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@Basil I see something that seems like write amplification
but who knows
this is a shitshow
and with that, it's dinnertime
@ewwhite how do I see what the shit is eating my IOPS
@JoelESalas Post that as a Q and I'd sooo upvote it.
@JoelESalas iotop
@ewwhite To be honest I don't even know what I'm looking for. In aggregate I see way more Netapp latency than before, I'm just trying to figure out worst offenders and see if I can lower the IOPS profile.
@Basil just heard today
@Basil are you doing ShadowImage or snapshots?
Changing passwords all day is NOT my idea of a good time!
@MichaelHampton that sounds awful
@cole Heh, well, at least I have an excuse to generate good passwords and get everything into keepass.
Now if only it wasn't going to take the rest of the week to do it...
@MichaelHampton For a customer?
No, for myself
I implemented KeePass at work last year
you want to know what they had before that?
Post-it notes?
a book in a safe?
Nothing at all
Nothing even written down.
I really need to get around to doing that
@cole That's the most secure.
@cole tons of it
But not bus compliant.
@JoelESalas so secure they couldn't get into anything.
We have a big SAP database that we need something like 9 staging instances of
@cole: that is most secure
@Basil yeah we're going to discuss ShadowImage for SAP.
I'm assuming you guys do hot Oracle DB backups though?
@cole yes, they go into a special oracle mode that halts writes, we take a snap, then they release it and the snapshot gets written to another media
@Basil yeah, we do cold backups - shutdown the DB and then snapshot w/ the Sun storage.
@cole Snapshots are the way to go for that
@Basil the dude was pushing ShadowImage for Oracle
@cole Shadowimage is the software that does snapshots
@Basil well from what he was saying Snapshots via scripts and ShadowImage are separate
@cole Shadowimage can do full copies or snapshots. Scripted snapshots could refer to the oracle version, which is at the application level and storage agnostic
@Basil definitely the storage level, that's how we do it on the Sun storage now.
Do you guys use Replication Manager? Or just the CLI?
@cole CLI, actually. Replication manager does things we've had to write ourselves, but there's no way in hell we're going to start paying for them now that we've written them ourselves
it's a huge pain, but nobody else does anything like HUR asynch
@Basil we have the license already, so we may use that then.
not even EMC VMAX
Or a mix.
@cole It's at least as good as ours is, now. Wasn't that way on the USP-V
Storage is a lot to know
it can be
@Basil I wish I knew more
@cole Start with the basics- get your stuff up and running the way you want, and you'll learn so much you won't feel that way any more ;)
@Basil I'd like to! Just trying to juggle too much right now at work :(
@Basil Yeah, the wording is pretty vague.
@JoelESalas Yeah, that's tricky. Are you learning a lot?
Sigh, trying to get Squid to cache Windows Updates without going insane and download the whole internet... WSUS looks a lot easier :(
@Andrew Why not use it in the first place?
@Jacob because lack of windows servers and no AD
@Andrew Oh. That could be it. Why use Windows on the Workstations then?
Ahhh... AIX. Accidentally created a logical volume with the name log^?^?^?udnewlog
` This website is optimized for Internet Explorer
To avoid possible browser errors, we recommend the use of Internet Explorer `
@Jacob I recommend a strong treatment of floggings
> In a 21-page written submission, Ms Corbett’s Victorian barrister Marcel White defended his client's comments on legal and factual grounds, referring directly to the Bible as supporting evidence.
@Jacob well, have some windows servers but none "spare"... licensing... and NT4 domain until we can finish our Samba4 upgrade project.
ah, nvm. esr recommends chair leg clubbing.
search for "best viewed with"
@Bob 404
@Bob The boat just arrived with my packets and told me that document doesn't exist
@Jacob long as it doesn't mention Netscape. ie I can deal with
@Jacob this was a far better way to state "404s". @Andrew, take note.
Your Password has been sent to {email} Great just great. Watch it be plaintext.
@Jacob you can blame Abbott for that too
@Bob I don't live in Australia.... yet
@Bob This is West Virginia I'm talking about. Which to explain, while Texas may be large and backwards. At least it exists
and poop
I'm locked out
I need to add monies to my EzPass :(
Been a while since I worked with a drive like this:
@JoelESalas topas
Damn, son.
