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@pauska Meth. Not even once.
Oh man, community did it to me again. >_<
So I'm producing an indie web series.
It's...an interesting process
@JoelESalas Whatsthatnow?
@WesleyDavid It's about robots and trans-humanism and shit
@JoelESalas No tentacles?
@WesleyDavid THAT'S what it's missing!
@JoelESalas so is this a graphic novel or some kind of audio drama or... ?
Are you an artist as well?
The things you hide from us!!
GRAHH!! To hell with puppet and its rubiness. >_<
Chef or GTFO of the kitchen.
@WesleyDavid It's a live-action feature-length tale told in 5-minute increments
@JoelESalas Ohhh, wow. Sounds awesome.
with bits of fluff and flavor mixed in, like commercials and news reports
When's the launch date do you think?
Sometime before the robot apocolypse, I hope? Because otherwise they'll think your web series was just a cheap reproduction rather than prophecy.
You're - your. Let's call the whole thing ur.
@WesleyDavid It should be launching in october
@JoelESalas Don't forget us little people. =(
@WesleyDavid I'm not sure that it'll amount to much, if we break even it'll be awesome
1 hour later…
any gun nuts on this evening?
@wfaulk Kinda maybe
okay, I have a weird query
I just bought this
Smith and Wesson
now I'm cocky
So shoot me maybe
I am interested in buying a gun for target shooting, but I really hate the NRA and all the right-wing gun-nut nonsense. Is there any gun I can buy that wouldn't be making me support that crap?
in other words, is there a left-wing arms manufacturer?
@wfaulk I really don't think that a choice in gun manufacturer is going to make a difference.
it's my conscience.
All manufacturers are interested in selling their products, so may or may not support gun freedom organizations.
if I can't find one, I just won't get one
But, I suppose you could choose a European company?
H&K perhaps?
There are some sweet Belgian arms manufacturers.
yeah, that's what I was thinking, too, but most of them have significant holdings/branches in the US
German arms perhaps?
The US, being one of the last places that arms are so free to own and use, is going to be a massive market so yeah, most gun manufacturers want to make it here.
The US Gov't has a program where you can buy M1 Garands, but you have to be a member of a gun club to get one
FN Herstal / Herstal group is a belgian manufacturer
Hrm. Is it still gov't owned or has it been privatized.
nope. sister company to Winchester and Browning
I'd say go HK. Very small in comparison, still private.
Beautiful weapons with excellent performance.
Yes, it has American offices and sells to US interests but... I don't know of anyone who doesn.t
Welllll, I should note that their rifles are rather paramilitary looking. Are you wanting just a nice wood stock rifle to plink with?
oh, I don't really care
You show up to a range with a SL8-6 and you'll get some attention. =)
thanks. I couldn't get through their flash wall
@wfaulk I know. Annoying. =/
There's Swiss Arms if you want to maintain neutrality! =)
Private owned by two guys I think
Small selection
but still very paramilitary visually
Here you go. Steyr. German, classic rifle styles: steyr-mannlicher.com/jagdwaffen/pro-varmint
22 straight shooter
Although now that I've seen that .45 HK rifle I am in serious want-mode.
"Pro Varmint". awesome
None of this amateur varmint shooting. I want the pro stuff!
Oh, awesome. They have a civilian Steyr AUG
I'll ask there
@wfaulk Well there ya' go! Awesome.
they even list four other sites
4 hours later…
3 hours later…
@WesleyDavid hurr durr, I flagged that with "Drugs is bad" before you said that :D
3 hours later…
Can we clean up the comment trail?
Q: Convert RAID-0 to RAID-1 on HP ML350G6 with P410i zero memory

JLeI have an HP ML350 G6 with a P410i zero memory RAID controller. As far as I can understand that means I can't expand a current single drive "RAID-0" configuration to a RAID-1 using the HP Offline ACU without installing memory and BBWC. Is that correct? What makes me think about this is the fact ...

