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@FalconMomot Depends on whether or not @Wesley has a Mac
Anybody want a Mirrors Edge steamkey?
@Wesley using a Mac is clearly exponentially gay
@Olipro as in you only like orgies, and only when they have large numbers of factors?
that's the game that only had the storyline as an afterthought right?
is the key region restricted?
@Olipro Correct, and no
Not region restricted
@FalconMomot there's such a thing as an orgy that doesn't have a lot of factors?
First in best dressed
@MarkHenderson schweet, got it
"Mirrors Edge Comp"
is that comp*eition* or comp*ensation* because Steam/publisher screwed something up?
dammit, suck a dick SE Markdown
@Olipro No idea
oh well, rather curious, anyhow thank'ee
wow, you're using laptops
@MDMarra M A C C E P T I O N
@Olipro It's 2013. Who needs a desktop?
I enjoy having multiple very large screens
I have two large screens for this
gotta make up for my insecurities by bigging up my ePenis
also Gaming.
@MDMarra Safari, eww
actually, forget gaming
I run 4-5 VMs at a time on this laptop just fine usually
i5, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD
also, I greatly enjoy my mechanical keyboard
and I've yet to see a laptop with PS/2 (mmm yeah, n-key rollover)
And when I game, it's usually on a tablet since I'm old and lame now
wow, you've pretty much given up on life haven't you
@Olipro can you even get a modern motherboard with ps/2?
@Olipro I used to play a lot of TF2
Then got into hat sales
@Olipro I had heaps of laptops with PS/2... back in the 90's
and found a dueling exploit
you can very much get a modern motherboard with PS/2
after I finally stopped playing TF2, I gave up on PC gaming
@Olipro Yeah but who uses it?
Yeah, I used to have two computer and up to four screens on my desk. I whittled it down over time to one laptop, three screens. Then one laptop two screens, then one laptop one screen, then tucked my laptop behind my monitor for only one screen... and then I sold my monitor and only have my 11" air. My productivity has increased with less screen space. Wish I had figured this out years ago.
@MarkHenderson anyone with a mechanical keyboard
you can't get n-key rollover with USB
because a single HID input device can only do 5 keys simultaneously
I don't even known what n-key rollover is so I will assume it's some elitist thing
it means I can keep holding down keys
what the fuck is nkey rollover
and it will spam the last key I pressed
try it
@Olipro You only have 10 fingers dude, and your thumbs should only ever be used for the spacebar
hold down Q
then, without releasing, hold down W
then, with both of those held down, E
then with all of those, R, ad nauseum.
doesnt work on a mac anyway. It brings up alterative characters
not without tweaking prefs anyway
@MDMarra I was just about to say...
Ok I'm still not seeing the importance of pressing 5 keys at once
as I understand it, it means simply that the keyboard can keep track of all the key up and down states individually and report them to the system?
@MarkHenderson gaming
@Olipro What game requires 5 keys at once?
@Olipro Keyboard level: Asian.
so that when you type so quickly that the keyup events don't happen before the next keydown event, characters aren't missed
@MarkHenderson none, but if you don't fully release keys as you're hitting another...
@FalconMomot Roughly 400wpm. Yeah, I got this.
the fact that multiple keys can be held down at once is incidential
it will zombie
@FalconMomot I type stupidly fast, and I have never had that happen
but yes, I'm not sure who can type that fast. I can't.
but, the main reason I use a mechanical keyboard is the wonderful tactile feedback
<3 Cherry MX Blue
that said I think my mother could when she was a secretary.
@Olipro Right, so everyone can hear you going CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK
@Olipro those are the best!
I can do about 110wpm
actually everyone at my office has at least one keyboard with MX blues
it sounds awesome in here
@Olipro You might thnik everyone is a mac fag, but I'd rather be a mac fag than get hardons over a keyboard
@FalconMomot Gentoo, MX Blue... you are a man of fine taste
@MarkHenderson oh I'm just being mean, if you want a Mac fine by me
Gentoo - proof that for some, their only purpose in life is to serve as a warning for others.
