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4 hours later…
I wonder if the "Tap House" got their new tap system... I'll have to check after work.
:poor attempt at conversation:
:idles also:
I posted B.SE to reddit.com/r/beer, but didn't get too much love. :(
Eh, we'll catch on eventually. :)
Perhaps... I'm actually kind of skeptical
We're doing alright according to the metrics here: area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/48905/beer
We need to up our answer ratio, users, and visits.
Public betas used to be 90 days, so we have plenty of time.
Users and visits will go up on their own. Answer ratios are the only thing that might not.
I feel kind of useless here, actually. I don't know a ton about beer. And I'm not even sure what to ask. Nothing feels like a good question to me.
Of course, maybe that's because I come from StackOverflow
I have a bit of experience, since I was quite active on programmers.SE and a little active on homebrewers.
A lot of questions you can answer just by googling.
Hell, I answered the shandy question mostly from wikipedia.
lol, nice
Opinion question: what combination of "germany", "german-beer", and "german" should be separate tags?
I'd probably suggest that the last two should be combined, and the first one is okay on its own.
Given that this is a beer site, "german beer" is probably redundant.
And keeping "German" separate from "Germany" addresses the difference between the styles of beer and the culture of beer in Germany.
Man, I'm getting hungry. But the place I want to go doesn't open for another 17 minutes.
I'll be back on tomorrow, most likely. Now for dinner.
Had some delicious indian for lumch.

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