That's one mother of a switch chassis
@MikeyB looks vaguely HVAC-y
@Bob someone pointed out that joking about Australians being convicts is like joking about African-Americans being slaves.
@Andrew I can see what you're talking abut. like filters?
@Jacob the hunking big control panel, bare galv...
@Andrew Yeah
IT cabinets I'd expect in black
@Bob so anyway, they were making the point that... I'm not sure. Swearing on the Bible is silly if you don't agree with it?
@Andrew I'm... not sure. Something about Australia's foundations or some crap. I never thought we were a particularly religious country, tbh. Certainly not to the point where bible passages should be admissible evidence :S
This is interesting: stilldrinking.org/online-dating
@Bob political candidate says something about homosexuals and pedophiles in the same sentence, then tries to brush it off as "but the Bible says it so that's OK"? 1. offensive/inaccurate unless you're talking about a boy's home in the 1950s, 2. out of context
Oh yeah, this should go back on the star wall (thanks @DennisKaarsemaker for the first time):
@Andrew oh god, oh god, black is awful man. Sucks up all the light and you can't see a bloody thing when you're buried in cable.
@MikeyB this is why you get the powered cables with blue LEDs embedded
@Andrew So I can feel like I'm being assaulted by faeries in an enclosed space?
@MikeyB I would have to do a lot of drinking to say what I'm thinking next
This was a neat question - heard about it on podcast:
Q: Don't understand how my mum's Gmail account was hacked

cjaMy mum (on Gmail, using Chrome) received an email from a friend's Hotmail address. She opened the email (very obviously a phishing email) and clicked a link in it. This opened a webpage with loads of medical ads on. She closed the page and deleted the email. She did not notice anything else happ...

@MikeyB the drinking or the saying? can't drink, I'm at work.
@Andrew either
Love this twitter account:
holodeck troubleshooting vaginas feel rubbery
list of cultures without nudity taboo
empathic girfriend birthday
oh Riker, I know you too well.
self destruct forgot password
sorry for spamz :/
@Andrew "phaser stun injury treatment testicle" ← the great ones tell a story.
@MikeyB "starfleet phaser manual filetype:pdf"
Unix never says 'please'." – Rob Pike and more such mistakes http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/my-10-unix-command-line-mistakes.html #sysadmin #unix #linux http://t.co/GrApFS0UQw
> out of school and a world of clean, beautiful designs
Anyone think "don't use X words they are Bad" is BS?
I'll use the language to convey a certain intent.
Oh cool, Twitter's having one of those endless loop days where you scroll and scroll and get the same thing over and over again.
PXE boot your servers? Why not!
> WSUS does not require the use of Active Directory; client configuration can also be applied by local group policy or by modifying the Windows registry.
oooh nice
@MikeyB Yay! See below:
Ding dong the OpenDNS is dead.
@Iain G'DAY!
(Beat you to it.)
Also, since you're hear... bed time for me.
@Wesley G'day - I was looking at serverfault.com/questions/592428/… and wondering if my head would explode
@Iain I just read it and sat here for about ten seconds, staring at my keyboard with a pen dangling from my mouth, unsure how to proceed with life.
@Wesley yep - I know the feeling
@Iain Think I'll go sleep. That should make me feel okay.
ZZzzzz... -.-
@Wesley woo
vulcans gone wild full length
does serverfault.com/questions/592426/… make sense to any one ?
sort of, in a very roundabout way
> All machines are Windows XP.
good luck with that!
Should we pile on with "why are you still using XP"?
@Andrew XP is going to be a thing for a long time to come
@Iain we should definitely be advising that it's EOL and people need to get off it though.
Definition of "professional" and all that.
Yes there'll be bespoke systems supporting crufty hardware, but they should be the exception not the norm.
> As of the end of August 2010, Windows XP is the most widely used operating system in the world with a 53.1% market share, having peaked at 76.1% in January 2007.
... which suggests "I can deploy this and it'll all be fine" / "I can continue to get support for this". WRONG.
Azamat has brilliant idea: write OpenSSL patch which appear vulnerable but return random 64k bullshit instead. Happy exploiting, kiddies.
For all those whining about Windows XP support end: it's 13 years old. Get over it. Did you use Windows NT 4.0 in 2009?