I just couldn't personally bring myself to pay for something that carries a premium solely because it's encased in brushed aluminium
I'd rather take that money and buy something with... you know... better hardware
@Wesley yeah yeah, we've all see funroll-loops
@Wesley you are a bad cat and I will bathe you at my next convenience.
@MarkHenderson Hey, go get to work so I can be your NA bug-death rep next year!
source compilation is about the last thing I use Gentoo for
but it is damn handy
@Wesley I am working, I'm raging against the IPSEC machine
And why all but one subnet is routing over the vpn
case in point; there's a fucking nasty bug in StrongSwan right now that will crash if an IKEv2 session is closed remotely and you have a closeaction defined
@MarkHenderson Rally 'round the kerberos, pocket full of tokens!
I just patch it, stuff that into the appropriate location under /etc/portage/patches and re-emerge it
@MarkHenderson there's a new user that needs your help
Q: Changed my user directory name in /Users without being root and permissions are messed up

Christophe PrakashI tried changing the name of the directory back, but when logging back into the old user the files weren't picked up. So now I have all my files and programs on a new user but I don't have permission for things like /usr/local/etc. Is there a way to fix this from the settings or do I have to go...

This guy too
Q: installing an msu update package on windows 7 while windows update service is disabled

user1405665Iam trying to install an msu update package on my corporate's PCs, but when executing the msu it fails with the following error: [windows update standalone installer installer encountered an error: 0x80070422 the serice cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enable...

@MDMarra This is off topic, not because of what we discussed yesterday, but because it is even outside of the loosest SF definition
@MDMarra This one, why close it? The guy got some help, so leave him be
@MarkHenderson I'm not entirely convinced... what if that question gets found in a google search and brings another non-administrator, who then complains about the lack of help and cites that question?
@MarkHenderson Not an admin
@FalconMomot Well that depends on whether or not anyone goes out of their way to tell him how much of a cuntburger he is, or whether is question is just dutifully ignored
He's not in a position to fix it at the server level (which is where the problem is)
We do a lot of the former
@MDMarra Then tell him that
It's not on topic
It's the second close reason in "on topic"
/about says that it's for professional system and network administrators
he's neither so he's in no position and if his it admin wanted him to install MSUs, he'd have the update service enabled
@MDMarra Right, so just tell him that
I;m not saying to tell the guy his mother smells like cheese, but the question should definitely be closed
Instead of just syaing "FOAD, luser"
@MarkHenderson Cuntburger. Sounds like a great Friday night...
@MarkHenderson Who said anything mean to the guy?
All I'm saying is that it's off topic and should be closed. Do you disagree that it should be closed?
@MDMarra That's basically what happens when we close a question without any comments or answers as "off topic" when on the surface it seems on-topic
no it's not
The close reason in this case is abundantly clear and quite soft.
if someone didn't take a minute to read /about, why should I be bothered to explain it?
There's a reason that downvoting or close voting don't require that you leave a comment
If the answer is "Contact your system administrator" then sure, close it as off topic. When the answer is "Your system administrator is a bloody idiot who should be hanged by his balls" then I think an explanation would be helpful.
@MDMarra Sure it is. The guy's having trouble installing an MSU on his corporate PC's. He doesn't care that he's not an administrator, he just wants to get his work done at the end of the day so that when he goes home at the end of the day the incessent nagging of his wife that he's been married to for 10 years too long doesn't make him want to take his life
@MarkHenderson How can we help him?
He needs to work it out with his IT admins
If they wanted help they'd come here
@MDMarra We can't help him. But we can tell him that we can't help him and we can tell him why
@MDMarra They're too stupid to realize they need help.
Answering questions like that reinforce the "helpdesk of the internet" image
Not saying you need to tell him, but someone probably should
@MarkHenderson If we cant help him, why should his question be left open?
it's not on topic and we cant help him
it's a Q&A site, not a discussion site. If the Q isn't useful and it isnt on topic, it doesnt deserve an A
@MDMarra If we were a bit more transparent about why we're closing each individual question, I wouldn't have a problem with it
Of course, it does have a correct answer that I've upvoted
So there's that
But it still should be closed
But we're not. We just say "Piss off, your question isn't good enough for us here" by closing it and that's it
No real explanation why
There have been dozens of questions on mSO about forcing comments when downvoting or close voting
They've all been categorically rejected
Q: Is it acceptable to vote to close a question without leaving a comment?

