You know the box on completed elections that says "x users visited the site during the election and y voted"? That box is also visible on ongoing elections, but only to site mods.
This is the first time I've been a mod during an election on my mod site too.
I did know that box is visible to mods in ongoing elections, but I didn't know that comments on nominations are mod-deletable. (Maybe they even weren't before the recent updates that made them upvotable/flaggable.)
I wouldn't be surprised if I'm a mod during an election sometime in the foreseeable future (like months or even a year or two) but it also might not happen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
alright so for anyone who is interested, this shows a (mostly) live count of how many people have voted (by badge counting) - it'll cache and refuse to update more than once a minute
@cairdcoinheringaahing i just look at the weekly election schedule update in TL and mention anything notable / remember when a notable election starts, and an SFF election is definitely quite notable :D
There used to be a page you could visit, I think... And ArtOfCode used to have a page he hosted that had elections but I don't think he's been keeping it up for a while.
@Randal'Thor I don't think it did. It's one of the moderation badges, right? Those are still at 6/8, with [Civic Duty, Cleanup, Deputy, Electorate, Marshal, Reviewer].
Most of the reasons we stopped holding elections was less because no one was nominating and more because of other factors, such as waiting on the new mod agreement.
We thought it would be done in January - hahahahahaha - I think we finally put it out in... August?
Hmm, I wonder if there's any way to see the distribution of votes over time in past elections. Like how many were on the first day, second day, and so on. Apart from painstakingly going through the Constituent badge list ... maybe someone knows how to automate that process and produce a nice graph.
@Catija Oh right, there's probably quite a number of people who voted in the last SFF election but later deleted their accounts. Not just the two ex-mods that everyone knows about, there were a bunch of lower-rep users at the end of that election, and I remember a few highish-rep users who've quit in the last five years.
I... don't know. The file you download is not static, though, so if you download the CSV with the votes and it's the same, then the number isn't static, either.
@Skooba Nice! :D I haven't gone out since we had kids (oldest is only four) but I'm really hoping to get back to diving at some point. It was really nice.
I remember someone was doing that for an SO election's primary, tracking the number of votes for each candidate hour by hour through the primary phase and putting them all on a graph.
I wonder if there's a way to assign dates as the first day of the election and then through the 8th (9th?) day and then stack the elections on top of each other.
And for some reason 2012 is only showing one day. (Was the Constituent badge only created later and they were all awarded at once, or did everyone really vote in the first day?)
Why is pizza on pineapple "radical". I tend to throw things like broccoli in that category, not a legitimate pizza topping that most (American-style) pizzerias consider "normal". :P
Unfortunately, pineapple doesn't do great if it cooks too long, which means using a pizza with crust would probably cause the pineapple slice to fall apart before the dough ever cooked through.
@Catija I believe at least a semi-famous person tweeted a picture of a peas and mayo pizza and it spawned the meme saying "pineapple and non-pineapple eaters we have a common enemy"
@cairdcoinheringaahing only because its competitor is Miracle Whip
my wife is a veggie. We don’t have it too bad but a lot of the food is just the same stuff with a tiny spin on it so she gets bored of what to eat a lot
Just popping in to say that I've voted in a lot of Stack Exchange elections, and this is one of the most solid slates of experienced candidates I can recall seeing in a very long while. Congrats!