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Someone needs to cluebat this user
A: IIS 7.5 Globe with Question Mark Icon

MDMarraHave you also enabled FTP on the same site? If so, then this is a known bug and can safely be ignored.

Look at the comments on my answer
He's an idiot. Don't take it personally.
@Adrian Still around? Let's have a pint
This Thor movie is actually pretty amusing
Heh, now he's deleted his own post
@MDMarra WTF? How do you find these people?
I have a gift, I guess.
Seriously, that's a well-known common bug. Sorry it didn't apply to your situation but I'm not deleting the answer so you can pad your accept rate, lol.
@MDMarra Damn self-deletionists!
The best thing about UDP jokes is that I don’t care if you get them or not.
@MichaelHampton The best thing about UDP jokes is
You got it.
@joelesalas you 'round? Just got done hedge trimming but I can do tomorrow night.
Hmm, got that wrong. @joel-e-salas ... ^^^^
Stupid iPrecious.
Hates it some days.
Should have gotten an Android.
Had a Droid v1. Couldn't afford the new ones so bought refurb 4S for half as much
Wow, I hope you get $1200/y of use out of that phone...
$1200/y? Where did that calculation come from? I'm low on caffeine right now...
Oh yeah. Couldn't live w/o some of these apps
OneBusAway rocks big time
OneBusAway has an official Android client. It supposedly has even more features than the iOS client.
Yes, it does. I miss arrival notifications. I'm overall happy with my iPrecious, but miss my v1's hardware keyboard
You couldn't get a nice refurb Droid 4?
Nope. Only Apple products refurb
@voretaq7 that's 'cause bubble tea is THE BEST.
Can we close this please?
Q: Why are Linux-based operating systems considered safer than Windows?

echoblazeI hear that Linux-based systems are better for security. Apparently they don't have viruses and do not need antivirus software. Even my university claims this - they refuse to have Windows on their servers, which is a real shame because we wanted to use the .NET framework to create some websites....

@Adrian does hedge trimming actually refer to.plants
Also I'm having a hard time finding what's fun in Seattle
@JoelESalas Yes, in fact, it does. =)
@JoelESalas Yeah, not a lot of night life in Seattle, let alone there on the Eastside.
It's quite a bit tougher to find than in most cities. the live music here has always been awesome.
Ballard & Fremont are well-known neighborhoods for fun.
Especially Fremont.
We headed directly into seattle, there's a lot of hipsters and bums at the waterfront
@Adrian let's do Fremont this week then
@JoelESalas Yeah, that sounds good. I can do tomorrow or Thursday.
I get the kids this weekend.
Thinking maybe White Rabbit in Fremont on 36th Street
o0 serverfault.com/questions/436628/… is this a single config file, or a bunch thats been pasted in?
@Aarthi the key to enjoying bubble tea is either (a) not knowing what it's made of, or (b) being able to suppress that knowledge in favor of tasty cognitive dissonance.
pretty sure i live in happy happy world A
though i think i used to have tapioca chips as a child
@JourneymanGeek wow. Left a comment asking her to make that comprehensible
@Aarthi WTF are you still doing awake?
it's only midnight
(I have an excuse - I have checkride anxiety and am obsessively reading the practical test standards while watching horror movies :-P)
@Aarthi: eheh. Thats one of the things I LOVE about going back to india
@StackExchange :gigglesnort:
@voretaq7 Can we close that 'Why is Linux better' question above? It's clearly OT and likely to be an attractive nuisance.
@Adrian Bleh.
Closed and hysterically locked.
I have the joy of fielding 4 wrong numbers on the on-call phone in the past 10 minutes.
@Adrian Fire 4 people.
@voretaq7 I can't fire anyone let alone non-employees.
You most certainly can
hopefully some of you are as excited about this as i am:
@Aarthi: I haven't read either of them ;p
@Aarthi hmmm
I suppose I should read the first one first eh?
@JourneymanGeek T___T
you're all breaking my heart
@Aarthi: god, so much stuff, so little time
You're on the community team
you have no heart.
@JourneymanGeek what. i read three books a week
I'm currently working my way through dresden files and I think two online courses and school ;p
@voretaq7 i am all heart, thank you.
@JourneymanGeek fine be busy :P
heck, my rep is suffering for it ;p
Why do modern horror movies SUCK SO MUCH?
sigh, it's mostly torture porn, no time spent making us care about the hero(ine) so that their death/terror becomes ours
ProTip: Gore != Scary. Unless it's Al Gore - that's a creepy android right there.
I mean you're talking to a guy who grew up in the era of the 3D first-person shooter. We were knifing dogs in Wolfenstein and gibbing eachother in Quake...
(if violent video games had affected my generation I'd be looking for a chainsaw in the hallway behind me rather than hacking you to death with this machete!)
A friend is starting a kickstarter project. I just saw the video they'll upload. The intro slides are in Comic Sans. They're going to get fucked with a rake.
@WesleyDavid ...better you do it than the internets. You can borrow my rake.
well on those cheery notes
goodnight everyone :)
@WesleyDavid: comics sans? That is too good for them
Ignoble Death number 287: Death by sodomy with a garden weasel
@voretaq7 No, no. I've already been the downer on their project. I've poked holes in it, tried to gently steer them away from it, and generally been a PITA for them. They persist in their strange ways.
There's only one class of people who have an excuse to use comics sans.
@Aarthi sure, run out before we can organize a proper quake tournament!
@JourneymanGeek comic artists?
dyslexics who don't know better
At this point, Comic Sans in the video is like pissing on the ashes of a burned corpse, so may the farce be with them and I hope they enjoy the honeymoon in Insanity Wolf's garden shed.
Strange like Comic Sans?
Friends don't let friends use Comic Sans!

