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power & control over the massas. That flies in the face of Jesus' teaching, which was to be for everyone not just Cc hierarchy. Again, Apostolic Succession isn't Biblical. It was inserted by the Cc to give it appearance of having God's authority, thus the term "holy" orders & "infalliblity" on the throne claims. Whether its obvious to you, its always been about Cc authority not about making sure their claims are Biblical -its why they are so far away from whats Biblical.
@BruceAlderman : 1 of the big mistakes made by many, putting too much emphasis on what others said & did after Jesus & His Apostles were gone, where the Bible is warning us that the correct path has been preserved in the Bible but you need Jesus to guide you, which is why I said 240 yrs from Peter to the CC -Peter is an Aposle & Bible writer, while most of the others you mention were not. Sadly, many are too willing to read things about the Bible, while spend much less to no time at all
studying the Bible (Ecc 12:12 refers to the study of things not in the Bible if you understand God's 1 true Biblical message). Again, the word Catholic isn't a correct Biblical term nor is it in the Bible.
15 hours later…
@user9712 Neither is Trinity.
Catholic means universal. That has two sides: 1) That it is for everybody and 2) that unity is vital to the Church's survival. Both are very well supported by Scripture.
Likewise, the Trinity can be well supported too, but there are verses that are more difficult to explain.
@user9712 The gospels were not written before the Corinthian Epistle. They came a few decades later. Quoting that verse in the context that you are demands that we abandon all four gospels, Acts, Revelation, and a few of the other Epistles.
@user9712 What day do you honor as Sabbath?
@svidgen And don't forget to mention that we're pretty sure we have no originals at all. So much so with some books, we are't sure of the author (Hebrews) or even the original language (Matthew).
@user9712 Even "Word for word" translations have problems:
Q: Is there an issue with translating the word "worshiped" in Matthew 14:33?

fredsbendMatthew 14:32-33 reads: 32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.” I have recently been told that there is an issue with the word that is translated "worshiped." The person claims that...

Do you realize that nearly every other word can be translated a little to drastically differently and that scholars have pages of debate with each other over which word should be used?
@user9712 It was because before Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press a full Bible was nearly a year's wages in value! A book that big was very very valuable simply because of the scribal work involved in putting it together.

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