@Andrew ask @cole
@Andrew I'm very much 'it depends' on that - I know people who are still using wfw3.11 and will continue to do so for a few more years
@Iain but would you recommend it for new deployments? Would you not have the tag wiki (SF's "authoritative source") note that it's dead and buried?
They knew what would happen, hey planned for it (lifetime supply of hadware etc) they have plans in place to migrate away when certain triggers occur but the cost of moving is very high
@Andrew oh no not at all you have to remain static
@Iain ok, so back to the original question. Guy having UNC weirdness on XP machines. Would you suggest he gets off XP / XP could be the issue?
e.g. "I am having this bug in software" - "Oh, they fixed that 3 versions ago..."
(we have this problem with our mail server. I don't ask questions on SF about our mail server.)
@Andrew I dunno - I don't know what his environment is or even what he's trying to do
@Iain borderline offtopic based on he's still using XP
@Andrew many people did that and still use it now, but they're idiots.
@FalconMomot again it depends, although the umber of use case for not being idiots is very small
@Iain see: vendors who won't update their programs -_-
parents >_>
@Iain NT is still out there in the NHS
@Dan I know of situations where NT and 2000 are in use in embedded systems - it's when you expose them to the internet things get bad
@Iain Like anything - there's always a cost/benefit/risk trade off of keeping it vs upgrading
@Dan Like the people I know still using 3.11 it would cost millions for them to upgrade (regulatory requirements) but they have a frozen config that just works for them. No changes are allowed.
Seems fair!
time to do April billing... heartbleed patching for all customers. That's a fair charge for everyone.
@ewwhite Om nyom nyom
@Dan I hope it doesn't appear greedy
@ewwhite You did the work, you're a skilled professional and you get paid :)
Although i haven't quite dealt with the guilt of asking for more money per day than a min wage person makes in a week. Our countries are bad :(
@Dan it's quite odd...
@dan how is business?
@ewwhite Good so far :)
quiet here
Kind of freedom, but I'm massively enjoying the circles I've been able to find myself in so far
I'm currently working with a big name and they're doing a huge cloud project with some incredibly clever people. It's an odd feeling to sincerely wonder if you're the least knowledgeable person in the room!
@Dan Everyone is a faker!
But no, that's good... a challenge
@ewwhite Yeah, exactly - it's making me up my game and I'm also getting exposed to some more interesting projects which is exactly what I wanted. I loved $OldPlace but it had become boilerplate
Has the £ been good?
@ewwhite More than what I based my "ideal" estimates on before I started - so yes! I'm hoping to debt free in a month or so
Though I'm not sure how much more earning scope there is - I suspect I'll hit my rate ceiling for what I do in the next 12 months or so
what's your rate?
oops, was wiping my butt (toilet scripting)
missed that
Dunno how that translates to US
@Dan A quick check shows that £1 == $120 :)
@ewwhite Yeah, I meant more than that though - cost of living, market rates etc
I can't afford your country :(
@ewwhite You can in the right places, North is cheap
@Dan no idea about the comparison.
@ewwhite It's the equivalent to around double my old salary, if I can stay in work
So senior project management I guess
Obviously, if I can't stay in work then it's nothing :D
@ewwhite Nicely done!
so It's an increase over what I was making doing full-time work + consulting
I guess that's the opportunity cost of working fulltime
Are you enjoying being completely by yourself?
I'd love to gradually move away from agency interaction - the only problem is I want to work for big names, and they tend to have set procurement processes so I'm probably stuck-ish
@Dan It gets lonely, and I worry about whether I'm missing out on technology
But then, it's been so lucrative, that I don't think it makes sense to ever go back fulltime
Selling hardware is another dimension to it... so another $100k a year comes from hardware profits.
so that's the business to be in
@ewwhite That's my other problem - the money is in being specialist. The fact I can put so much Citrix on my CV is what lets me command reasonable cash. I want to learn more and experience more, but it dilutes me
I was telling @Basil this earlier... embrace your specialized skill set.
@Dan I had a produce client ask for a quote on a Citrix solution yesterday. Just straight-up replacement of 80 computers.
@ewwhite A million dollars and your soul
and I'm probably going to need a Citrix expert to quote it
or I can fumble along with Windows and RDS...
with or without @mdmarra
just RDS
no need for full VDI
What's the use?
And why Citrix?