JustinAlthough This is obviously an exceptionally poor question, it still amazes me that 5 people can vote to close and yet not one of them leave a comment to help explain how the poster can improve their question. I see loads of similar examples where questions from new users are closed and heavily v...

"The question is ambiguous or vauge or rhetorical " - which is it? Yes close descriptions help, but they aren't a substitute for actual human interaction. — Justin Feb 11 '10 at 12:05
Q: Down voting perfectly good questions without leaving a comment

BryanWith respect to this question (and its implemented answer), is it possible to increase the reputation penalty for users that down vote a question without leaving a comment? The reason I'm asking is because I'm seeing an increasing number of perfectly good questions being down voted, which in my ...

> While the close and the explanation given by the system were both perfectly valid, it's a matter of basic courtesy towards total newbies, or non-native speakers, to not run them over with the close vote, but at least leave a quick note explaining what's wrong.
There have been other feature requests that I cant find now that the SE staff have rejected
And fwiw I don't think a forced comment is going to help because people will just write crap to bypass it
It's all about a shift in attitude of the people who do the janitorial work
If it were rude to vote without leaving a comment, wouldnt you have to comment to vote?
"This question appears to be off-topic because it is."
@MarkHenderson also close reasons are infinitely more descriptive now
@ewwhite's users are really the jewels of the end-user world
There's also a distinct lack of effort on behalf of many people to turn questions into on-topic questions. I've seen a lot of questions closed because they're just using something that snobs consider beneath them
@MarkHenderson Like a Raspberry Pi?
I make a 10 character edit and re-open
@MichaelHampton Not this again
@MarkHenderson We can't offer that guy a helpful answer because he is not in a position to make the change. It's different than someone with a Hyper-V cluster in their home that can mke the change and would be valid if the word "home" werent in it
That's worth an edit as long as the rest of the question is sane
@MDMarra Except by the time I find that question with the word "home" in it, it's alreayd got 3 close votes
Something where someone is askig about their work machine but arent in IT is not
@MarkHenderson A lot of home questions suck. Some can be saved.
I go either way. Sometimes I'll edit, sometimes I'll close
Regardless, apart from my input to that question yesterday on meta, and this discussion, I've actually stayed out of the debate almost entirely
And I'm not actively campaigning to stop people trying to implement change
@MichaelHampton I host all my services on Raspberry Pi!
I have concerns about some of the more hardline things that I see on meta, and I have concerns about the fact that some people cast 400+ close votes a month
Hell, I probably cast 400+ close votes a month.
But ultimately my voice carries no more weight than anyone elses and if people want to make changes then I'll just make my decision about what I want to do when things get more serious
@MarkHenderson vote early, vote often
At the end of the day, it's just a damn website
@MichaelHampton You've been involved in over 5,000 closings - not 100% sure but I think that's the site record
@MarkHenderson 5,000? My own stats page says 2,347
It is way, way, way higher than the moderator average and while I'm feeling honest, it's a concern I held during the moderator elections
@MarkHenderson Hm, obviously that page counts differently.
@MichaelHampton Maybe one is successful closes, one is close vosts cast? Not sure
After you became a mod, your profile page stops counting. Maybe. Not sure.
I smell DevOps.
woot, sharepoint consultant finally came through
I hate saying "I need help" but at this point... I need help lol
Fine. I will take the day off. No flags, no closes, no comments, no posts, no nothing. See you all tomorrow. Let me know what the site looked like. :)
That vote page is fucked on the profile
It says I only downvoted 220 times, but somewhere else I see that I've downvoted 4x that much
@MichaelHampton I don't think that's quite what I was getting at...
I'm just saying as I see it
I just closed the main page. It'll make a nice experiment anyway.
@MichaelHampton dont do it! the world will end!
Anyway, looking through the actual closes I cast, I see a lot of them listed twice. I can't figure out why that might be.