@ewwhite any excuse eh ;)
Q: Raspberry Pi based Hadoop cluster

Dmitriy SukharevIs it at least possible to build Hadoop cluster from Raspberry Pi-based nodes? Can such a cluster meet hardware requirements of Hadoop? And if so, how much Raspberry Pi nodes are required to meet requirements? I understand that a cluster from several Raspberry Pi nodes being cheap is not powerfu...

Why don't they power it with hamsters while they're at it?
2 hours later…
It's For-Fuck's-Sake-Sunday - serverfault.com/q/405844/1435
@MikeyB great fun
1 hour later…
Is it wrong to be so offended by such laziness? serverfault.com/q/405857/1435
@Chopper3 It's the second time he asked the same question.
I know, hateful twat
him not you ;)
@Chopper3 none It took 9 mouse clicks as I copy+pasted the OPs Reddit open source
Exactly - thank you
can we just blow out his account? his language isn't remotely appropriate
and that's coming from ME
Q: Lightweight MTA, not postfix/exim/qmail

chmac Possible Duplicate: Looking for small, lightweight, MTA I'm looking for a lightweight MTA, along the lines of nullmailer / sSMTP / eSMTP / mSMTP, but with the added feature of listening on port 25 and accepting mail via SMTP. All mail is forwarded to Amazon SES for delivery, so this st...

Postfix is too hard :( Can I have something that I can apt-get on Ubuntu? I'm good at that
That Mohammed Shuheb, just sent me a physically threatening message - what a tool
@Chopper3 Is there any way for me to see what he wrote?
Maybe to the mods - for obvious reasons
@Chopper3 Was that the reddit guy?
He's just some punk kid:
shubzinator: @codinghorror You have some right dickheads on Stack Over Flow and Server Fault. Will not be visiting the sites ever again. (cc @spolsky) → Via Twitter, 1 hour ago
shubzinator: @codinghorror Boycotting StackOverFlow and ServerFault from now. Not significant enough, we'll see. → Via Twitter, 1 hour ago
We used to joke "I'm gonna go sit in my office and hold my breath until you fix my problem!" but this guy's saying it for real...
@Ward I don't know man, I'm worried about the boycott. What if "Stack Over Flow" goes out of business!
He wasn't even a registered user here or on SO
Hey all
@Iain mornin'
1 hour later…
@JoelESalas Poor Bart! He hasn't even started work yet, and @Chopper has done him out of a job!
Now he's having a go at Joel - what an idiot
eh ?
@Chopper3 Where?
via his twitter account
@shubzinator, BFD/NYC/LA
Techie, Web Designer, Programmer, Co-Own @MaxVideoGaming & @Tekkish | The web is my catwalk. #TeamFollowBack then #TeamUnfollow :-)
16.5k tweets, 84.6k followers, following 496 users
@spolsky All I wanted was some help, but some of your user shot me down and partly I think it was racial as childish as that sounds.
oh dear - what an arse
Links or it didn't happen
Good riddance
@MarkHenderson check the deleted comments too
Aww I'm missing fun in deleted comments :(
Bahaha thats classic shit
@MarkHenderson Brilliant.
could someone twitter a link of that to him,Joel and his followers so his world an see what game he's playing
Joel will find it if he's concerned about it
Or rather, the SE team will. I don't think that Joel is that involved in the day to day operations of the site
Why on earth would he think we're being racist? There's nothing in his content that indicates his race or skin colour