@Dan Warehouse stuff. People using SSH terminal emulator sessions
and citrix because... they hired some warehouse employees who came from another produce company that had citrix
and it was requested by name
@ewwhite Honestly, Citrix feels overkill - you've already got to pay for the RDS solution in there
k. so just RDS.
any thin client recommendations, or are they all the same these days?
For that, they're all going to do so long as theyr'e compatible
The only reason i could justify Citrix in that scenario would be if there was a lot more users (That's not goign to need more than a couple of RDS boxes) or multi-platform clients and they wanted mobile access and blah de blah
I'd generally only look to HP Thin Clients or maybe Wyse if you really want
the HP SKU I was told to buy is h71016.www7.hp.com/dstore/…
do you do any central management of the thin clients?
or set them up individually?
Yep, do loads with the 510's - they're great kit
@ewwhite You want HP Device Manager - license included witht he THin Client I believe
The WES ones are super versatile too, because they're pretty much PC's, frankly
Windows Embedded Standard. It's like XP Embedded
Oh, yes
this is Win 7 embedded
And Windows 2012 is the way to go?
2012 R2, definitely now IMHO
that's assumed
I don't like typing R2|SP1/2/3
Don't get me wrong, I suspect CItrix would improve their user experience but I question whether it's worth the cost. Plus, you can safely POC an RDS solution knowing that you need the licenses and kit anyway
So even if they want Citrix later on, they've not really lost anything
My main concern is accountants with large PDF documents
and people who trawl Youtube for cat videos
Yeah, that's the problem
the client says he doesn't want people to have a good video experience
He doesn't
In his words, "fuk 'em!"
Well you don't want Citrix then :D
because: warehouse/produce
@dan can you tell me more about the HP Device Manager?
Sure - the HP Thin Clients come pre configured with an agent for it. You install it onto a server and configure DHCP options or DNS entries so that the agent can find the box. At that point they'll register automatically with the server.

From then on, you can perform a variety of tasks from the console. Usual stuff like shutdown, running commands (It's faffy, but works) but also image management. It can do all image management over FTP, so doesn't need PXE or anything hard work
is that part of what you configure during deployments?
so it's tftp/pxeboot
It can do PXE I think, but it has a clever little bootloader built in which is activated by the agent (While in Windows) On next boot it'll connect to the HP Device Managers FTP Server and download or upload an image. All Sysprep is done for you
@Iain I'm not even familiar with the terms
@ewwhite which ones
@Dan so an idiot can install it?
@ewwhite Kind of - it's faffy. If you do it, I'll send you my latest doc
@Iain "tortoisesvn" "svn" "authorship" "the"
@Dan I wonder if this is too much to take on
@ewwhite The Thin Client deployment is easy - you'll be fine
@Dan You know I'll end up posting a horrific failure story here.
You love a challeneg
today's challenge is getting billing out ON TIME
I've been offered half price tickets to a cool virtualisation seminar, but I don't know if I can take the time
All packed for LOPSA East. Driving out to NJ around 11ish
Is the LOPSA stuff taken seriously over there?
@Dan (no)
There is something about LOPSA I can't quite get my head around - I guess it's a cultural thing
@Iain aging sysadmins congregating...
@ewwhite I dunno - it does seem very rooted in the neckbeard era - but it's more than that. In the US you seem to have more of a culture of 'clubs' than we do
@Iain it's outdated. I see questions fly by on the LOPSA mailing list and get frustrated that I can't downvote them.
March 2014: So I am wondering what you all use for a bag to carry books/stuff in with or with out your laptop. So send me links of the bag you use/like and let me know why you like it.
@Iain Yeah, that's exactly what it looks like to me
@ewwhite Who carries books :D
I'm sure there's a Limoncelli book in there.
signed by @DennisKaarsemaker
@ewwhite I think if you live close to and can attend chapter meetings then you'll get more out of it but it's just a distributed club for sysadmins
Whoop - debated going to a desktop virtualisation seminar, but couldn't justify the cost (£1000). Just been offered a 1/2 price ticket - sold!
@Iain I don't know that I want to actually SEE other sysadmins in person
@cole enjoy
Note to Developers - What's the difference between pkill and killall? http://unix.stackexchange.com/q/91527/3416?stw=2 #devops #linux #sysadmin
because I just found a crontab on a server with a series of killall statements
@ewwhite we have the BCS which I think is what LOPSA wants to become
Q: RAID - Check parity on read?