@MarkHenderson I've downvoted 3,166 times
@MDMarra ive downvoted twice.... lol
@MattBear The world will be fine. It's SF that will end. :)
@MDMarra I don't have enough time to review enough content to do much voting. I typically deal with the questions that come through the mod queue and that's it
I've upvoted 3,119 times and downvoted 3,166
@MichaelHampton no... because instead of being in SF, you will be in the world
And I sit here all day reading email from stupid developers who chmod 777 a web site I'm responsible for and I have to go clean up their mess.
downvoting and trying to close people that annoying you
then you realize, wow.. even the dumbest people on SF are smarter then the majority of people on the planet
and then you blow up earth
@MattBear: I'm not convinced of this
@MattBear I've given it serious consideration.
@MichaelHampton just remember... boobs. Attached to every dumb chick, there is boobs. And some of those are nice ones too!
which makes them tolerable... for awhile
@MattBear The problem is, if you breed with dumb chicks, eventually you end up with an idiocracy.
@MichaelHampton thats why you pull out! dumb chicks swallow
@MichaelHampton and good, all too true movie
See you all in about 23 hours...
So, by sheer accident I seem to be in possession of a LUN that's a great denial of service tool.
Attach to a windows server -> hangs logical disk service -> bluescreens 30 minutes later
@ShaneMadden ...go on
Apparently a RAID5 in the CX was rebuilding since Saturday, and had another drive attempt to spare out due to bus errors
Everything in the raid group went clunk but only one of the 6 LUNs had permanent damage. That LUN is now the destroyer of Windows systems.
So now I'm babysitting a 1.6 TB restore of everything that was on it.
And I have exhibit A for "don't give me any RAID5 LUNs".
aah, bad controllers and other things like them: yet another reason RAID is not a backup :)
Yeah.. so now for a restore that at the current speed will take.. 38 hours.
@ShaneMadden No 1.6TB RAID5 LUNs at least :)
@dennis a booking.com job just showed up in my email!
@MDMarra That was just one LUN in the group. The group's probably like 12TB.
Luckily only lost this one LUN
wait so 12TB in a RAID5 group?
Hey, we just lost an entire DB! We can be more incompetenter than you!
Yeah, 2TB disks.
So it looks like I've got down to the root cause of some email issues that have been plaguing my client company for a couple years. It only took 6 months, an email migration, and lots of heartburn.
@ewwhite want to talk about me handling patching for valley on a regular schedule again? (their IE issue was from someone that doesnt know what they're doing borking a flash player update)
@MDMarra The geometry setups on this SAN predate my employment. Supposed to be getting replaced in the next few months, then this happens :)
Was it a bad set of outlook rules?
@Holocryptic My guess is DNS.
@mdmarra give me a proposal.
@ewwhite No. Exclaimer fucking up email headers, and Suggested Contacts not resolving the correct name and adding the user to the email in a reply all situation
I'm more likely to pimp you out...
@ShaneMadden I'm still tackling that bitch too
@Holocryptic What's an exclaimer?
You can patch and manage all of my Windoze installations for a flat fee.
@Holocryptic Signatures? I hate it already.
@mdmarra you would have seen the time the client installed IE 8 to try to work around a problem
Should have
they were using the AutoReply module. It sits on the hub transport and applies rule sets from there. But it was jacking up the email headers, meaning that Outlook couldn't parse the email addresses correctly, leading to bounce backs
@Holocryptic Nice..
And then there was this gem regarding the suggested contacts social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/exchange/en-US/…
@shane you'd like the issue I'm working with now
So now that I've got Exclaimer out of the path, I now have to disable Suggested Contacts for all the users, and find a way to run the /cleanautocompletecache on the next opening of Outlook
@ewwhite That's ominous.
@ShaneMadden It's a relic from Exchange 2000, if not earlier
The customer with the 4:1 overcommitted VMware is pushing back at my request to reduce vm footprint.
@ewwhite Haha! Any actual justification?
They are interested in adding a number of new VMs and are asking for 155 vCPUs and 1.9TB of additional RAM in the cluster.
@ewwhite sent
I'm sorry. 221 more vCPU
@Holocryptic Suggested Contacts should be in the Outlook GPOs
If I'm not mistaken
@MDMarra It might be. I found this systemserik.com/solution-outlook-2010-turn-off-suggested-cont where he gives a custom ADM template to fix it
What version of office do you have deployed?