because he knows he's entirely in the wrong and has gone over the top - it's his attempt at a way out of a cul-de-sac
I dunno, he seems to think he's kind of a big deal. Not sure if he realizes how far out of whack with reality he is.
@shubzinator No, it's genuinely my fault for not doing enough to get rid of dickheads. Sorry.
But I'm not sure if he's calling the users dickheads, or that guy a dickhead...
In other news, I only saw my first HP Gen8 server in real life on the weekend. Damn they look good with their front panels attached
I might swap back to HP just for that sweet front cover
When I was making a decision about a new firewall, I went with Sonicwall just because it came in brushed aluminium. When you're comparing feature, price and license and you're running identically to your competitors, the better looking one wins
(much like life, really)
@Iain I've sent him a message; let's see how we go from here. I didn't mention his tweets or anything, decided to just keep it strictly on-topic about repetitious low-quality questions.
I did think about that earlier but thought he may have seen it as inflamatory given he'd already lost the plot
Well, the mod templates are all very level-headed and non-inflammitory. If you stick to them you can't really go wrong.
I meant getting a mod message of any description - he is spoiling for a fight
Well, he's not going to get one. But I can sort of see where he's coming from; he thought he was asking an appropriate question and all he got was shit from some very high rep users. He may be off the reservation as far as what he thinks is an OK question to ask, but being pissed off is possibly a valid emotion to have
@MarkHenderson he had already had the same question closed 2 days ago
Yeah, with no explanation there either why
I'm just saying, it takes two to tango
The blame can't lie 100% with him
99% maybe, but not 100%
@MarkHenderson That's pretty much my take. I call it "Godwin's 2nd Law".
@Adrian True, that was totally un-called for. Especially because I've no idea why he would think that we know what race/religion he is
But he didn't make that accusation on SF, he made that accusation on Twitter
If he'd made it on the site, then we could deal with it here
stupid netbook =/
for that matter, I'm sure I'd be considered a dickhead. Then again I get a little tired of lazy-ass people who won't expend the effort to think through a problem first before posting.
@MarkHenderson his original question was shunted here by SO, where it was closed NARQ he got the standard explanation
@Adrian Hah, that would be 99% of the questions :p
@Iain Which we all know nobody reads :p In fact his first question was borderline better than his 2nd question
@MarkHenderson Yup. IMHO, I think we see VERY FEW good new questions here. I'm generally perfectly happy reading through the old stuff to find what I need.
Also SO should never have migrated it. It was a shit question.
Are you sure they migrated it? I'm not seeing a migration notice on it...
I think they told him it would be better here and he cross-posted.
@MarkHenderson because we closed it NARQ it got sent back to them and the migration note is removed
Q: How to install Reddit Open Source on a web server