matt burnettDoes anyone know of any RAID cards which can be configured to check the parity of a redundant array every time data is read, and verify all writes with a read to ensure that the data on a single disk didnt become corrupt? The raid level isnt as important to me, and I am aware of the performance p...

Man, do you guys ever sleep?
@ewwhite was here when I went to bed and when I woke up!
@Basil I slept a few hours... but trying to bill my clients for April work
@Basil Answer this
@ewwhite I actually don't know the answer- I know how a big expensive array does it, but not whether it's possible for a card on a server.
@Basil so the guy wants RAID3
@ewwhite he cited that as an example, but I suspect he wants raid 5 for 6TB drives
@Basil To which I'd say, "don't eff around and please avoid parity RAID on low duty-cycle high-capacity disks"
That's my lack of sleep talking
I'd say close it for product/service recs
@Basil: sleep is for the weak and the sane.
@Iain well, it sounds like the solution exists... but he doesn't wanna pay for it
The Reverse Psychology is working on me here
It would be interesting to know how valuable the data is that it needs the level of protection he wants
@Iain But other people don't seem concerned enough to ask for this. SO at some point, you have to recognize that you're an outlier, right?
I mean what are the chances of having a URE on 3 disks at the same time such that the same sector/data is lost ?
@Basil I luuuuurv crack!!!
""Once I'm done, I'm done. I'm going to California," he says."

Watch out, California! Mayor Ford is coming!
Toronto got the mayor they need.
He's the batman of canadian mayors
@ewwhite I don't know the OPs motivations - some people are just so risk averse that any risk no matter how small is too much
I think the question is valid, even if the answer is "no, no card does this"
@Iain If there's anything I've learned about technology it's to never trust your chances
@NathanC that's what tested restores are for ;)
anyone using Windows Storage Server 2012 in a production environment?
@Iain Plus, RAID 5 is just terrible in general anyway
@ewwhite serverfault.com/questions/592307/… that's one to run away from
I just learned about streaky bacon
I should've done this before...printed my boarding passes ahead of time
zone 5 boarding and gate is TBA D:
Hire a consultant. — Nathan C 6 secs ago
answer'd :p
Good morning, fellow printer admins...
@ewwhite fuck you :P
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork don't make me go office space on your face...
@cole just? Dude. I'm vegitarian and I know about streaky bacon ;p
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork lol I smell a printer question popping up on main soon
Nah, I think I'm done with the printer questions. Just getting straggler computers with non-reproducible (and weird) driver issues.
Although, my boss did tell me to open a support ticket with Microsoft for our printer issues.... reminded my to check the mail for my new passport, but still no joy on that front.
Ooh, saw a good link last night @HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork I've been slowly adding our printers to a gpp printer policy (gp4?). I'm at about 30 now, and that policy is starting to create a noticeable delay @ login. I'll probably create separate ones. But, all the printers map! Soon no more printer scripts!
@BigHomie If you're using "Update" (Read that article) the delay should be temporary while drivers are installed
@BigHomie Yeah, auto-mapping the printers confused and agitated our users, so no more of that. <sigh>
@Dan Nope, just create, only update when that same printer needs to be default
@HopelessN00bGeniusofnetwork Really ? they'd rather call the helpdesk eh? meh, whatever floats their boat.
@Dan Heh, nifty. We do everything it mentions the wrong/slow way. Somehow, unsurprising.
@DennisKaarsemaker Wait, isn't this supposed to be the Spring of Niceness on ServerFault Chat?
@Dan good read
@Dan Sure, but "replace" is the only option if you want "Remove this item when it is no longer applied".
@BigHomie I guess. I'm doing all I can to convince them that calling me is a fate worse than death, but our uses learn really slow, I guess.
@jscott Good point, but you can stop them roaming etc
Not seeing any good questions on SF lately.
I English good too
morning again
this time from work!
This place is using child domains extensively and I've just realised how little I know about multi-domain setups
@Dan Uni?
... this is a big directory:
drwxrwsrwx1469 root ud 5322752 May 1 09:30 tmp
@MikeyB But it's temporary!
@ewwhite It's the Spring of Pain on ServerFault
@ewwhite ok, fuck you with a rake then :P

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