@ewwhite Like.. allocating that much more on the current hardware?
And are you on an AD version later than 2003?
It's 2008, but I think the native run might be 2003 still
@shane the cluster is just 6 x dual-hex 96GB servers.
576GB presently. Asking for 2TB RAM.
That's fucking ridiculous.
those are the official office ADMX templates
should be in there I think
@MDMarra sweet dude. Thanks
Disclaimer, I'm not 100% sure it's in there
But there are lots of good things in it
My company is not good at saying no to stupid clients. I do not understand why
@Holocryptic looks like pushing this key out via GPO will do it [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook\Contact]
Group Policy Registry Preferences should push it out pretty easily
@MDMarra Yeah, that's essentially what that custom template I found does
Well, the recent trainwreck meta question is about to hit positive score. We definitely have a demographic that will upvote anything if it's about us being unfair snobs.
@ewwhite Yeah they need more hardware if they want to keep throwing virtual hardware at their VMs like that.
@AndrewB Hadn't seen that. Guy with 11 rep telling us what's wrong with the community, huh?
@shane I don't think it is justified. But it is one thing to build for 576GB ram. It's another to scale to 2TB. I would throw the existing servers away and build on 4-socket boxes.
@Shane SO user criticizing us on the basis of features that SO has. Who doesn't have a problem with that being pointed out; SF could stand to be even easier than SO to be more welcoming to newbies.
I want nothing to do with telling people how they can shoehorn kludgy shit into production and break their environment.
@ewwhite Well they're not really using the existing CPUs though are they?
and, if those questions are asked, I'll continue to downvote them, close them, and not answer them, or else leave, I think.
An idle vCPU scales better than idle vRAM, heh
Naw. It's just cheaper to get to big ram on 4-socket systems
My cost on 32GB dimms is $1000
I hate when requirements change so drastically
@ewwhite Whoah
That 4 socket server had what, 48 DIMMs? So that's $1,536,000 to put 1.5TB of RAM
It's ignorance.
That's... expensive (but also a lot of RAM)
Oh, the ram for the big server is cheaper
Should hope so :p
I can add two new 4-socket servers with a total of 1.5tb ram for $24k
@ewwhite That seems a bit too cheap
I'd struggle to get two 2P servers with 512Gb total for that much
@MarkHenderson He has "connections". And by connections, I mean he goes to the vendors and holds a gun to their head saying "now, you'll give me this hardware cheap, right?"
With slow CPUs, that's the price. For midrange CPUs, add $8k total
@NathanC: he knows some people, who knows some people, who buy some systems.
I want a SAN setup so badly so we can move away from putting hard drives into the servers
mostly because i have to work with unshared space in a "virtual" setup ...oi.
@NathanC It's so tasty. We handed it off a while back but a whole blade center without any local disks is nice. These Dells even had RAID'd SD cards for installing a hypervisor onto so you don't have to SAN boot
Have you guys looked at Nutanix? It's some pretty slick shit.
The sad thing is...my boss didn't even know what a SAN was.
Very slick. But a tough sell
(my immediate boss, not the actual IT manager at least)
@ewwhite How's that?
Unrelated, I found out I can renew my car registration online ...yay for not having to leave work early because DMV closes at like 4
The people I work with would want to poke and probe and molest the Nutanix hardware.
@MarkHenderson 512Gb is cheap. 512GB is expensive.
@ewwhite oh god no. No touchy.
I'd love to see better storage. Our EMC has not been a slam dunk
I use compression in my ZFS storage. It works wonders. We don't use it at work... S lots of wasted space.
Holy crow. I just realised that Grumpy Bear is the Care Bears' #sysadmin. That explains a lot!
I know you'll appreciate that.
I came to this revelation when I was reading bedtime stories. Grumpy Bear fixes everything!
What would you guys charge to handle monthly patching and software updates for 7 companies with a total of 20-28 servers?
how much per month?
I'm going to offshore your duties, @mdmarra! (ungrateful Americans)
@ewwhite Good luck! Please advise!
@chopper3 knows what's up!
@MDMarra Are you asking what to charge to install WSUS 7 times?