ShubzI have been playing around with the Reddit open source software and have been getting no where fast. I was wondering if anybody can instruct me on how to install the software on a web server. I know how to install normal php scripts etc, but I've never installed a software such as a python or ra...

@Iain Wow, I didn't know that. When did that start happening?
hmm fairly recently
Ah. I guess I have to quit this conversation now. That recommendation to take that question here is idiotic. And it's been make clear before that complaining about the cluelessness of SO is unappreciated.
Q: Allow diamond moderators to reverse question migrations?

DiagoIt has happened on occasion, due to the high amount of 10K moderators on SO that questions are migrated to the wrong site, and needs to be reversed. Although currently it is possible to re-open the question on the original site and delete the one on the destination site, it still leave the migrat...

but it's not limited to diamond mods
@Adrian Well they have their own set of problems. They have what, thousands of 10k users?
Hundreds at least
When we have an ecosystem as large as theirs, then we can start complaining about the few inept people that migrate
Really, we have very little to complain about here
@MarkHenderson Exactly. Not knowing much about the migration process, I hope that there IS a mechanism for 10Ks here to accept a migration before it gets dropped in on us, right?
@Adrian nope
automatic migrations for the benefit of an OP have ceased to be in any way useful
@Adrian Nope, migrations just come. But apparently now we can send them back, which I had no idea about
There's always been a stats page that we can see how many have come and gone and been accepted or rejected, but I think thats mod-only
they just cause pain and work on the receiving site - I think they should be stopped
@Iain Yeah, unannounced/unapproved migration is perhaps not so well-baked.
I pretty much won't migrate anything that the receiving site hasn't asked for
Honestly, I had assumed that an acceptance process existed. It's rather elementary.
I close them OT and leave a note saying where it may be on topic but to go check/search first
@Iain Same. Actually I'm seeing less and less migrations these days. I wonder if that's a trend or just a co-incidence
Srsly though, nobody has suggested an acceptance model for approving proposed migrations?
@Adrian Yeah, they probably have. Theres very few unique ideas that come through these days
Almost everything has been suggested before
@MarkHenderson there was a blog about it blog.stackoverflow.com/2012/03/…
@Iain Yeah, and knowing human nature, that blog post is about as effective in fixing the problem as Rodney King asking if we can all just get along during the LA Riots.
Huh; I remember skimming that post. Maybe I never read it in detail
I'd like to see voting left in place but instead of something being migrated it just gets closed OT with a note saying this may be on topic on $OtherSite - here's a link to similar questions on $OtherSite that you should peruse before asking there
It's not like it's difficult to copy+paste
@MarkHenderson And in reference to tending our own first, you do have a point. I got 6 upvotes today by posting how to use the freaking '-exec' option in GNU Find. sigh
@Adrian I'd upvote that because I've got no idea what you're talking about, thuis you must be right :P
@MarkHenderson Honestly, it's so damn elementary and basic that I'm a bit ashamed of the upvotes. I just posted it because womble's doesn't work in all cases.
@Adrian the question is most likely a dupe to but finding them is just too hard at times
@Iain Agreed.
@MarkHenderson I've had a poke at too
Gust Front. Wind just went from 3mph to 35mph. =0
@Adrian Elementary and basic to you perhaps. As a Windows admin I'm sure that every time I clunk around on a Linux box you'd laugh when I need to google the syntax to make ls strip formatting
@Iain I noticed, thanks. I'll continue cleaning them out today
Whew. No persons or things broken.
@MarkHenderson Perhaps. And I do have a tendency to overestimate the helpfulness of man pages for folks new to *nix. And the OP for that question did post a code snippet of what he was working on too, which I appreciated.
@Adrian I hate man. I go on anti-man rants fairly often because to absolute newbies they're often too over-the-head. Plus the first time someone told me how to use man I had to ask for help to figure out how to quit it
Of course, considering some of the things that I consider ridiculous that get upvoted around here, perhaps I'm the one out of touch.
@MarkHenderson Yeah. Not much in the way of UI in Vi.
And don't get me started on vi. I don't know why the *nix community still has such an attachment to it
I grew up on MS-DOS's edit and that was an easy simple to use program
Much like nano is. And yet when I see people suggesting the use of nano my god, unholy wars break out on some forums
"Why are you using Nano? Only pissweak nancy boys who cry into their mothers bosoms use nano. Use vi instead, it will make your cock 6" longer"
You know how I know? Because I know it best. FLAWLESS REASONING
@JoelESalas The only commands I know in vi are to press the insert key to type instead of overwriting, or starting to type without pressing insert and watching your screen go crazy because you're still in some weird operations mode, and esc :w!
@JoelESalas Actually thats good reasoning about why you should use it :P but not a good reason for why I should use it