Hell, friends don't let their ENEMIES use Comic Sans :P
(its 'easy to read'. Assuming you didn't choose a fat bottomed font, which is the new 'cool' dyslexic font design, or done the sensible thing and found one of the many wonderful monospaced sans fonts out there these says)
is Comic Sans really easier for dyslexics to read?
I like Comic Sans.
@voretaq7 Yes, it is. Thus why I like it.
@voretaq7: I can see why. Firstly characters are distinct, and its sans serif
@WesleyDavid your opinion doesn't count. You're a cat(head). Cats have notoriously poor taste in typography!
When you see it, it's like... I don't know... words just click. It's like everything comes into focus and it's easier to assimilate written word.
On the other hand, there's a lot of great coding fonts that work better
There's actually an alternative for dyslexics. Can't remember the name.
I currently use source code pro for big text
@JourneymanGeek are {l,I,1} and {o,O,0} distinct in Comic sans?
@WesleyDavid: I hope its not read regular
fricking idiotic font that you can't actually buy.
@voretaq7: no Idea, I don't use comic sans ;p
@JourneymanGeek any font where those two character sets are not distinct is Satan's work and must be abolished. I'm lookin' at YOU, Helvetica!
oh my sweet satan there's a movie called "Poltergay"
@voretaq7 Don't you mean, helfuckingvetica?
I almost want to watch it
@WesleyDavid that font is not worthy of a middle name.
@voretaq7 Yeah, youporn is a helluva site.
@WesleyDavid not on youporn
Actually, did you know that the best estimates put YouPorn at consuming 2% of the entire globe's available bandwidth each day?
@voretaq7 YouJizz then.
Poltergay: When Marc and Emma move into their new house, they have no idea that in the 1970s, their basement was a gay nightclub which had been destroyed by fire and that the house itself is now haunted by the ghosts of five gay and mischievous clubbers. Marc can see them. Emma can't.
In the end, Marc's visions cause Emma to walk out on him. Touched by the poor guy's distress, the ghosts decide to help him win Emma back. In return, Marc frees them from the house and helps them to discover the 21st century fever!
these are what I use
. . . kr33py?
well, not source code black, I go with source code semi-bold
@JourneymanGeek I don't see any "I"s but your Ls 1s and 0s are proper.
Why would you leave someone for being able to communicate with dead gay men?
That makes no sense.
Sounds like marriage material right there.
@JourneymanGeek And yes, bottom weighted fonts don't help me, which is weird.
Maybe she doesn't want a makeover - maybe she's HAPPY wearing plaid, jeans, and work boots!
But then again, as a certain lizard-lover pointed out, I'm a cat(head) so all bets are off.
Oh hey, I've got a paid invoice check sitting here I forgot about! MONIES!!
"gangs of the dead"? Really? REALLY really?
@WesleyDavid I can has moneys?
Fortunately, I can cash checks through Chase on mah iPhone.
@voretaq7 I need my moniez - not enough good paying clients yet. Been kinda lean for a while. =/
Haven't been able to track down those mythical clients that thrown $2000 a month at a managed server. Seems like the most unethical people have a nose for sniffing clients like that out, but that's another conversation... =/
@WesleyDavid Grounded from wet food?
@voretaq7 This Time&Money work suxors.
Unless you're like @ewwhite that manages to find people who can pay his invoices when he leaves the timer running for progress bars. I aspire to be like Edmund when I get my big whiskers.
@WesleyDavid Just provide good service... and pick the damn phone up when they call!
@ewwhite I do both. =[
@voretaq7 @WesleyDavid That should be better i.sstatic.net/zQNCh.png
@WesleyDavid You need to do either more of it or less of it...
@JourneymanGeek Only one I can read without effort is Comic Sans.
@WesleyDavid: god, that must be pretty horrible
@voretaq7 I need to get out and about amongst better businesses. I keep getting my name around in the startup (non-VC backed) crowd, or non profits that take the term "non profit" way too literally.
So I'm planning a November campaign of getting into local businesses in the Scottsdale area where there's money.
Calibri is unacceptable.
Comic Sans is barely acceptable (O and 0 are easily confused)
Source Code Pro is acceptable
Courier is barely acceptable (O and 0 are easily confused)
@voretaq7: calibri is only there cause its MS's standard font of choice on office ;p
I PROBABLY should have replaced it with Arial
Calibri and Courier are common MS defaults
Courier was the old standard for code dumps
it's been replaced since
and on that note it's 0100 time for me to sign off
@JourneymanGeek it varies
I use Andale Mono
some people use Source Code Pro
Hmm, I should probably give source sans a shot too
>McGettigan said prosecutors have been “more than diligent” while dealing
with large amounts of complex information. She said materials, including
eight terabytes of data on the hard drive, were delivered to Lilley’s
office on three occasions.