@jscott no WSUS
manual patching
each environment is 3-4 servers
too small for WSUS
@MikeyB Grumpy Bear just wants to sleep
I would too if I'd been through the trials of Itchy Bear and Hungry Bear
No wait, hang on I'm thinking of Cranky Bear
Different character to Grumpy Bear
"had somehow become corrupted" so, either:
1. They delegated DNSSEC to an Intern, cause who cares about it anyway?
2. They got hacked, and "corruption" is so much better than admitting the truth.
hey, does having a negative score now auto-nominate questions for the close queue?
@MDMarra Depends on what needs to be tested after the install. Long story short someone I know had a consultant billing them for 4 hours every month for updates, then found out their 1 server was just set to do automatic updates and the consultant hadn't logged in for months. You don't want to be that guy. =]
@ChrisS hahaha!
no, you most certainly do not.
@ChrisS ha. This would be manually deploying app updates to one terminal server and doing windows updates to the rest. DCs, Exchange, file services, etc. no automation tools.
I'd guess about 1 hour per server per month on average.. Unless they're looking for T&E every time
abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2013/08/… <-- This is what happens when you ignore security and put a video device in your kid's bedroom.
Also, after the first video, second video, 1:10... yeah...
Oh. Oh wow. Do you happen to work in the produce industry? — MDMarra 43 secs ago
Attn: @ewwhite
@MDMarra Look at the first comment :P
Haha I know
@MDMarra I'm impressed that those clips delivered that much current for years
I'll just leave that here... Worth the 8 minutes I think.
eh, they need to let you comment for flags
@MDMarra $150 a server. Then hook them into a Lumension install, or save that money up for one so I could bag the $2k $3k per month with minimal fuss.
serverfault.com/a/531113/33193 <- I noticed the person always links to mightyinstaller and something else
@JourneymanGeek On other network sites?
I see that now.
Kill them in the face!!
gonna flag them too, but I actually figured someone could pop a second 'custom' flag, or a mod would see this ;p
@JourneymanGeek Do they have activity on SU as well?
@MarkHenderson: no, just SO and here.
@JourneymanGeek Hrm
If it was SU, I'd probably just use the talk to a mod room to get that person's petard hoisted.
Cos they have had other (since migrated) questions and whatnot on SF - this is the first mention of it that I've seen
On its own its just a poorly formatted answer
@MarkHenderson: I donno, it smelt funny, so I checked out her other account
It does smell funny
I might be wrong
She has provided no content of real value so probably no loss
(and I care less about accepted flag rate than getting spammers a nice hard kick to the rump ;p)
annoying thing is? Part of her answer that was copypasted isn't too bad
oh, what that copy/paste?
I don't usually check for that
yup, she DOES have a point about blowing away the data.
I didn't really mind the answer - it's a pity it was a spam account.
@FalconMomot: spent too long in acedemia ;p
@FalconMomot So wait for the answer to be deleted, and then write your own answer just barely changed from hers. =P
I was only ever a marker for first-year courses, and my school taught first year programming in a somewhat unusual way.
a side effect of which was that copied and pasted code really didn't fit and stood out like a sore thumb.
it wasn't necessary to proactively google things to detect cheating.
though I do recall an amusing incident from when I was in second year... one of us decided to try and outsource an assignment to rentacoder.com and someone notified the prof his assignment was posted up there verbatim. having no idea who did it, the prof put the posting up on the projector and claimed he knew exactly who it was and that they would experience the appropriate doom - the fool student turned himself in and begged for mercy later that afternoon.
@FalconMomot: You do remember the story about the hot burmese girl right?
@JourneymanGeek The one with the Jolly Rancher? =P
I think so yes
@Wesley: basically student visas here are conditional on passing. You also need to spend 3 hours a day in class, and we only have 2 days of class a week, so foreign students end up spending 3 hours a day in self study. There is a LOT of time. She submitted a unsanitised, copypasta from wikipedia for a group project
I have NO idea what she did on the individual
she didn't ask for help either... and I think she failed badly
@ewwhite I wasn't aware we were spamming. Or is it one of those linkedin "thse people are looking for YOU" things?

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