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@CodeGolfStackExchange this is a certified inbox message
@CodeGolfStackExchange so is this
@CodeGolfStackExchange and this ;p
6 hours later…
@lyxal The certified message sender.
Current unread inbox message record: 40.
Current inbox messages unread as of now: 23.
2 hours later…
Current inbox messages unread as of now: 26.
2 hours later…
Current inbox messages unread as of now: 27.
Storing it here so I can update it.
Would you like some more?
Some more what?
Simple challenges?
Some more inbox messages
Yes, but please don't spam.
I can give you inbox messages in exchange for nothing if that so pleases you
Right then
I'll start next time you leave the room
They don't count as notifications if you are in the room
In the mean time
What challenge are you working on now?
@CodeGolfStackExchange very good
@CodeGolfStackExchange what even is that font?
The font for the reputation count
@CodeGolfStackExchange this should get it up to 30
@CodeGolfStackExchange dang, that's a lot of messages
No wait
You'll be on 33 right now
@CodeGolfStackExchange since you asked me not to spam, I'll leave my contributions here for now
@CodeGolfStackExchange ping you soon!
Current unread inbox messages as of now: 34.
@CodeGolfStackExchange only 34?
@CodeGolfStackExchange pathetic
That means I haven't done my job
Current unread inbox messages as of now: 37.
@lyxal While you're doing fine, would you like to be an RO?
@CodeGolfStackExchange no reason why not
Congrats with the high-promotion.
Thank you
@CodeGolfStackExchange I won't let you down
Yeah, I'm not doing this anymore. Too hard for me to make. :(

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