Either somebody has a nice lead on tech, the prosecutor is full of shit, or the newspaper can't quote.
Somehow I think its the last
"It's 8 terabytes of zeroes. We used LZMA"
... come to think of it, if I ever end up in a place where I think a computer might be seized, I'm going to have to put an 8 terabyte sparse file on it just to see what the hell happens.
@JeffFerland: actually there was someone who suggested a massive recursive zip file somewhere...
A zip bomb, also known as a Zip of Death or decompression bomb, is a malicious archive file designed to crash or render useless the program or system reading it. It is often employed to disable antivirus software to create an opening for more traditional viruses. Rather than hijacking the normal operation of the program, a zip bomb allows the program to work as intended, but the archive is carefully crafted so that unpacking it (e.g. by a virus scanner in order to scan for viruses) requires inordinate amounts of time, disk space or memory. A zip bomb is usually a small file (up to a few h...
@JourneymanGeek Is that anything like a Jägerbomb?
Yeah, its very likely you will wake up with a headache, burst blood vessels, and a odd feeling you really shouldn't have done that.
Or more like a Jägertrain that doesn't stop until both you and your PC are passed out in pools of your own body fluids.
@voretaq7 In your bartendering experience, did you deal much with the Jägerbomb crowd?
Or were you in a more civilized spirit house. =P
yawn G'night m'loves.
@WesleyDavid I'd never heard of Kickstarter before today, then I came across this BS project in a question on bikes.SE
In addition to being completely clueless about physics, if that picture of a mold (with the plywood box around it) is the best they can do, well, my 8-year-old could make better tooling than that.
Added new IPv6 route to interface. Got kicked off my IPv6 connection.
Went to delete the default route this action added. Accidentally deleted the IPv4 default route.
@Ward Some awesome things have come off that site. Funding for Hacker Dojo, for a cool wireless watch you can program, etc. That bicycle thing... well, invention doesn't always work out.
Our new SAN is losing a disk every two months.. they don't make em like they used to!
1 hour later…
@pauska Wah? 0.o How many disks in total?
@pauska what speed?
@pauska do you see a reason displayed when you need to swap a disk?
usually EMC devices just tell you disk# on enclosure # failed, right?
i would look into the logs to see why the array wants that disk removed
also if the disks that fail are from the same manufacturer/firmware levels/batch.
@Chopper3 10k 600GB disks so far.. 3 of them have died
@pfo well first I get about 700 e-mails with alerts about soft errors, and then it just faults, disconnect the disk and then rebuilds the hot spare
they're all from the same manufacturer, but EMC promised that these were not from one batch
@Iain Bike has been incredibly low maintenance. Still runs smoothly and I've pretty much lost that initial brake chatter.
Though there is an irritating pinking/creaking sound from the frame when going over rougher ground that I haven't been able to pinpoint.
@pauska Out of how many?
@Chopper3 20
@pauska Just asked someone to pull up some stats - between Aug'11 and Aug'12 we saw a failure/pre-failure rate on 15k 3.5" of 2.2% of 3,774 disks, 15k 2.5" 3.1% of 37,890 disks, 10k 3.5" is 2.1% of 1,966 disks, 10k 2.5" is 3.7% of 14,984 disks and an amazing 4.1% of 7.2k 3.5" 3,124 disks - we use very few 7.2k 2.5" disks
they're over that 12mo period
@Chopper3 that's well below the figures I'm experiencing here, but I could just be unlucky with a batch.. or the fact that this equipment got concrete dust..
most of that was a cut'n'paste I have to add, a nice man called Umang got the rest :)
Anyone looking for a cheapo NVidia GTX 555 by the way?
@Ward That whole thing is just the biggest fail...
1 hour later…
posted on October 10, 2012 by Wesley David