:%s/Mark Henderson/Buttmad Nerd/g
On a much brighter note, I have a fscking spectacular sunburn. Rode 10 miles on the bicycle today and going hiking after dinner.
@Adrian slaps Adrian on the bare shoulder
@MarkHenderson Heh. 11 days in a resort town with the GF and her family. Surrounded by 10,000 fantastically fit people. I think the National Cycle-cross championship is in town this weekend too.
@MarkHenderson nano and its predecessors used to randomly insert newlines into text files. which is BAD
@wfaulk Yeah. Nano still does strange stuff to some of the .ini files when my Devs work on them.
I still trip up on the name change and call it pico now and then.
Well then it sounds to me like someone needs to port edit to Linux
well, they are two different pieces of software
(Well, they probably have)
@MarkHenderson You're right, we just had a lot of shit questions this weekend - he was being lazy but I did overdo it - not remotely racist though, and no need for his to send threatening tweets either
@Chopper3 No of course not, nothing racist about it at all
Anyway we all know you hate Polish people the most
@MarkHenderson there are a huge variety of editors for unix. probably at least as many as for windows
@Chopper3 Howdy @Chopper3. Like I mentioned earlier, racism is the last refuge of the incompetent. I consider its use as a form of modified Godwin invocation.
I love tomtom, seriously - very entertaining
for an admin, though, knowing vi should be a basic skillset, because it's guaranteed to be there, as it's part of the unix spec
@Chopper3 I do too. Don't know why so many people hate on him. Although I liked him better when I thoguht he was a redneck who went on SF after drinking
I love the idea that a guy whose last comment on the site was homophobic would write to Joel complaining about there being dickheads
@MarkHenderson I kinda feel for him. I been there and quit the last job when I got that way myself.
@Chopper3 Hehe because most people don't know
I didn't know until about hmmm, two years ago? When I was watching some talk he did and he mentioned his boyfriend
Because he had to explain to his Mum that "Yes Mum, he is Jewish"
It's not like you would know by reading his books or following him on twitter. Nor should it matter.
hey guys, remember that dust incident in my server room?
where I said "the only thing missing now is a water leak"
@pauska Yay. I'd love an update on that.
Maybe after years of living in London and NYC I might have developed good 'gaydar' but I knew literally from the first time I heard him on the podcast, before SO was even up and running
guess what I've been cleaning up for the last 4 hours...
@pauska oh shit :(
@pauska dusty water? wet dust?
@Chopper3 Haha ok possibly. I didn't think he had the the real feminine way that makes it really obvious
@Chopper3 Wet dust, otherwise known as mud...
@Chopper3 well, all the equipment is cleaned, but the room was not (yet)
@MarkHenderson your mileage may vary but I can hear it
@pauska Is your server room in a coal mine?
I just ... what the fuck have I done to deserve this kind of bad luck
@pauska God knows what goes on in your mind...
And we all know what goes on with your sock
So I think thats your answer there, kitten killer
'night gents
Cya @Chopper3
@MarkHenderson I figured it out double-quick. He uses the term "honey" to refer to other people
@JoelESalas Huh. Ok, maybe my gaydar is just very tolerant :p
I never heard him call anyone honey though
@MarkHenderson I've read almost his entire corpus of work
He does it a few times
@JoelESalas Same. Never picked up on it. Oh well.
@MarkHenderson I live in LA. Duck typing works well in big cities
Ok so I had to look up Duck typing
But I recognise the quote :p
My boss learned a lesson in using slurs one day. He was fetching coffees and our intern asked for a Latte. To which my boss replies "Latte? Fuck thats a gay drink. Pretty damn gay. You sure you still want a Latte?" to which I had to catch him in the corridore and say "Uhh, you know he is gay, right?"
I wish I'd got a photo of his face when I told him
@wfaulk yeah. Sorry trying to type in here and do real work at the same time, getting distracted :p
also, is this close enough to EDIT.EXE for you? en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=LE_%28text_editor%29
I guess it's Monday there. I lost track of the days of the week awhile ago.
@Adrian Yep, thats the great thing about holidays. "What day is it?" "I dunno. our flight out is on the 23rd" "Uhh so today is the 25th..."
@wfaulk Sweet, looks pretty good to me :p
@MarkHenderson We were joking about that earlier today. The amazing number of folks that come here for a week or two to ski and never leave.
Sun Valley is a resort city in Blaine County in the central part of the U.S. state of Idaho, adjacent to the city of Ketchum, situated within the greater Wood River valley. The population was 1,406 at the 2010 census, down from 1,427 in 2000. The elevation of Sun Valley (at the Lodge) is above sea level. The area is served by Friedman Memorial Airport in Hailey, approximately south. Visitors to Sun Valley are relatively close to the Sawtooth National Recreation Area, accessed over Galena Summit on Highway 75, the Sawtooth Scenic Byway. Tourists from around the world enjoy its skiing, ...
"approximately south"?
@ShaneMadden Markdown failure. It's fine on the real page.
@Adrian Indeed. That's a strange bit of text for it to skip.
approximately {{convert|15|mi|km|0}} south

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