each comment either do some string transformations or do nothing and then pass it on to the next comment to process, resulting in a different string at the end
Ah :(
Damn you, caird! :P
@AaronMiller Wait no, that's different
oh, cool
The commands just happen to look like other language's comments, but they're not really comments
> At least two comments are required, and at most one comment is required.
lol gpt
GPT subtly trying to wean everyone off programming entirely
Here's an idea: what if the comments are able to restructure the program, like move lines around or change operators and stuff
Sounds good
Maybe the comments could just completely redefine the behavior of certain builtins
We could go the joke language route too: every line is a comment you would make in first class, such as "I'd like another glass of wine, please" :P
Wouldn't be too interesting, though
@AaronMiller Or perhaps the comments can act as s/thing/other thing and search and replace parts of the program while it's running.
Ah, like ///?
Another idea: the comments consist of some subset of English that is parsable, and the comments are the actual code ("this function takes a number a and a number b and adds a and b" -> (a, b) => a + b
@user exactly, but the non-comments act as normal commands and such
@user So the comments dictate what the program actually does?
The function bodies themselves look like normal functions and the comments and non-comments work together to give you the entire function
@AaronMiller Yeah
So the function itself is required, but without the comment explaining it, it doesn't actually do anything?
Or should it do something different if the comment doesn't match?
If they don't match, it's just an error, I guess
@AaronMiller Yeah, or we could just make it error and say "All code must be well-documented"
lol i like that
Should we start on it or wait until the others come in with their own ideas and vote?
I'll wait bcoz ilzy
That reminds me, I haven't gotten my daily dose of memes from Reddit today. Toodles!
Our current ideas, gathered together to make it easier to look through: gist.github.com/AMiller42/fd89a8f75c92573f3b391d85b39e9108
I'll try and keep this updated until we settle on a direction to go in
I've added some ideas from gpt to the ideas file
> Hamster Dance: the outcome of a successful run is two hours of hamster-dancing and many small but demoralizing error messages
I'm gere
'first-class comments'?
@emanresuA Hi gere, I'm...your son
And I will never forgive you
Okay, maybe I went a little too far there
Ok, there are a lot of teams, but ours is the biggest by far - there's one team of four, five or six teams of three, and the rest are pairs or solo.
Ape together strong
@emanresuA Do you have any ideas, or any thoughts about the ideas we've come up with so far?
@AaronMiller This one sounds interesting...
@AaronMiller wtf are those gpt prompts lol
they're pretty good ideas, right?
> IMPLODE: comments spontaneously explode into paragraphs of unhelpful ASCII art
I like Hamster-Dance the most :P
> Divided Whole: comments and keywords exist simultaneously in a parallel universe.
I don't even know what this is
It's Divided Whole, isn't that obvious? :P
This Wikipedia article might be of some help to y'all, although I really can't think of anything more for first class comments
Honestly, I don't like this theme
Comments are not code, they're not supposed to be first class or even second class
So we need to be able to assign comments to variables...
The langjam person said they don't have to be first class first class
I don't even know why this theme was chosen
Me neither
1 hour later…
First class comments as in first class on a airplane?
Old joke :P
Pretty sure multiple people have already made that one
> Your program only runs when being served peanuts and white wine spritzers at 30,000 feet
(on Discord)
No but first class as in comments take priority over other code?
Imma be honest, I didn't actually know what first-class meant in programming before this.
Time for mutant comments :P
1 hour later…
Tired: comments being ignored and stripped from the program
Wired: comments being the output of the program
Hence, self-modification and comment references
Like you can specify to modify the nth comment
And you can swap comments around
GPT3? :P
Oh lol
I was pondering what I'd do myself if I was thinking of first class comments
And that's what I came up with as an idea
(that'll be the extent of my idea proposals though)
Good idea tho

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