A reader of my blog who shall be named C.D. sent me his RHCSA study notes. C.D. will be taking the EX200 exam here in a few days, and thus didn’t officially join the 2012 Red Hat Study Buddy group, however he wanted to share his rapid-fire study guide for others to benefit from. The study notes are in capsule form and follow C.D.’s understanding of the Ex200 objectives. They can be


Crap question but worst fucking answer ever
Q: How to Deploy a WAR file in Apache Using Xampp

Shaikh FarooqueHow to deploy the WAR file on Xampp?

especially when, IIRC he should be using tomcat
I beat the crap out of @MDMarra this morning
@Iain, you around? The user's comment on this SO question, would it be better to do what he suggests? Or should it be left on SO?
@tombull89 Ok, so this is cross posting. But wouldn't it be best to migrate and then close as duplicate? — f_puras 11 mins ago
I held my tongue about "SO not migrating crap..."
@tombull89 I answered him
@Chopper3 Okaa
@Dan Maube he means wireless router.
I don't know what other wireless devices there would be...
@tombull89 Almost certainly, but I was feeling picky
Oh, god, he's the guy that was having credit card numbers logged in IIS's Logs.
Actually, having read it for the tenth time, does he just mean he wants to use, say, a laptop to detect other wireless clients in range rather than see what's connected to a specific AP
@tombull89 Ooh, simply a/mazing/
thanks SO, thanks - serverfault.com/q/436794/1435
We need a "Migrate to Yahoo Answers" option
I organised a Counter Strike 1.6 game for tonight
And now I'm going to be in a hotel with either crappy hotel wireless (in fact, I'm not even sure they have any) or 3G if I have signal. I guess it's going to be more like the old days than I hoped for
@Basil That question wasn't trolling, it was just shit.
Wow. Server Fault really is mean. Some poor guy wanted to tell us about what he was doing on Hyper-V, because he was proud of himself, and you guys had to close it out of meanness. :(

I bet you tell little kids that there's no Santa Claus either, don't you?
if he did exist he's dead now
@Chopper3 Maybe. All I know is it's not Santa's body decomposing in my chimney, so we'll never know for sure.
WTF, his edit made it even worse?
@Dan Achievement Unlocked - Unedit. Make an question edit that makes the question worse.
@Dan oh. god. why.
@tombull89 If I respond I'll feel like I'm trolling him, but what the hell
@Dan do it. my mind is still of fuck trying to comprehend what he's on about.
What's that nice page on how to ask a real question based on what you want the end result to be
@MichaelHampton I'm not sure he's asking what you think he's asking
Unless his wording and understanding is seriously that bad
His wording and understanding are clearly that bad.
@MichaelHampton Have you seen the edit history?!
Yes, i read the edit history. That's what gave me the idea.
I think he might even be after how to detect if someone plugged a wireless USB dongle into the server. Or he might be after how to detect if a machine connects to it via wireless, I really don't know.
@tombull89 I thought the former after his last edit
Closed now, I kind of wanted it to go the distance
@Dan I think you might be the only one. I kind of wanted to make it more confusing by asking if he was talking about connecting wireless devices to his servers wirelessly or with a wire of some sort.
@Dan I think he's under the impression that wireless "just works" without special hardware. So someone could park in front of his house/business and wirelessly "hack" his server through a "wireless modem". Given his terminology I think we can assume a lack of practical knowledge; combine that with Hollywood style computer capabilities, and you can see where he's gone wrong.
@ChrisS You could well be on to something ther
@ChrisS that is an interesting attack vector. i used to have a 3G wireless router that had an option to present itself as a simple USB ethernet adapter. no drivers needed.
@longneck If I had access to a server I'd rather just plug my phone into it, boot a "friendly" OS and start copying data... That or just take the whole darn thing.
@ChrisS I know someone who had one of their RAID1 disks ripped out in a snatch and run
Sounds reasonable if I didn't want to disrupt their operations.
@longneck That's exactly why I infect all my servers with lots of nasty viruses, trojans and rootkits. Anyone connects to one of my servers to hack it, and their system gets ruined.
@HopelessN00b oh man, that's genius. I'll be implementing that everywhere from now on
Anyone got anything good/bad to say about TrippLite UPS gear?
@Dan Feel free. Just make sure you call it what it is: security the DevOPS way.
@SmallClanger their management software and automatic shutdown stuff is written in java
Anyone got one of NVidia's 6xx series GPUs yet?
but as far as the physical stuff, i've had no problems with the 6 or so server room grade devices i've used.
@Chopper3 Not yet, but probably soon, since my 550 crashed out for overheating 4 times last night... :/
@HopelessN00b looking for a cheapo 555?
@Chopper3 Yep - Picked up the GT640 for my new home gaming PC. Top of the GT line, $90. Nice card!
@longneck Thanks. Good to know. (I ordered an PAC, but the supplier has cocked it up and it won't be on site in time. They're offering me a like-for-like TrippLite at a fair discount)
@Chopper3 Nah, let me pull up the one I'm getting next...
@MikeyB happy then yeah? looking at going from a 555 to a 660ti
GeForce 5700 FTW!
Okay, I have clarification on my DNS project.
Running a load balancer (software) in order to build an HA DNS setup.
with a virtual IP.
@Chopper3 Well, stupid work webfilter. A GTX680, for 4 27" IPS monitors at once.
Does this make sense?
@Chopper3 Should be plenty of GPU. Previous card on previous system was GeForce 7600 GS (which sucked in comparison to the ONBOARD VIDEO ON THE i5-2600 CPU). I plugged a GTX580 from work into it and tried that for shits and giggles, but didn't want to spend $500 on the card. Didn't run any benchmarks but the WEI on the 2GB GT640 was 7.1 compared to 7.9+ on the GTX580. The GT640 is quite happy to run stuff like D3 and Deus Ex at 1080p@60Hz, very happy with it.
power hungry though
Maybe @chopper3 can help me.
I'm being asked to do something slightly odd... and I want some other opinions.
ok, go ahead

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